
The Vampire Progenitor In Gaia

Ave_Lucifer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


The time was around midnight with the moon hanging high in the sky. Its light fell on the dark corners giving warmth even to those that were forgotten by time.

When the streets were almost entirely void of life a young man was walking through the streets embracing the moonlight. His looks were by all aspects above the average populus. Dark hair and dark eyes, a symmetric face and a decently athletic body. . But even with all that potential his ragged clothes, baggy eyes and overgrown hair seems to make it difficult for people to look at him favourably.

This was Raven Night, a twenty year old college drop out. He wasn't by any means bad at his studies, on the contrary he excelled at it. But in a society where money and power dictates value he couldn't hold on. After the death of his mother, the only living relative he had spiralled down. He couldn't hold on to the life of the scholar.

After dropping out all he could do to sustain was work . But there too he was cursed to suffer as he had already been fired from over a dozen jobs in the period of a year. It wasn't because he was bad at it but the exact opposite, a new and younger person doing better than the veterans, not all people like it. That in itself resulted in him losing jobs in succession.

Even with all that he was still grateful that he had a place to sleep. And that was all he had to his name. After his mother's death he has been living in the house that he used to live in with his mother. While he knew he had the brains to aim big, without the proper power behind it, all that would be is a card castle which would topple over at the slightest wind. So he had neither lofty goals nor ambition, especially not within his range.

So now after yet another tough day all he could wish was for a goodnight's sleep. As he tread through the dark streets hoping to get a hearty sleep a figure jumped over him from the darkness and pushed him against the walls.

He could feel the coldness of the knife that was pressed against his neck. Feeling the cold metal his back was drenched in sweat. Then came a rugged voice, "Quick, everything of value you have."

Knowing he had no choice he took out his wallet from his pockets along with a phone which was broken to the point where the only thing holding it together was a bunch of flex bands . Without turning back he gave the wallet and phone to the robber. I guess even the robber didn't want the phone , because seeing its state he threw the phone to the side breaking it and took the wallet. Inside the wallet, all it held was a measly $27. This didn't seem to put the robber in a good mood as he kicked Raven's knee making him stagger to the ground and continued pummeling him with kicks.

After a few minutes the robber seems to have vented his anger at his unsuccessful robbery on Raven and walked out of the alley leaving Raven drowning in his own blood. Rave could feel his own consciousness slowly fade away.

After an hour or so Raven regained consciousness, opening his eyes with difficulty he saw himself still in the same alley. He could feel pain from almost all parts of the body. As he tried to stand up he could feel the pain increase tremendously. With no other choice all he could do was endure all the pain and stand up. After much difficulty he slowly stood up with the support of the wall. As he was about to try and walk out of the alley his eyes widened at what he saw the next moment.

The skies which were solely illuminated by the moonlight suddenly lit up . The skies were dyed with all sorts of colours, like a painting from a renowned artist. Through these lit up skies countless colourful lines seem to be drawn, moving towards earth. Upon closer inspection you could see that at the end of the lines , they were meteors.

As Raven struggled to look up at this never before seen vision with great difficulty, he caught sight of one such line coming straight towards him. Seeing this all Raven could do was close his eyes and embrace his death.

Unexpectedly even though he heard a loud noise he didn't seem to have died. So he opened his eyes and turned around to see a blood red gem which he guessed was the meteorite. It seems to have landed a few metres away from him with the crater it created being right in front of him.

As he looked at the meteor hee seemed to feel some sort of force calling him toward it. Eyes glued over it, he slowly walked into the crater gritting his teeth over the pain spreading all over the body.

As Raven walked towards the meteor, even those that had been sleeping soundly across the globe had woken up from the blinding light show as well as the crashing noises all over earth. While people were either terrified or either curious of what was , Raven was now standing right in front of the blood red meteor.

He looked at the meteor showing its bright red aura. He couldn't help but slowly reach out his hands towards the gem even when his mind screamed at him not to. And just when he touched the gem the entire thing shines so brightly that it almost blinds him. But before he could even think about closing his eyes the light flashed leaving him blind for a few minutes.

As he opened his eyes with clarity after a few minutes, he was extremely surprised to see that the gem was not there anymore. It seemed to have vanished as if it was never there. If not for the still lit up skies he would have believed that all this was just a hallucination.

It was then that he realised something odd. He who had just been beaten to an inch of his life and struggling to stand straight is now completely fine. Well maybe better that fine, since not only was his body cured front he beating it also seems to have been strengthened a bit. As he was looking at his body he caught sight of a red gem on the back of his hands. The same gem as the meteor to be exact, just smaller.

Not wanting to attract attention from people who may come looking for the source of the noise, Raven quickly ran away from there to carefully examine the gem on his hand in a safe environment. He reached his house in about 10 minutes. But what surprised him was the fact that even when he ran all that distance he didn't feel an ounce of fatigue. Putting it in the back of his head, he quickly got in and closed the door. He got to his room and decided to look at the gem.

He observed the blood red gem on the back of hand for a while and finally mustered the courage to once more touch it. But as he touched it with his other hand he seemed to have pricked hai hand and a drop of blood fell on the gem.

Suddenly, the gem emitted a blood red light filling the room and an emotionless voice spoke,

"Host deemed to be an unevolved basic intelligent lifeform , Commencing soulbinding…"

As Raven was in daze hearing the voice a red screen holographic screen popped up in front of him showing a countdown.

[ Time left until Progenitor Ascension to Gaia

< 21:36:15>]