
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 20: The Bloody Road (8)  

"What an incredible power! It should be close to A-level!"

Red Tan looked at the intense red aura resembling red clouds, and inadvertently took a step back. He had survived many ordeals and killed powerful monsters by now. But this was the first time he had seen such a cruel and powerful aura.

Even though he was still far away, his presence suppressed them.

Especially that red aura.

"This innate skill is the Red Hunter. With a red aura of blood, he closes all the openings on his body. But this wolf's is a little more special. Not only a defensive skill, but also a support skill. I can feel the mana swirling in your body... At least that's A+ level talent."

"It's this skill that makes them so special. Red Hunter and Red Eye, these are special abilities that can be among the legendary abilities. Unfortunately, only the Red-Eyed Devil's descendants can have it. That kind of skill would have helped me a lot."

"Don't be ridiculous, the Red Eye is a high-level eye skill. There is no one with such a skill except that person's Eye of Truth and the Karma Eye of the owner of the Hour of Destiny. Their power is also innate. What I don't understand is that this guy has Magical Blue Eyes."

"The Eye of Truth, the Eye of Karma, and the Magical Blue Eyes. The Eye of Truth is the eye that can never be deceived. He can understand the nature of people, pierce through all the fakes. He must have specific powers in his Karma Eye and Magical Blue Eyes."

The Morning Wind looked at the Grey Wolf with the Red Eyes, approaching like a meteor, and sighed.

"We may not need to do anything."

"Hm? It's in that white bottle!"

The target gently pulled a bottle out of his coat and dipped the tip of the arrows on his sag into the bottle. Then he took the bow that had been hanging on his shoulder from the very beginning and placed an arrow on the beam. He did not immediately stretch the bow, but took out his sword and rubbed the remaining white liquid into the sharp side of his sword.

"He combined the juice of the orchid flower with another poison!"

When Red Tan realized the incident, he broke out in a cold sweat. Among the tens of thousands of people in the startup towns, there were only a few who were cruel enough to use poison. They only killed animals by buying low-level poisons.

But this person had customized a poison according to his enemy.

"He plans to use this to trigger the curse that the Orchid Lord has placed!"

Red Tan kept his voice as quiet as possible, but he couldn't help but be surprised. Changing tactics to the enemy was the first thing that person taught them. This placed in their minds the philosophy of 'be fluid like water, take the shape of your vessel.'

Therefore, instead of using the same method when fighting opponents, they were looking for different ways and trying to reveal the weaknesses of the opponent.


When the Morning Wind saw the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf approaching half a kilometer, it pulled Red Tan into the shade of the tree. The darkness changed shape around it, creating a wall that allowed it to integrate with its surroundings.

Red Tan wanted to say something, but when he saw the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf approaching, he swallowed back what he had to say.


When he activated his innate special skill, he became one with his environment. Even a person who looked at him intently would have a hard time noticing that he was there.

At this time, the person with the targets suddenly stood up and stretched the bow. As soon as the wolf approached three hundred meters, he released the beam.


As the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf moved forward in anger, he noticed the arrow coming at him. He tilted his body slightly and easily avoided the octane.

His speed was not interrupted.

He continued on his way.

As she approached two hundred meters further, she noticed her cub lying on the ground. As he lay on the edge of the cliff, his face wrinkled as if in pain.

Seeing this, blood rushed to his brain.

It sped up until it looked like a red glow. It was so fast that it only took a few seconds for it to come into contact with the water.

He was fifteen meters away from his son who cast a small shadow over him. When he raised his head, he roared and threw it at the person who jumped at him with his Spring Claw.

Man could not do anything, as if not expecting this, and the claw hit him.


The might of Spring Claw was incredible. Just one blow plunged one into the abyss meters away.

Just as he was about to pass through how weak he was, one suddenly rose up and looked at him. Although the face under his mask was not obvious, for some reason a bad feeling arose into him.

Suddenly, he attacked forward and appeared in front of the man. It was so fast that one couldn't get up from his seat yet.

And he threw out the Spring Claw.

Spring Claw was not only used for close combat.

There was also a long-distance combat technique that only the Alphas could use.

It was over.

When the claw hit, the human would be torn to pieces.

I'll scratch it!

At that moment, something unexpected happened.

Man first vibrated and then turned into shadows.


The claw descended into the abyss and created an earthquake effect.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf felt something else behind him before he had a chance to be stunned by this sight. A black-colored sword was about to descend on his anus, one of his most vulnerable areas.


The red aura on his body suddenly intensified behind him and he met the black sword. The black sword was ineffective, like an egg hitting a rock.


The sound of metal hitting the metal was heard.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf sent a Spring Claw without turning around. The black-masked man tried to greet him using his black sword, but when he came into contact, he fell eight steps.

The confident look on the face of the Red-eyed Grey Wolf gave way to astonishment. He was surprised by this person many times today. Whether it's her run, her performance in the Snowy Mountains, or her welcome to Spring Claw, as she does now.

