
The Video Game Tycoon

!!! MACHINE TRANSLATION !!! !!! IT'S NOT AN MTL AND I POSTED IT HERE SO I COULD READ WITHOUT WIFI ON PHONE APP SK DON'T EXPECT QUALITY TRANSLATION !!! Video games are one of the important ways to entertain people in the new era. However, the Japanese Zhu Yuxing who traveled to a parallel world found that the game industry in this world was extremely sluggish, and it seemed that it had never emerged. So Zhu Yuxing decided to bring the ninth art to the world. "Mom, Super Mario 3 is out! This is my most wanted Christmas present!"

slimy_Boi · Videojogos
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761 Chs

===217 Only the classics can fight the classics===(None Edited)

  "Aiden, you still seem to care about the success of Yuxing Electronics Entertainment?"

  In Aiden's apartment, Aiden was on a video call with Hayakawa Zhiren on the other side of the ocean.

  Hayakawa Ukito could see that Aiden seemed to be very troubled now.

  Aiden came back to his senses and said, "I've already tried to chase and block them, but they can still sell 300,000 game consoles on the first day in the United States. This is only the sales of SFC, and the sales of GB are still there. It has not been announced."

  Just after Youxing Electronic Entertainment summarized the sales data on the first day, it immediately sent a "friendly" email to the senior management of several large department stores in the United States.

  Of course, this kind of behavior will be regarded as a provocation rather than a show. The executives of several large department stores were very angry, and at the same time sent these data to an ally, that is, Suri Electronics , Morgan Group, etc.

  Aiden was also very surprised when he got this data.

  They can sell so many products by relying on small department stores and some retail stores. If this makes Yuxing Electronic Entertainment fully bloom, then what?

  Seeing his old friend's tangled appearance, Hayakawa Ueto just smiled slightly: "Aiden, it seems that you are still more used to the intrigues and tricks of the United States, and you want to use commercial suppression to sanction.

  " Isn't that right?" Aiden asked.

  "For some small companies that have suddenly risen, this kind of suppression is really effective." Hayakawa Ueto nodded without denying.

  "However, for this company, this move has no effect."


  Hayakawa Ueto showed admiration: "This company is the most creative company I have ever seen. Their creativity is not one-sided. If you suppress the other side from this aspect, they can find other ways to break through your blockade. , to compete with this company, any fancy means I think are only effective for a short time, and what really works is the real quality of video games."

  In the process of managing the video game division for more than a year, he Hayakawa Zhiren not only As a manager, he is also a student who is constantly growing and learning.

  In addition, Hayakawa Ueto himself has a father who is strict enough.

  Hayakawa Kentaro has always been one-of-a-kind within the company, and almost nothing can shake his decision.

  Even if it is a factional struggle, he can find a way to realize his ideas.

  He determined that video games are one of the key development directions in the future, and no one has changed.

  And Hayakawa Kentaro expressed his appreciation for the president of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment more than once.

  He has called that Zhu Yuxing many times as the master of the video game field. In this respect, Hayakawa Zhiren is indeed inferior to Zhu Yuxing.

  And Hayakawa Kentaro is also very happy that Hayakawa Ueto has such a rival. He said that it is very good for his growth. After becoming the president in the future, he should be very grateful to have competed with a genius like Take Yusei in the field of video games. .

  It is quite rare to be admired by his father like this, so Hayakawa Ueto also began to seriously study the history of Take Yusei's fortune.

  In the end, he made sure of one thing, that any bells and whistles were useless.

  If you want to compete with this company, the real game quality is the key.

  Others are just crooked ways that can be dealt with in a short time.

  Players are really voting with their feet. They will only choose games that are fun and interesting, or games that have enough graphics to surprise them, and nothing else touches their hearts.

  Video games are actually similar to the film and television industry. Only classics can fight classics. Commercial competition or suppression can only be regarded as auxiliary at most.

  Therefore, Hayakawa Ukrainian will later form his own game production team and increase investment in video game production, so that video game producers can have no worries.

  In order to fight against Zhu Yuxing, he even had to increase the salary of the employees, just to avoid the possibility of these employees switching jobs.

  Then, after his verification, a good game has indeed begun to help him establish a stable position, and it is no longer as erratic as before.

  Now seeing his former friend in a state of confusion, he felt that it was necessary for him to mention a little to get him out of his inner predicament.

  "Don't use those moves, or don't focus all on the quality of video games, I now recommend that you also build a video game production team in North America, compared to us on the other side of the ocean, I think the United States Talents know the Americans better, they can make games that are more suitable for the Americans, of course, I will have a team on my side to supply blood to you at all times, and continue to produce games that are at least at the passing level."

  Aiden wrinkled Frowning: "So let him have a bigger market?"

  Hayakawa Ueto said: "Of course not, I just said that there is no need to rely on commercial conspiracy to deal with them, but to use solid game quality."

  For Hayakawa Ukito Aiden always listens to people's suggestions, even if he doesn't understand them sometimes.

  Perhaps it is for this reason that he can consolidate his power in the US branch.

  Without the support of the Japanese backstage, Aiden would not have been able to ascend to the position so smoothly.

  Among them are his intrigues, and naturally there is support from Japan.

  "Okay, I'll give it a try."

  Hayakawa Ueto said with a smile: "Trust me, you can definitely find better game producers in the United States. In the United States, electronic software, systems, programs and other things are strong points. I I don't believe that there is no one who can compete with Yuxing Electronic Entertainment in the entire United States. Dig out that kind of person, and then, control as much as possible, such a person will be our ace." The

  future controller of large companies , it is necessary to have a future-oriented pattern.

  Stop worrying about the current gains and losses of a city, and strive for a more reasonable future.

  Because Surui Electronics' money is used as a guarantee, it can make a certain department go longer.

  However, Youxing Electronic Entertainment must be successful all the time, and must continue to be successful all the time, in order to maintain a leading position in this industry. Once there is a mistake, they may be in a state of failure. Even if they regroup, they are likely to miss a good opportunity of the times. At that time, it is time for them, Suri Electronics, to take the opportunity to rise.

  As for the gang of American companies, they have nothing to do with themselves, but Suri Electronics is not very panic.

  After hanging up the phone, Hayakawa Ueto became curious.

  He is curious why a Japanese can make video games that are so popular in the United States, such as Street Basketball, Need for Speed ​​and Street Fighter. Obviously, they are going to the American market, attacking from multiple game categories at the same time, which is not ordinary. .

  However, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason, and finally he could only come to a conclusion.

  This Zhu Yuxing is a genius in the field of video games. It is really exciting to see such a person as a competitor.