
The Villain Professor's Second Chance

Draven is a magic professor in a fantasy world. He is also an earl, notorious for his evil deeds and mistakes since youth. His downfall is due to a curse that hinders his intellectual potential and his talents. Eventually, he becomes a villain, losing everything he holds dear: his siblings, fiancée, house, domain, and more. After a miserable death, he reincarnates in the modern world as Dravis Granger. In his new life, he grows up to be a highly intellectual individual oblivious towards his previous life, becoming a young professor in mechanical engineering and a researcher. However, he harbors a strange obsession with creating a game, fueled by vivid imaginings of another world. This obsession leads him to develop a game that mirrors his previous life. Upon completing his virtual reality world, he regains his past memories. Overwhelmed by intense emotions—rage, sadness, and the realization of his past ugliness—he suffers a fatal heart attack. In his final moments, he hears a voice, seemingly from the world itself, offering him a chance to return to his original fantasy world. However, he would only retain the memories of his modern life, not those of his first life’s mistakes. He agrees and is reincarnated once more, this time with the knowledge of a modern mechanical engineering professor. But one thing about the Dravis Granger, he's not just a mechanical engineer professor. Not just a straight, killer genius professor. He has his ideals, and the world is too full of villains for his great idealism. So he strived, with his great mind, he became a mastermind. But not as a villain, but as a person who has lost hope in police and justice, and decided to help the people by his own hand. Collecting victims and invited those handpicked talents to his side, making several insane stunts, assassinating, trapping, and eradicating the scums from the world. But now in this fantasy world, he has to survive from multiple factions trying to kill him, protect his domain, protect his siblings, protect his fiance, and the most important thing. Protect the world. But he hadn't lost the Dravis from the modern world. As a professor at the morning, an earl at the afternoon, and a dark knight at the night. _____________________________ "You've hurt my student." Draven stands still, no mana seems to emit from him, but just a single frown. A frown that is enough to make the room's heavy. "As a teacher, you think I would leave you unpunished?" "You seem to think that I care about your position, Prince Hermit. But believe me," Draven took a slow step. "Not even your father could protect you from me," _____________________________ One of the King of Kings Series

Arkalphaze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

The Start of Rivalry

Several days passed since the incident with Amberine, and I found myself entrenched in my daily routine at the Magic Tower University. The constant hum of magical energy surrounded me, a reminder of the power and knowledge that resided within these ancient walls. As I sat in my office, the soft glow of my pens illuminating the dim room, the door creaked open, and Yuli entered, carrying a stack of papers and a newspaper. Her timid presence was almost a comfort in its consistency.

"Good morning, Senior Professor," she said quietly, placing the papers on my desk. "Your usual newspaper, sir."

"Thank you, Yuli," I replied, taking the newspaper from her. It was an enchanted publication, designed to reveal its contents only when imbued with mana. I placed my hand on it, channeling a small amount of energy into the paper. Instantly, a holographic image sprang to life above the newspaper, displaying the grisly scene of a corpse and a murder site.

"The Devilish Hollows," the headline read in ominous, floating letters. The image shifted, showing the symbol of the organization—a serpentine figure entwined around a hollow circle—before cutting to footage of the crime scene.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I recognized the symbol. The Devilish Hollows were no strangers to me. In the game I had crafted, they were one of the most formidable antagonist factions, known for their ruthless tactics and insidious aims. Seeing them manifest in this world was both a confirmation of my worst fears and a stark reminder of the stakes involved.

The hologram continued to display information about the organization. The Devilish Hollows were a clandestine group operating in the shadows, known for their dark magic and unrelenting pursuit of power. They recruited mages who were disillusioned or corrupt, promising them strength and influence in exchange for their loyalty. Their ultimate goal was to destabilize the magical world order, creating chaos from which they could rise to supremacy.

Their methods were brutal and effective. Assassinations, sabotage, and dark rituals were their trademarks. They aimed to weaken the established magical institutions, sowing discord and fear among the populace. The report suggested that their next target might be closer than we realized, hinting at potential attacks within the academic circles.

I snorted and put the newspaper back on my desk. As I glanced up, I noticed Yuli staring at the hologram with a look of concern etched on her face. Her usually timid demeanor was replaced by a serious, almost determined expression.

"Yuli," I called, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Prepare for the next class. We have much to cover today."

"Yes, Senior Professor," she replied, quickly gathering her composure and exiting the room.

I stood and straightened my robes, pushing the troubling news to the back of my mind. There were more immediate concerns to address. The students needed to be trained, and their education could not be interrupted by the threat of the Devilish Hollows. I made my way to the courtyard, where the class was already gathered, waiting for my arrival.

The class gathered in the large, open courtyard of the academy. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation. I stood at the front, my presence commanding attention.

