
the victim of life

Chapter one

Once Upon a time, there lived a whose name was a Emma. He lived in a small village called Ebot. He is an orphan, he lost his parents in a car accident when he was four years old. He survived by the little money his parents left. Every morning he sit at the veranda watching people who works in their farm opposit his hut and children who plays fluid. Emma always feel bad because his parents were not with him.

One day at the early hour of the day, his uncle barge in with his children. Emma was terrified, he hid himself behind a calabash full of water, " Emma! Emma !!" his uncle called. "where is that wizard of a boy, come out now before I burn you alive". Emma was afraid. His uncle walked toward the calabash where he hid himself and held him by his neck. " So this is where you are Hiding after killing my brother? you think you can have this house to yourself; over my dead body will I let you live in this house my late brother left for me" his uncle said aggressively. Dragging him out of the house furiously. " Never you step your foot into this house again you are prohibited from entering this compound. wizard has never been in our blood not even in our family. I said leave, and never you show your ugly face here again" Emma turned and walked away crying.

"what have I done to deserve this, why will my parents die leaving me helpless in the hands of nobody". Emma cried bitterly. He walked to an unknown place outside his village he took him three days to reached there. He walked into a farm and began to uproot cassava and eat them uncooked. He rushed it looking left and right as if he was being chest by somebody because he had nothing to eat for three days. Someone walked into the farm it was the owner of the farm Mr John he sighted him. "who are you show your face before I shoot you" Mr John said, Emma was petrified, he turned towards Mr John looking frightened and pale.

"what is a little boy like you doing In this farm all alone? he asked again, where are your parents" Emma was about to run but Mr John stopped him. Don't run I will not harm you just come closer" Mr John said. Emma walked towards him with fear hiding the cassava behind.

"I am Emma from Ebot village, I am an orphan, I lost my parents in a car accident when I was five years old, I have been staying alone in the house my parents left for me, just three days ago my uncle threw me out of the house, I have no where to go".

"It ok little one, you can stay with me, my name is Mr John. I live a lone. come let's go to my house, I stay down the road".

They both walked to the house. Mr John gave him warmed water to take his bath, when he was done he made him something to eat. "Thank you Sir" Emma knelt to show appreciation. " It ok dear, I will do what I can to see you are ok" Mr John said placing his hand on his shoulder.

"go inside and have some rest, it been a long day for you".