
The Vampire Prince's Pet

“You are to cease all association with Damon and stop seeing him with immediate effect,” I narrowed my eyes at Damien and at his heated gaze, I made myself appear so small on his bed where I sat, still scared that Evangeline might walk in and have a misconception. “But I am not done with my mission,” I insisted. He scoffed and eyed Damon’s crisp white shirt I had on with disdain. “Of course, you are not done.” I scowled at his tone. “What does that mean?” “It means” he muttered slowly leaving the spot where he was standing in front of his dresser eying my frame, “I bought you,” he enunciated closing the space between us with long strides. “I own you,” he stopped at the edge of the bed and bent his head to meet my gaze, his impossibly long lashes resting on his cheeks. “You belong to me,” then producing a startled gasp from my lips I didn’t see coming, he fisted his hand at the collar of the shirt and in one yank tore it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My story must have started before now but this is all that I remember. I am a human among Vampires and my race had been defeated by the Vampires three years ago. We are called pets; handpicked and secluded from other human slaves. We were easy on the eyes; pretty, they had said, hence, we were kept to be more than mere food unlike the other humans who were preyed on by the vampires. I haven’t seen what have become of the human race, the same way I have never seen a mirror for the past three years. I remember nothing, I was nothing. I have no name and was known only by the number on my collar. ’14.’ I’m ‘14’ and this is my story. He thinks he can break me but how exactly do you break something that has already been broken?

Praise_Onuoha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Canons were shot in a distance and I could hear shrieks and screaming as many people scrambled for safety; Even though there was nowhere like that, if the canons didn't get you, the vampire's fang does.

I couldn't move. I was waiting for someone.

I was drenched with blood that didn't belong to me and I might possibly be holding a corpse but I waited and waited for her to stand up and hold me.

"Hey, my beautiful girl." She opened her eyes slightly. "You need to go now. You need to survive. For me, for us, for your brother."


She placed her finger over my trembling lips. "I love you, never forget that and you're stronger than you think. You'll be fine."

"Mom, you can't do this to me. Please don't do this to me."

"I'm sorry."

That was the last word she told me and if I had known what exactly she was apologizing for, I'd have lied down beside her and wait for my death.