"Today," I began, "we will be discovering your elemental affinities. This is a crucial step in your magical education. Understanding your affinity will help you harness your mana more effectively and guide your future studies."


"Today," Draven began, "we will be discovering your elemental affinities. This is a crucial step in your magical education. Understanding your affinity will help you harness your mana more effectively and guide your future studies."

Amberine felt a thrill of excitement. This was what she had been waiting for. She had always been drawn to the element of fire, but she had never had the chance to truly explore her affinity.

Draven led the class to the elemental chamber, a vast hall filled with various elemental stations. Each station was designed to test a different element: fire, water, earth, and air. The students were instructed to visit each station and see which element resonated with them the most.

Amberine approached the fire station with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She placed her hand on the glowing orb and closed her eyes, focusing on the warmth she felt within her. Almost immediately, the orb began to glow a brilliant red, and a sense of power surged through her.

"Fire affinity," Draven observed, nodding approvingly. "Strong and unpredictable. You will need to work on your control, but you may have potential."

Amberine felt a surge of pride. She had always known that fire was her element, but having it confirmed by Draven felt like a significant step forward.

She glanced over at Elara, who was at the water station. The orb in Elara's hand glowed a deep blue, and a serene, powerful energy emanated from it. Elara met her gaze and gave a small, satisfied smile.

As the students completed their tests, Draven gathered them together again. "Now that you know your affinities, you will begin specialized training to hone your control over your element. This is where true mastery begins."

The next few weeks were intense. Amberine threw herself into her training, determined to prove herself. She practiced controlling her fire magic, learning to harness its power without letting it overwhelm her. The lessons were challenging, but she was making progress.

Despite her dedication, the rivalry with Elara continued to simmer. Elara excelled in her water magic, her control and precision putting her at the top of the class. Amberine couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and envy. She wanted to be just as good, if not better.

One afternoon, during a particularly grueling training session, Amberine's frustration got the better of her. She was trying to create a controlled flame, but it kept flaring out of control. She glanced over at Elara, who was effortlessly manipulating water into intricate shapes.

"Why is it so easy for her?" Amberine muttered under her breath.

"Focus, Amberine," Draven's voice cut through her thoughts. "Control is key. Do not let your emotions dictate your magic."

Amberine took a deep breath and tried again. This time, she managed to create a small, steady flame. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start. She felt a surge of satisfaction as she held the flame steady, her focus unwavering despite the frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

Draven watched her progress with a keen eye, his expression unreadable. He had seen her struggle before, and witnessed her moments of doubt, but he also recognized her potential. There was a fire within her, a determination that burned brighter with each challenge she faced.

As the class continued their training, Draven moved among them, offering guidance and encouragement where needed. He could sense the tension between Amberine and Elara, the competitive edge that sharpened their focus but also threatened to consume them if left unchecked.

Elara, with her calm demeanor and natural talent, seemed to effortlessly command the water element. Her movements were fluid and precise, with each manipulation of water executed with grace and control. She was the epitome of mastery, a living embodiment of the element she wielded.

Amberine, on the other hand, struggled to rein in the fiery energy that surged within her. Her flames flickered and danced erratically, sometimes too wild to be contained. But there was a determination in her eyes, a stubborn refusal to give up in the face of adversity.

As the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the courtyard, Draven called for a break. The students dispersed, some seeking respite in the shade, while others continued to practice their magic under the watchful eye of their instructor.

Amberine found herself drawn to the edge of the courtyard, away from the hustle and bustle of the training grounds. She needed a moment to collect her thoughts, to quell the doubts that gnawed at the corners of her mind.


The voice came from behind her, and she turned to see Elara approaching, her expression unreadable.

"Elara," Amberine replied, trying to keep her tone neutral despite the simmering rivalry between them.

"I noticed you were struggling with your flames earlier," Elara said, her voice cold and indifferent. "Is everything alright?"

Amberine bristled at the tone of Elara's voice, the thinly veiled mockery that lurked beneath her words. She knew Elara took pleasure in seeing her falter, in highlighting her weaknesses for all to see.

"It's nothing," Amberine said through gritted teeth, forcing a smile. "Just a bad day, I guess."

Elara studied her for a moment, her gaze piercing. "Well, perhaps if you focused more on control and less on theatrics, you wouldn't find yourself in this situation," she said, her voice dripping with disdain before turning and walking away.

Amberine watched her go, a mixture of anger and frustration boiling within her. Elara may have had the upper hand in their magical abilities, but Amberine refused to let her win the psychological battle. She would prove to Elara, and to herself, that she was more than just a fiery temper and a flashy display of magic.

With renewed determination, Amberine turned her attention back to her training. She may not have the same level of control as Elara, but she had something far more powerful—she had passion, and she wouldn't let anyone extinguish that flame.