
The Villain's Rhapsody: God's Wrath你好!

The last rewrite of my trial novel The Villain's Rhapsody. Enjoy. Something wakes up within the unknown realm. Awakened by the girl named Elizabeth who accidentally entered his world, he set his eyes on human world. Is the world prepared? https://discord.gg/venerables

Red_Venerable · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Introducing the adventurers

Thomas's elongated limbs shrink to normal size, and the white and grey aura disperses. The only difference that remains is his cat's ears and tail, which made a hole in his pants. His eyes also changed colour from brown to red.

[System gained "Solid Air barrier" spell]

Johnson realizes that the thing that he fought was a human! Also, he knows this person!

"Are…. Are you Thomas Walker by any chance?" he asks, without dropping his guard.

"What… happened?" Thomas asks in a tired voice. "Where… Are… Those two bastards? Did I kill them? Am I in trouble?" Thomas is unsure if he was successful in killing them.

"No… Those kids will be fine. One of them will have to be hospitalized for a while tho," Johnson explains. "What the hell happened to you? This is the first time that I see a mutation as powerful as yours!"

"I don't know, those guys wanted to beat me up, and then my mind went blank," Thomas explains. However, he isn't explaining it to Johnson; he explains it to himself because he feels dizzy.

"So, congratulations! You became the first mutant in existence that had the power to fight a peak gold magician from the very beginning." Johnson smiles awkwardly and adds. "Fight? More like beating the crap out of one. Haha!"

'If he hadn't regained sanity, I would be dead by now,' Johnson thinks as nervousness slowly fades away. 'What the terrifying fellow.'

"About you losing your senses, it is quite normal to mutants. Most of them lose their senses if the mutation is too hard. Some even die as adventurers mistake them for monsters."

"So it's normal?" Thomas asks.

"Yes, how do you feel thou? You're no longer able to use magic… Only your mutation…" Johnson said. However, Thomas has one more surprise for him.

Thomas conjures a fireball in his arm, which wasn't a mutation's ability. It was magic! What the hell? Mutant using magic should be impossible! Johnson thought that a mutation conjured those fireballs, but now he realized it was magic.

"Uh, I think I can still use magic." Thomas sarcastically shows him blue fireballs on top of his palm.

"So, why do those kids want to beat you up?" Johnson is curious. "Have you done something wrong?"

"Nah, they were just bullies." Now Thomas is a bit more relaxed. "In fact, they were the reason for my previous suicide attempt."

"I see… No wonder you had such killing intent…" Johnson replies. "Are you busy right now? Can you come with me?"

"Where? Did I do anything wrong?" Thomas is a bit irritated. He didn't think that his transformation would be so big that it would attract MMLO. "It was self-defense, you know!"

"Yeah, however, you're the first high-level mutant that can use magic. You entered future history books.

'Huh? HUUUH????'

[You know, if you had more brain cells, you could have kept this a secret. Dumb muscle head.]

'I… Shut up!'

[Yes, tell me to shut up. You are so mature, haha]

"Soooo Thomas, can you come with me?" Johnson is excited. In fact, he is shaking with excitement.

"Well, I am hungry. Can we get something to eat first?" Thomas asks after hearing his stomach growl.

 "Yeah, I know a very good café if you're interested. This one will be on me," Johnson nods. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, thank you."

However, this is when they see two helicopters above their heads. One is a news helicopter, and the other is military.

While they were still high in the sky, six people jumps out from it. A healer uses a spell and all of them slowly levitates towards the ground.

All of them are a high-ranking adventurers. The weakest one in the group was a healer who was already legendary two. The strongest one was the peak legendary.

"Where is the monster? Did you finish it up?" she asks Thomas because she can sense that his mutation is almost peak legendary.

"There was no monster. It was me. I mutated just now, and because of that, I lost my sanity for about a minute," Thomas replied. "Or two."

 "What?!?" the group says in unison as they couldn't believe that this man is a newly awakened. It's the first time that someone got ranked legendary this fast. But their doubts vanish when Johnson confirms it.

