
the vampire lord

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 2 vampire part2

At the sight of Rose's mouth covered in my blood I passed out once again this time I woke up In a unfamiliar room I laid on the large soft bed as sit up I see rose entere the room she is wearing a white dress with red heels she walks up to me with a smiles as she says " so what do you think of your new home " I stare at her in confusion as I say " new home?" She then nods happily as I continue "what do you mean by new home I still have my parents waiting for me to go home " she then smiles as she says " don't worry I personally have delt with that " I say in nervousness " what do you mean delt with " she then gives me a confused look as she says " I talked with them about our relationship " I then say " what relationship I just met you " she then give a happy smile as she says " well I told your parents that we are getting married " I look at her in confusion " and they didn't question anything " I say this in concern about what was going through my crazy parents heads she then smiles at me I then try to get up but she stops me she looks at me as her blood red eyes glowed she then picks up a knife making a small slit on her rist

Blood dripping out of the wound she looked at me and said "drink" I shook my head as I said " why the hell would I drink your blood " she then drop a bit into my mouth suddenly a felt a burning in my throat it was like a jug of acid got dumped down my throat I screamed in pain moving side to side it felt like my bones were being destroyed suddenly it all stopped I laid there in relief that the pain had stopped when a screen showed up it was red and said welcome to the vampire god system... Next chapter the vampire world