
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 25: You're Not Valuable  

Red Tan formed a bloody spiral from his arm to his chest. Kayra's sword attack was so swift and powerful that she suffered great wounds without even reacting.

"Red Tan!"

His teammate's injury drove the Morning Wind mad with rage. The blood scattered from the Red Tan did not touch the ground when he attacked Kayra.

"You still don't understand, do you?"

Kayra avoided the sword that came at lightning speed in just one simple step. He could predict his moves even without the magical Blue Eyes.

"There's no way you can stand up to me."

When his eyes were locked on the beautiful face of the Morning Wind, he moved his arm.

The Morning Wind took its guard against the attack.

But at that moment, he felt a whimper in his leg and his balance disappeared.

He had received a hard kick to his kneecap.

Kayra pulled her leg back and pushed one foot a little further. The Morning Wind, which was falling because she had lost her balance, panicked so much that she thought Kayra was going to kill her.

As soon as Kayra stepped forward, her body moved with her. With his left hand, he grabbed Morning Wind's thin wrist and took her under the armpit. He then twisted his wrist hard with his right hand.



With the muffled voice rising from his wrist, he shouted in the Morning Wind. His sword had fallen to the ground, which meant death on the battlefield.

"How delicate you came out even though you looked pretty tough."

Kayra smiled and turned the Morning Wind and twisted her arm. Although the Morning Wind screamed again, this scream turned into a cry after a moment. Although it was only three seconds, Kayra had broken both her wrist and shoulder. Moreover, he caused him to drop his gun.

"Se... you monster! I can understand why the Supreme King wants us to kill you! You criminal scum! You will die when Aydın Rüya and others arrive here."

"Enlightened Dream and others? Kill me?"

"Inspiration! Stupid-"

"You shut up!"

Kayra kicked Red Tan as he tried to stop the blood in his arm.

Red Tan was not far from Kayra at the time, but he could not move. Kayra's attack shattered all the veins in your arm. If he did not close the wound, he was certain to die of blood loss.

It was impossible for him to move while taking care of the wound.

So he couldn't resist the kick and collapsed to the ground.

"Now look at me and tell me what you know."

As the Morning Wind cried, she was stunned by the freezing sound that entered her ears. It was as if he had been laid in a bathtub full of ice. His body began to tremble, albeit unintentionally. It was the first time he felt that death was so imminent.

"Like... as if I'd say it..."

The words came out of his teeth in fear.

He didn't know why, but every time he looked at Kayra, her body trembled. He couldn't tell if it was out of fear or anger. That made him even more crazy.


Kayra put her hand on her chin and turned around.

Seeing her turn around, the Morning Wind breathed a sigh of relief. Although his right side was very painful, he felt that he had to resist it.

"He doesn't dare to harm us. He must know that the Supreme King is more powerful than him! He also needs our knowledge and facilities. The things he can do on his own are very limited. No matter how many Karma Points he earns, he will no longer be able to use his Karma Points to improve his stats."

The Morning Wind shook his head.

"This time I was very arrogant. I should not have ignored the warnings of the Enlightened Dream and the Great King. The person in front of me is a psychopath who won't care about risking his life as long as he wins. How did I know it would be like this? Obviously, the Supreme King knows this man intimately. He knows exactly what kind of person he is. I wonder if they knew him in the world?'

He had to learn from the situation he had fallen into. Once he survived, he would temper his arrogance. The power he gained made him arrogant.

So far, only one blow to the Supreme King has been defeated. He didn't think he would see anyone else like him.

"But whatever happens, he cannot be equal to the Supreme King. Moreover, apart from the Dream Team, there is also the Devil and the Black Flower team. Even I don't know the limits of our power. There may be only one person who can rival us, but that person is definitely not this person."

The Supreme King had not yet received the title of Supreme King when a silver-haired woman appeared and took over all the towns around their town.

"When the Almighty King saw that woman, he was furious as if he had seen his greatest enemy. Three weeks later, twelve teams attacked their all-out bases and cleared all of their surrounding bases. We need to kill this guy to get into that woman's hands."

When he fixed his eyes on Kayra's wide back, his eyes froze. Despite the pain of his arm, he reached for his boot and grabbed the tiny knife hidden inside.

Because of the order of the Supreme King, each team member carried a spare weapon with him.

