
the walk in halls

Leo pov

i am being carried by the white haired beauty,well she reminds of kanade Tachibana from angel beats but with red eyes with weird lotus like pupils and short hair.as i am being carried by her i look around to see that this beauty, i don't even know. is drapped in rich clothes as if she was rich or maybe she belongs to my family though i never hoped to be isekaied it is will be refreshing to have an anime onee san.

So i didn't actually remember anything when i was born but i started regaining my memories 2 years later so currently i have all my memories and i awakend all of them 2 weeks ago well i am just now doing baby stuff apparently i remember everything about when i was a baby and trust me it was boring, because there were no hurdles everyone just looked at me cutely apparently my mother didn't like me she was about to kill me, but my fathers influence stopped her but she left me abandoned,when lady kali visited me alone i could see her just place her hand on me and then she smiled "from today,i will take care of you".

From there she assigned a maid who could take care of me and she gave me only one job"please take care of your dear brother ragnal in exchange for me taking care of you" Which i just agreed there was no place in this world for me anyway.there is no way someone in this world would take care of me but i will grow stronger and keep your promise lady.

Ragnal pov

As i am carrying my baby brother i look at him see me with a blush as he saw me smiling he covered his face, with his small hands,he had that guys(his father) eye colour but his eyes were pure and somehow mature then required he looked at me again and i ask "can you speak?" He looked suprised at my question and nodded silently ok well now is not my time to monologue but there is something important i learned through myr that sacrifices are the greatest.when you are righteous sacrifices are needed when you make a choice don't do it on terms with someone unimportant do it for someone important wether it be love,duty,respect or save you can make sacrifices. the hardest choices need to be taken for example you have an novel you made it in a apocalyptic setting where there is a place the place divided into 3.

the poor, the middle class and the rich

the rich were given more priority the middle class were treated okay but the poor had to rot for the betterment of the other 2 here it seems like it is unfair but that is what life you get no choices for pain but you get a choice to suffering.Then the one who revolts fights back and takes control over the place.the people praise him as a hero, but the problem is if the one who revolts only for equal treatment wins then he will see that no one should be treated unequally, but if the 3 classes were broken then everyone should be given equal amount of food which requires farmers to do more amount of hardwork to grow it,but if the farmer doesn't need to work for anyone because everyone is equal.then i don't see why wouldn't he just grow the crops for himself and not others there is a line for everything.

People will starve and die of food and hunger there will be no one working for you the one who needs food dies and the one who grows it thrives but are they enough to sustain civilization without leaders even the greatest civilization may fall. You must accept everyone is born unequal there is no good or bad person,hating someone is a waste of time, seeking revenge is the worst waste of time instead of that doing if you are punishingsomeone for their misdeeds without going about killing their close one's then it for duty it is far more better like if some people disturb your surroundings then it is your duty to protect your peace by killing them,but if they too beg for mercy there is nothing wrong in giving them mercy.

Why should people hate others.and thats were my monologue ends i know i am monologuing too much everyday but it is a habit.

It is quoting time

there is no true pleasure in the world for mortals except death all else is a source of pain.

pride of wealth destroys wealth,pride of strength destroys strength,likewise pride of knowledge destroys knowledge.

Desire is like fire and enjoyment is like oil if you add more enjoyment to your desire the more intense it becomes.

Let the stronger man give to the man who needs it greater,let him gaze upon the lengthening path of life.for riches roll like wheels from one person to another.

It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly then living an imitation of someone else's life perfectly.

Every being in the universe has potential to do good but they are tampered by the material world to be greedy and selfish.

Truth alone wins,truth alone is one,truth alone is above all words.

for the one's motivated by desire,why care about the results of your actions,when it leaves you miserable.as one is always anxious thinking about the result of actions instead do the deed not for the fruit(result) but as your choice don't expect results for your works.

The body is like a vehicle the soul the driver,and the senses the controls if you are trained well in this you become wise and patient living in peace not caring about other peoples life.

Material objects sometimes give you delight sometimes anger,sometimes jealously and othertimes pain for everything in this world is a source of misery,but rather then falling down the one who never gives up always thrives even in this misery.

War causes destruction to all,it is worse it creates hell on earth because it gives the same result of loss to the victorious and defeated alike.

You may destroy the world,gain infinite glory yet despite all this true difficulty rises in controlling the mind.

You have no right to complain 'what did i do to deserve this?' When something bad happens if you dont ask the same in your moments of joy.

(The protagnist is thinking of this quotes while he walks the halls)

After finally reaching the dining room i open the door to see my mother who was waiting for me to come,without eating the food that was on her table as i entered i can tell she joyed that i had come "mother why didn't you eat without me?" She looks at me smiling gently as she says "don't you think we always eat together" she looks at the brother in my hands as she gestured me to give him to the maid as i gave him to maid i sat down to see my sister too was present in the room as i smiled at this my sister looked at me and said "thank you brother"

we finally started the food was not as good as in my previous world but it was better then all the times i ate because i was eating with my family we talked while we ate and i found it suprising mother was taking good care of nisha. I was happy with my family i ate the food which was named lyan steak which was basically steak of an lyan basically a animal in this planet to compare the taste i would say it tastes like chicken with good spices added to it.i ate i saw a black sauce which was new to me as i saw my sister dip her meat pieces in the black sauce i too tried it making the result was the food tasted better by 20xtimes.i eat my food as the dish was left with no more food my mother asked "do you want more" to which i replied "no i am full mother,if i eat anymore i will grow fat"at this my mother laughed

as she said "go wash your hands then" As this happend i followed my sister to she went near a box as she kept her hands in the box her hands were clean and smoke coming out of her hand as i kept my hands in the box i felt heat which was manageable surfing through my hand i forgot to mention the people on this planet eat with their hands as a part of culture after the heat was gone i removed my hands from the box with smoke coming out of my hands i went back to the dining hall where my mother was I entered the room to see that my mother had a scroll in her hands as i saw it i asked "mother, what is that?" To which she smiled and replied "we are going to the we are going to the solans territory due to a secret purpose so don't forget to prepare for the journey with a smile "

To be continued

i know the chapter is short but spare me some slack

God_darkcreators' thoughts