
The Vampire Progenitor In Gaia

Ave_Lucifer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The Progenitors And Gaia

Raven who looked at the countdown without even blinking was shocked to be suddenly shrouded by a bright light just as the countdown showed zero. Even though he was shocked for a second he didn't panic suce he knew that whatever this was it wasn't something he could stop even if he wanted to.

All the people who had touched the meteor and were shown the countdown experienced similar experiences across multiple continents. Some panicked when the white light engulfed them while some stayed composed. But one thing common about all of them was that when the light was gone so did the people. The selected people disappeared along with the light leaving no trace.


When Raven opened his eyes he was standing in a room alongside hundreds of others. All these people were shrouded in a dark shadow making it next impossible to find their identity. Upon looking at his hands he realised that he was also like that, shrouded in shadow.

When he observed the room they were in he realised that all of them were standing around what looked like a platform. As he was thinking about what it was the platform lit up attracting everyone's attention. Above the platform a holographic ball of light appeared. Before they could completely realise what was happening, a robotic voice like the one they had heard yesterday spoke.

"Greetings humans, today is a day like none other as this will be the day humanity starts their ascension. Before we get too deep into it I should give you the context. Humanity has lived their lives believing themselves to be alone in the university, which is correct. But what they didn't realise is that while there may not be any other species there were human civilizations scattered across the universe. In short , while all of you here are humans you all come from different planets throughout the universe." The voice stopped .

Hearing what the voice said, everyone seemed to be surprised. They were digesting what they had just heard. But before they could the voice continued,

"Humans as a race is what we consider as the beginning, since all other mana enriched intelligent races are to be evolved from humans. The universe you have lived in is the base world absent of any mana, helping humanity develop themselves. But now the time has come for humanity to take the next step and ascend to Gaia and that is why all of you are here. Now to make this easier you can ask questions and I'll explain."

After the voice finished the entire room fell into silence. Everyone looked at eachother. Suddenly a shadow hand sprung up from opposite of where Raven stood and the whole room looked there.

"So what is the question?" Asked the voice.

"You said we were here for humanity to take the next step. So what are we?" Asked the person whom Raven thought was a girl because of the cute feminine voice.

"Now all those here are people who had come into contact with the ascendant. The ascendant is a container for a gene. The genes you guys came into contact with also carried a gene and is currently embedded on the back of your hand. This will change you, making each of you a new race, essentially making each person her first of their kind, the Progenitors."

"What sort of race are we talking about here?"asked someone else

"These races are ones all of you are probably familiar with since lores and myths revolve around them. The races could range from something like a goblin to a dragon. What you are is entirely dependent on the ascendant you've got, which we would unlock later" answered the voice.

Hearing some murmurs from here and there Raven decided to ask the next question.

" You said we would ascend to Gaia. So what is Gaia?" he asked earning a few nods from people.

"Gaia is a physical plane of existence. After you unlock your ascendant and evolve into your new races you shall be sent Gaia. It's a plane about a hundred times larger than all your planets combined. It also contains multiple continents, some being quite unique or even perfect for certain races. You can travel between Gaia and your home planets for a while." Replied the voice

Noticing the words the voice said Raven pressed on, " And what would happen after a while"

" All of humanity shall be slowly moved to Gaia, and when the entirety of humanity is moved your abilities to move between shall no longer be available."said the voice.

Hearing this a lot of people was shocked while a very few seemed intrigued. This minority included Raven as well. As they thought if the answer someone asked another question.

" So what are progenitors supposed to do? And do we get any privileges?"

The voice continued to answer the questions "Progenitors can do anything they want , they could rule over their race or they could simply venture around Gaia. Progenitors are pioneers; they get to choose what to do. Now privileges, yes progenitors have some privileges like evolving people of your world into your race or in some cases subordinate races and bringing them to Gaia. They also have the ability to command their race as well as the subordinate races."

"What are subordinate races? Asked someone from the front whom Raven couldn't see which he thought was because the person was short.

" Subordinate races are races linked to another,examples would be dragons and dragonmen Or Orcs and goblins. The progenitors of the main race are capable of exerting authority over the progenitors of subordinate races as well."

Before anyone else could ask a question the voice said, " I am sure questions would continue to come, but we won't be able to answer those right now. After you unlock your ascendants you shall be given an assistant or a system as many of you know who is completely capable of assisting you and answering your queries. So now we will mov to the main event. We will be unlocking your ascendants and welcoming a new era for humanity and Gaia