It was to deal with such situations.

'I'm going to stick this in that arrogant face of yours and you're not going to do anything.'

After placing the dagger on his belt, he turned his eyes back to Kayra. So far, everything has been so natural. Kayra was very relaxed and calm as she neutralized them.

He was pretty sure he was right now.

But when he saw Kayra grabbing Red Tan by the hair and dragging her, her face turned white.

Seeing this version of her, Kayra smiled.

"Was I really going to let you get away with it so easily?"

After dragging Red Tan a few feet away from the Morning Wind, he raised his other arm and removed it in a simple move.

Red Tan was covered in blood and sweat as he flaped his teeth not to scream. Tears streamed from her eyes, but she bit her lips to pieces, but she still didn't scream.

"Bitch boy! What do you think you're doing?"

Kayra didn't care about him and gently grasped Red Tan's thumb. Then he raised his head.

"Now I'm going to ask some questions and you're going to answer."

"I'm not afraid of death! You can do whatever you want to me. I won't talk though!"

"Hoho, but your teammate is afraid of death."

"You bitch boy! If you do something to him, Aydın Rüya will send you to hell himself. You wouldn't dare to do that."

"Is that so?"


"Irgh! Hufff!"

Red Tan's eyes widened and snapped, but he could not escape Kayra's hands. After struggling for a while, the strength in his body disappeared.

"Moving on to my question; Who is the person you call the Supreme King and why did he tell you to find me?"

"Like I'll say it."


"Hufff! Irhhh!"

"Wrong answer."

Red Tan tried to scream madly, but Kayra fixed his chin.

If he screamed, unwanted guests could visit them, or Red Tan could scream and relieve some of the pain in him.

Kayra didn't want him to relax for a moment.

Every move he made had to be etched deep into his soul. Not to fight him, they should not dare to mention his name.

"I ask again. Who is the person you call the Supreme King, and why has he told you to follow me?"

The two of them had tight mouths. It was impossible to get answers from them by normal means or manipulation techniques. Because they were very careful and cautious, they did not fall into any of the traps he had set up.

Neither physical torture nor psychological torture would work. If he made them talk, he could make the people behind him angry out of necessity.

It was best to attack the emotions.

The sense of comradeship was also very important in this land. Comrade is the one with whom you face difficulties, develop and endure the same pains. As such, it would not be long before there was a similar relationship to family members.

Kayra therefore found it right to torture Red Tan rather than torture the Morning Wind.


Among the emotions, it was the most painful.

The fact that his friend was suffering because of him would cause the Morning Wind such a great deal of pain that the amputation of his arms would be light next to it.

"Don't try to buy time. I have my back safe and I am familiar with the Snowy Mountains. In front of me is a vast plain. It's impossible for anyone to make a surprise attack on me."

The Morning Wind gritted his teeth with hatred and anger.

"Okay, I'll tell you. Leave it first."

"Wrong answer."


Red Tan's middle finger was thus broken.

"You must have figured out what kind of person I am now, right?"

He fixed his icy eyes on those of the Morning Wind. His eyes looked as cold as the snow on the mountain. It was even as serene and bottomless as a lake. He had a look that made the Morning Wind shudder.

"The only thing that will come out of his mouth is the answer to my question. Remember that every answer you give concerns your friend's life. If you don't about this question, I will cut off your friend's genitals. Health potions can't replenish that, can they?"

Each word of it was as shocking as lightning fell on the mind of the Morning Wind. How could a person smaller than him be so cruel? Had no fear?

When the Morning Wind tilted his head, a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Got it."

He felt embarrassed and angry. Although he was very strong, he fell into simple mistakes and was defeated. He could have escaped this situation by using his special ability Void, but he used it to heal his wounds before attacking Kayra.

Red Tan's special ability was also about secrecy, so it wouldn't be useful for him to use it. The authorities...

The Red Dawn Zone of 'Red Tan' demands a lot of mana. He can't use such a thing because he can't feel the meaning yet. I had no choice but to answer. It's not clear what will happen if he realizes I'm lying."

He was going to get his revenge in the future, but for now he had to bow down.

"The Great King is someone who left a big high school in Kadıköy as a king. In the second and third exams, no one killed and won everyone's trust. By the time he arrived in the town of Beginner, he already had an army of a thousand men. In just two days he took control of the entire town and increased his army to five thousand men."