"HaHa, I want to see what your faces will look like after I tell you that not only he has the legendary rank mutation, hehe." Johnson giggles while looking at their shocked expressions. "But he can also use magic spells!"

 "WHAT?!?" they scream in unison.

"That is impossible," says the swordsman. He is a mutant who has the fangs and claws of a beast. However, he rarely uses them, as a sword is handier. "It should be impossible."

"Can you show them, Thomas?" Johnson asks with a smirk. "Show them the power that will grant you a place within history books, haha!"

The news helicopter left because one adventurer signalled it was a false alarm. However, if they found out that a mutant can use magic, it would be even bigger news than rift's opening.

Thomas focuses his energy and creates a little fireball. He checks if there's nothing in the sky and tosses a fireball into the air. It explodes after it reaches about a hundred meters above the ground, creating a tremendous bang.

"Shit, how can this be?" The healer from the party can't believe her eyes.

"I have to make a quick phone call." Johnson suddenly says and goes away from all the commotion that Thomas made. "I will be right back."

"So anyway, my name is Harvey." Swordsman introduces himself and his team. "That shy boy with knives, and dressed in leather, is Jimmy. The blonde girl with a cloak is Miranda. She is our healer. The fatty that's carrying an enormous axe is Simon, and these two little guys are our assassins. His name is Jordon, and her name is Liz."

"Nice to meet you," Miranda bows her head.

 "Uh. I have a question!" a sudden introduction surprised Thomas.

 "Go ahead." Miranda shows a genuine smile. "Ask anything."

 "Okey. Why are you introducing yourselves to me, and why should I care?" Thomas asks sincerely.

 "Uh, well. You're a powerful person. When you'll become an adventurer or a hunter, connections with a B ranked party won't hurt." She still smiles. "Anyway, Harvey. What should we do now? Get back?"

 "Yes, our mission was to investigate. Since there is no danger within the area, we have to report this to the guild."

Then they went back into the helicopter. Miranda told her farewells, and they all left. Thomas's arrogant behaviour left a poor impression on adventurers, so they ignored it. However, Thomas was a good-looking man, powerful. So this attracted Miranda while Liz was focused on birds that were flying and shrieking because of Thomas's fireball explosion in the air.

A few minutes later, Johnson comes back.

"So, Thomas, what do you think about adventurers?" Johnson asks. "Do you want to become one as well?"

"I don't know. That Liz girl was kinda cute I suppose, Miranda was also not bad." Said Thomas. These words shocked Johnson. This kid just met one of the most powerful adventurer's party. But he was thinking about girls instead.

"By the way, where you've been? Did something happen?"

"Ah. No, I just went to call my daughter and tell her that this was a false alarm," Johnson replies. Since he finally has enough energy to use spatial magic, he creates a portal to the city. "Anyway, let's get going. I am famished."

"Don't you think we'll get too much attention travelling with portals?" Thomas is looking at Johnson and walking towards the portal.

"Boy, get used to it. Soon you'll become a celebrity after all." Johnson smiles.


Even if Thomas wants to hide his power, it is illegal in the Elemental kingdom, and people must get a magic power evaluation every three years.

"You can't hide your powers and abilities from the royal family and the government. It is illegal, and it would be wasteful as you would lose many benefits while risking being imprisoned.


And those who hide their magic power get punished with at least five years of imprisonment because magic power is a weapon, after all, and an unchecked weapon can threaten society.

"Anyway. Go on!" He pushes Thomas inside the portal and quickly walks in as the portal is about to close because of his lack of mana.

[Spatial magic "Portal Creation" acquired.]

"Well, that's gonna be useful," Thomas smiles after seeing a system's notification.

"What is going to be useful?" Johnson is curious after hearing Thomas thinking out loud."Your mutations? It will be insanely useful if you ask me, haha!"

"No, no… Not that, do not worry about it..." Thomas gets embarrassed after realizing that he said that out loud. "I was just speaking to myself."

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