This person was different from the others.

The man in the black mask stood up from the ground and took his stance. A black black of the same color rose from his black sword. He slowly wrapped the sword, and protrusions resembling the teeth of a saw covered the sword.

Seeing this, the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf got over his astonishment and stood in front of his cub with a serious look. In fact, the reason he attacked the human being was to take him away and protect his cub. People were cruel and selfish, and the best example was in front of them. He could use his cub against her.

Man roared forward and waved his sword.


But it was futile.

A single Spring Claw threw him away.

Man hit one of the rocks eroded by water, and his black coat, which retained its color from the very beginning, was stained.

At least a few of his bones must have been broken.

After all, he was human, arrogant and stupid.

He was one of the alphas of the noble and great Red-Eyed Grey Wolf tribe. There was no one else as strong as him. Others could not resist him because he was one tier weaker than him. This everyone respected him and kept him on his head.

But today for the first time he was belittled by a man.

People haven't set foot here for decades.

As a matter of fact, they were still the same for decades.

She looked at her cub. He was the only one left of his descendants. Now he had been kidnapped by a human. Luckily, man was weak and stupid, and he found his son before he could harm him.

He fixed his eyes on the man on the rock. He was slowly trying to straighten up, trying to grasp the bow that had fallen to the ground.

His Red Eye was screaming madly. Man had dozens of deficits. For example, his left side was weak because his left arm was broken. His broken rib bones had pierced one of his lungs. He was at the door of death, but he was desperately striving to survive.

But he didn't know that what he did was completely futile.

The arrows he shot were like toothpicks for him. Nothing could threaten him except the energy of the black sword, which created a sense of danger in him.

Man grasped the bow with trembling hands. At that moment, another Spring Claw blew up the rock under it. The man jumped into the air screaming.


After rising a few meters, he crashed to the ground.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf walked up to him and opened his mouth. The only move was going to bite to cut off his head when he heard a giggle.


When he saw that he was approaching him, he started laughing like he was crazy. He threw his hand on his face and took off his black mask, where cracks had formed.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf quickly took a few steps and took his cub in, doubling the Red Hunter to protect him from possible dangers. Although he was sure that he could kill the man, he felt that if he did so, he could also lose his baby.

Man could not bear to lose his offspring aside.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf Tribe used to reproduce very hard. Although their strength and pedigree abilities were great, there weren't even three hundred Red-Eyed Grey Wolves in total.

Six of her seven children had lost limbs. With no hope left for them, he chased man to save his last son without hesitation. Now he had found it and his son was alive. He didn't hesitate to sacrifice his life to save her.


When the person in the black mask lowered his mask, his blue eyes that glowed as ice came out. His lips were curled up and he was laughing chillingly.

"I was wondering what the last remaining 1% was. Now that has come to my mind, how can I lose sight of that?"

He had watched the daily life of five different wolves. Their regrets, happiness, sacrifices, hatred and love for their families before they died. he had seen them all.

He was extremely familiar with the world of wolves. He had studied his organs, bone structure, muscle structure, brain, and even genitals. He had divided many wolves into their smallest parts and acquired all the information about them.

But no matter what he did, he was at 49%.

Once he knew their bodies, he thought he could cover the remaining 51% by recognizing their lives, but in this way he achieved only a 50% increase.

What was the remaining 1%?

Why was there a 1% gap left even though he knew everything about their inner world and their physics?

He didn't understand it before, but now things were different.

He put his hand in his coat and pulled out a small pouch out of it. The pouch was filled with small glass balls of red color.

He picked up one of them and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.


He bit so hard that a few of his teeth fell to the ground, but he didn't care. Not caring to tear his teeth apart, he bit the glass ball and finally opened a small notch.

The notch was point-sized, but it grew exponentially as some fog seeped through it.

[You've exhausted the Mana Heart of a C+ level Red-Eyed Grey Wolf!]


[The energy inside is much more than your body can handle.]

[Absorb energy urgently or expel it from your body. Otherwise, your body will collapse the energy into itself.]


[You've experienced the power of the Red-Eyed Gray Wolf!]

[Your level of knowledge about Red-Eyed Gray Wolves has increased to 100%.]

[You can see all the skills and weaknesses of the Red-Eyed Gray Wolf.]

[You can feel the emotions of the Red-Eyed Gray Wolf.]


[There is a large amount of foreign energy in your body. If you don't drain this right away, your body will collapse.]

[Warning! Your body couldn't stand the energy.]

[Your body is collapsing!]

Kayra shouted in horror when almost all of the leg bones on her body were torn to pieces. The pain was far above the torture that Hussein inflicted on him. It was like hot oils burning your unprotected muscles.

A fire rising from his heart was scorching his organs.

Even though it was only a second, it was as if years had passed.

[The danger of death triggered your vital potential.]

A window opened before his eyes.

[Your innate skill Magical Blue Eyes awakens.]