
the vampire lord

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 4 meeting the king

as I saw this quest I felt even more fearful then I looked at the rewards 3 experience points and a instant level up then I looked at rose and said " um why didn't you tell my you were royalty " I said this with slight announce she then gave a cute smile saying " oh I just forgot to mention it " then I said upset "that's a pretty important thing to forget don't you think anyway when do we have to meet him " she looks at me smiling as she happily says "right now" as a guard walks in and says "I am here to escort you my lady and sir" then we follow the guard into the throne room all around there are men and women dressed in Gothic clothing we then reach the throne as rose runs to the king hugging him saying "daddy this is the man I told you about you know the one I said I was going to marry one day " then the king gives me a staire releasing a extremely large amount of killing intent directed at me suddenly I fall to the ground as the system showed a screen saying host is currently under the effects of fear would you like to negate effect then I press ok as suddenly the pressure I was feeling disappeared I stand back up as the king nods his head saying in a deep voice " well done you have proven your self for now at least I will leave my daughter in your care remember if anything ever happens to her your whole race will be wiped out understood" I then nod as rose then goes back to hugging my arm then the king said "I will be hosting a banquet soon please do attend" I bow respectful and begin to leave as I make it back to Rose's room I ask "is it possible if you can make a portal for me to go home she then nods and once more crates a portal but this time it is blue I walk through but before I go rose says" I put my information on your phone so call when you get home ok" then she runs up to me and gives me a small kiss on the cheek as I fall through the portal ending up in the outside the college as I walk the quest bar appears quest survive the werewolf attack has started as suddenly something in the dark charges at me.... Chapter 5 quest 1 complete