Kayra's eyebrows rose as if hearing something interesting. Now it was understandable why he had the nickname Supreme King.

It was a great achievement not to kill anyone in the third and second exams. But if there was a greater achievement, it was to leave the exams as king. Getting the approval of all the people in his area was the way to become king.

There was a place to pay attention to here. He said 'all the people in the area' where he was located. He did not specify a specific number or limit. That is, if there were a hundred people left in the region and someone there could get the approval of his face to become king, he could become king.

Most schools in Kadıköy, Istanbul, had a population of around one thousand five. Of course, there were vocational high schools or various schools that were higher than this. For example, although Kayra's school was a good high school, it had a large population of 1567 people.

The first test cut the population in half. It was an exam where you were expected to kill friends you had known or not known for a long time. It was where the desire for survival within humans was triggered.

The second test was to choose between plundering or being a comrade. Those with high oratory skills could easily attract hundreds of people, while greedy ones were often killed after plundering a few.

The third test was based on polarization and the formation of parties. The fiefdom system must have actually been created to increase conflict and segregation between people. Since there were dukes and five different levels, it turned into a race for 'power' and 'gain' among the people.

In short, every test was a test in which competition and deaths increased. By the final test, no one would have confidence in each other. Far from being a duke, it was a skill to be a count or a vicon.

Becoming a king was almost impossible unless you slaughtered opponents like Ahmed. In the exam, the number of people to become king was not specified. So it was not a problem to purge the dissidents among the survivors in the region.

But having an army of a thousand people...

Even if the school had an absurd population of two thousand, it was impossible.

No matter how good someone's fame was, no matter how great his power was, it was impossible to convince everyone in the region. There would be bruises, of course.

No, it had to be.

Although people preferred to shift responsibilities to someone else, there should have been those who objected.

"Unless this person's charisma competes with Hitler. They may have attracted them by promising salvation. If he then showed his strength and stirred desires, it is quite possible."

There were some people among people who, even if they did nothing, would gain the trust of others. It could even attract attention among the stars. With just a few words, he could change the minds of the masses.

But even for this, preliminary preparation was required.

'Could he have used the first exam? He may have used herd psychology to ostracize others and force them to submit. Someone who understands communication and human psychology can reason about this."

Communication was a war, and the battlefield was its environment. It was not easy to address hundreds of people. If it were easy, the Prophet Muhammad would not have had so much trouble spreading Islam or Jesus would not have been crucified.

A small mistake could have led to friends becoming enemies.

It was not possible to get along well with everyone.

Even Kayra, who gave sherbet according to the pulse, was not liked by people. It wasn't because he did something bad that he wasn't loved. Just taking a look at it caused bad thoughts to form in people.

But there were also people with whom he got along well. For example, he and his brother got along well because they didn't try to understand each other. They would just do their jobs and go about their daily lives.

That's why he was so pragmatic.

'No matter how good his charisma or skill is. Let him have the power to defeat all his enemies if he wants. Whether he acts by coercion or by forcing them, it is as difficult to achieve them as it is to kill everyone; maybe even harder.'

No matter what, this was something Kayra could not achieve.

"I must be careful about the Supreme King. He has around him not only talented people, but also loyal people. Maybe that's why you were given the title of 'Almighty.'"

If there were no problems between them, he would have liked to meet her.

"I could learn a lot from someone like him."

After rubbing his chin with his hands, he realized that he was falling into thoughts. He immediately cleared his thoughts and focused on the present moment.

"... The Supreme King didn't stop there, and he took control of all the towns from #1 to #13 in just a month and a half. Many forces opposed him in this process, but the end ended in death."

He laughed under his mustache as he looked at Kayra's thoughtful face.

"The only thing your opponents have faced is death, and you will be no different. Now listen to me well and realize who you are harming."

"What is the reason why he is hostile to me? I thought he was sending you to take me in with you."

"Actually, we came to him for this purpose. But how did we know you were a dog so cruel that it wiped out an entire lineage? You're not just a child killer. At the same time, you can descend so low that you can resort to despicable methods such as poison. I don't want to offend you, but..."

He squinted and smiled.

"You're not valuable enough to join us."