
The Vampires Night:DROPPED

One day while walking home Marcus finds an injured bat he decides to help it but what he didn’t know was it was actually a vampire and one by one mysterious events started to happen in his so-called normal life his body started to change,do all these events unfolding one by one happen to be good or bad?

Mohammed_Jawad · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 7 Betrayal

While Marcus was walking home Bradley approached him "what's up Marcus,hey did you see that hot blonde girl there some rumors going around saying that you too are dating"Bradley said curiously."No were not dating we're just friends"Marcus said in a flustered voice."Oh really now how come I saw you two walking together,is she your little girlfriend come one spill the beans you can trust me";Well it's kind of hard to explain for now she's just a friend or maybe more like a companion Marcus said trying to explain.

"A companion what is this some kind of novel who says that" Bradley said laughing.Bradley thought to himself he needs to get information out of him but he's not gonna spill it out as easy as he thought.Maybe I should just follow him but that weird guy will be near him wait I have an idea I'll just plant this on Marcus so I can hear everything they talk about",Bradley than pulled a device out of his pocket it was small and circular he than placed it on Marcus's back and it than disappeared.This device was used for stealth operations to find out more information an agent would place the device on a target to hear and find out more information and to make it more stealthy it has an invisibility function.Bradley made sure the tracker was on and told Marcus that he had to head home early,they said there goodbyes and Bradley went home to set everything up.

When Bradley got to his apartment he contacted the order and told them about what he was doing and how he planted a device of Marcus to find out more information since he couldn't do it in person because of target number 2.The council said"good make sure to keep your eyes on them the s rank order members will be there in 2 days before the boy begins his evolution stage,if you find good evidence on where they might be Going to you might be promoted to a c rank to a b.Bradleys eye widened and bowed and said yes sir I'll find out everything I can than the device shut off,Bradley took a couple more of the listening devices and ran off to Marcus's house when he got there he threw a couple of the devices near the house and on the door than he activated his stealth Qi and waited in an abandoned construction building across so he can gather information.

"Marcus your home said Alissa how was school did you have any problems".No everything was alright but how come she had to come to school with me it feels so weird and how come she can walk in sunlight don't vampires burn in it or something".Yeah we do but if you wear a special ring the light doesn't do a single thing to you than Klaus showed his ring to Marcus when it appeared out of no where,we also have them change color to adapt to the environment were in also I think we should be going the hunters know were here and are probably gathering their forces to hunt us".Wait what Alissa said in shock how do they know were here".There was a scout a boy blonde,tall,Blue eyes,freckles he was watching the lady and the boy and had a wendigo blade on him he probably sent a message that were here and I also caught him trying to listen in on the lady and the boy but something felt strange about him I couldn't see him but I sensed him and his movements were impossible to detect".

Than all of a sudden Klaus stood up and looked at Marcus and said crap he's been listening in on us the whole time and went to Marcus who stood there in shock hearing his own friend has been a hunter someone who lives to kill monsters and other supernatural creatures like him.Klaus's special shadows ability let him place an invisible void around them where he can detect anything that moves and while they were talking he detected the device on Marcus's back and ripped it off and destroyed it.We need to leave now before they get here than all of a sudden a blast was heard the front door was blown off flying to Nerines direction and Klaus stood in front of her slicing the door in half with his shadow.

A man in all black armor with a skull mask came in flashing in front of Marcus swinging his blade than Alissa cane blocking it with her blade and swinging at the man.The man in a deep robotic voice said traitor!! you dare help these unholy creatures of the devil,now you shall die with them.Another man cane in with a red katana he had a demon mask and beast armor on.Beast armor was armor made from a rare creatures life crystal the armor has the same abilities as the creature killed and increases the strength and speed of the wearer.The demon mask man came flash step in front of Klaus swinging an aura slash at him but Klaus blocked at the last second,these men are strong Klaus thought the order must be desperate to deal with us.Bradley confused on what's going on thought the order was sending S rank members in 2 days than who are these men.

The demon mask man than pulled out a detonator and Klaus looked at the ground seeing he dropped a bomb when they clashed.Klaus covered the bomb with a shadow just in case it blew up and when he was distracted the demon mask rushed towards him readying his blade to throw out an aura slash Marcus saw this and quickly tackled the man to the ground.The demon mask than started to punch Marcus in the face until he was thrown off of him with a shadow,Marcus than got up and looked for Alissa who was fighting the black masked man.When everyone was distracted another man with a troll mask had got his way towards nerine who tried to put the man under her influence but failed.Marcus rushed over with a metal bat and tried to slam it on the mans back but saw that the bat was dented.The man than took out a giant sledge hammer and slammed Marcus into the wall.

Marcus felt weird after the slam he felt something puncture into him and his skin started to burn.When he looked down a sword was stabbed into him from the back and when he turned around to see who did it he saw that it was Bradley.Bradley said I'm sorry as he saw the last bit of life leave Marcus's shocked face and fell to the ground.Alissa saw they and started to scream fighting the man with anger and sadness every strike harder than the other and when the mans defense was broken she slashed him across the chest and ran for Marcus.Marcus Laid there face down on the ground blood dripping of his cold corpse.In his mind Marcus was in a white room and turned around seeing a man and woman staring at him.

Marcus said"Mom Dad is that you"?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please comment and favorite the novel and remember to comment your favorite part of the novel also please vote for the novel so hopefully in the future we become number 1 and be with the champs in Fantasy novels.

Mohammed_Jawadcreators' thoughts