
The Vampire King's Werewolf Bride

Sometimes we bear the punishments for the mistakes we didn't commit. As the above sentence said, Adira Elisaveta, the werewolf princess now going to bear the punishments for her elder's mistakes. The vengeance between the vampire and Werewolf races hasn't ceased for centuries. As the bloodline of both races decreased, they worried that they may turn non-existent. So, both the races decided to cease the wars and bloodshed with the marriage pact between them. Can a werewolf accept a man who wasn't her mate? Can she lead a life with the Vampire king? When she was struggling with all her troubles with the marriage, she was supposed to meet the Vampire King. During their first meeting, she was shocked to the hell when her wolf screamed MATE seeing the vampire king. Can things get worse than this in her life? Can she accept him? To know more... read the story of the Werewolf Princess Adira Elisaveta.

priyabolagani · História
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs



Adira was at her wits end. She can't keep Azazel engaged anymore, given the stunt she pulled earlier. He was wary of her. And not to mention, her energy was depleting like a air leaking out of a balloon. Due to the absence of her wolf, she was very weak. Given with the fact that she fought earlier with Azazel and his lackey, she was weaker than before. She hardly has the energy to move an inch. She slumped on the ground helplessly. 

"Do you think they can save you? You don't know what was coming before!" Azazel said as he let out a bark of evil laughter. For some reason, his eyes were shining green. 

"I wonder who your daughter is. I pity her so much," Adira said in her raspy voice. 

"You will be surprised to know her," Azazel replied mirthfully. 

Adira felt a foreboding feeling as she looked at him. This man was just as twisted as the dark magic. No wonder he was attracted to the dark magic. 

Just then... a woman entered the hall. Seeing her, Adira smiled. But soon... it turned into a shock when she heard that woman call Azazel... "Father," 

Adira's shocked eyes looked at the two people with questions in her eyes. She doesn't know why but she was feeling weak. So weak that she was about to faint. 


On the other side...

As Lenora followed the path she had chosen, her heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. Each twist and turn of the labyrinthine corridors seemed to bring her closer to her goal, her footsteps echoing through the empty halls as she pressed on with unwavering resolve.

Finally, she reached a dead end, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she braced herself against the cold stone wall. For a moment, she feared she had chosen the wrong path, that she had led herself into a trap from which there was no escape.

But then, as her eyes swept over the chamber before her, she saw it: the coffin, its lid adorned with ancient runes, standing at the center of the room like a grim sentinel guarding a dark secret. And beside it, shackled and bound, was Adira, her eyes wide with terror as she stared up at the figure looming over her.


Lenora's blood ran cold at the sight of him, his dark silhouette casting a long shadow over the chamber as he turned to face her with a malevolent grin. But she refused to let fear paralyze her, her determination burning brighter than ever as she stepped forward to confront him.

"Release her," she demanded, her voice steady despite the fear that threatened to consume her. "You have no right to hold her captive."

Adira knew her sister-in-law was smart and knew how to deal with situations. But now she was being so impulsive that made her scared. She shouldn't be this aggressive. Or maybe she should. Adira doesn't want to think of it. She doesn't want Azazel to hurt Lenora in any way because of her. 

Her brother was happy after a long time. It's all because of her. Now, her mother not only thinks about the court, politics and kingdom affairs, but also about clothes, jewelry, ornaments and makeup. She was updating herself with the latest trends for herself and her sister-in-law. 

Her mother has become much more gentler than before. She can't let everything fall apart just because she wanted to save her. 

Azazel's laughter echoed through the chamber like the tolling of a funeral bell, his eyes gleaming with malice as he regarded her with disdain. "And who are you to command me, little witch?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. Azazel was testing her from the moment she entered the hall. 

But Lenora stood her ground, her gaze unwavering as she met his gaze with steely resolve. "I am Lenora Ravenna, and I will not let you harm her," she declared, her words ringing out with the strength of her conviction.

Ravenna? Adira's eyes widened in shock. Ravenna's was the biggest witch bloodline. They were the most powerful, pure-blooded witches, blessed directly by the moon goddess. Then, how did she become a vampire? How could the witches coven let her become a vampire? Does that mean she can return to being a witch soon? Maybe! Was that why they let her turn into a vampire? Adira's mind raced with many thoughts. She came out of her thoughts when she felt a strong pull of evil energy. 

As Azazel's dark energy surged forth from his fingertips, crackling with malevolent power, Lenora's instincts kicked in. With a swift motion, she gathered her own energy, a brilliant gold that shimmered with an inner light, into her outstretched hands.

Adira's heart palpitated as she saw two of them getting ready to fight. She also felt awed by her sister-in-law's powers. But she knew that it's not the time to be awed because her sister-in-law can be at the losing end as she is not as powerful as Azazel. Or Maybe she was. But right now, she doesn't want Lenora to do experiments with her energy. 

"Ahhh!!!!!" with a loud cry Lenora threw the energy ball towards Azazel. 

The moment the two opposing energies met, the air crackled with tension, and the every fabric of the room vibrating with the intensity of their clash. The dark and light energies collided in a spectacular display of power, sending shockwaves rippling through the chamber creating a huge explosion engulfing the room with the huge foam. 

Adira couldn't believe that her sister-in-law was able to fight a terrifying lich like Azazel. She was scared and worried for her. "Stop!" she yelled but her yells went unheard by either of them. She felt a chill running down her spine. 

The room seemed to hold its breath as the energies wrestled for dominance, each seeking to overpower the other in a battle of wills. Sparks flew as the opposing forces collided, casting shadows that danced across the walls like fleeting phantoms.