
The victim of life Chapter 2

Mr John adopted Emma and made him his son.

ten years later Emma turned twenty eight and was done with his studies and was well to do, he has a plantain plantation and he his also working in a oil company. his step father asked him to get married so that he can give him a grant child, so Emma Came back to the village in search of a wife, fortunately he met a girl tall,slim and beautiful her name is joy, she is twenty one years old, she's fond of Emma and Emma likes her too.

Emma talked to his father about her and they made arrangements to marry her. Four months later Emma and his father went to Joy's house to meet her kins men and to pay her dowry, her dowry was paid and she is now traditionally Emma's wife. Emma really loved her and was so committed to her, she was his breathe Emma couldn't stay a day without seeing or hearing from her.

but for joy it was the opposite, love was never in her agenda, she's after the money to satisfy her want she never cared about what the husband likes or hates. Five months later joy came up with a plan to kill her husband in other to get his wealth so she serve him concoction to kill him slowly, she kept serving the concoction to him until she got controlled of his heart. She convinced him not to take care of his father.

Months later, Mr John became sick and needed medical attention, he sent messages to his son through the travellers but none of the messages got to Emma because they were received by his wife. Mr John felt that his son whom he had adopted has forsaken him he sobered. It was hard for him to get food because he couldn't go out again. Days later he died, the villagers sent a message to Emma asking him to come and pay the last respect to his father and Bury him, unfortunately the letter did not get to him but his wife rather. "Yes !!!" she said excitedly, "one person down am able to kill two birds with one stone my ploy is the best ". The villagers left the body of Mr John since his son was no way to be found, the villagers started talking. " when did he birthed him?" Another said, "I wondered who he impregnated to have given him such a worthless son", another said, " he must have wronged the gods to have him as a son Hahaha", they all laughed.

Emma's health was deteriorating and his wife forbids him to go the hospital telling him it wasn't an hospital case, she convinced him that she will mixed a concoction that will make him feel ok he accepted what ever his wife said and what ever she made for him, he had no clue of what was happening around him, this time he was very weak, he couldn't help himself anymore. joy packed everything he had into a van and drove off leaving him to die. Days later fortunately for him a neighbour who scenes something was fishy barged into his house and was him in a terrible state, he called for help and was rushed to the hospital for medical intervention, weeks later he regained consciousness and was discharged.

A month later he travelled home to see his step father to tell him all that had happened, when he got there, the villagers were at the entrance alerted the Other villagers. so the villagers came with matchet, sticks, stones restricting him from entering his step father's compound then he realised his father died three months ago, the villagers beat him and left him to die.

He was saved by a man who he helped years back, he took him to the nearest hospital where he was treated and discharge. Emma went back to the city and started all over again, he focused on his plantain plantation, he got married again, he had children and they lived a happy life.