
The Vampire King's Werewolf Bride

Sometimes we bear the punishments for the mistakes we didn't commit. As the above sentence said, Adira Elisaveta, the werewolf princess now going to bear the punishments for her elder's mistakes. The vengeance between the vampire and Werewolf races hasn't ceased for centuries. As the bloodline of both races decreased, they worried that they may turn non-existent. So, both the races decided to cease the wars and bloodshed with the marriage pact between them. Can a werewolf accept a man who wasn't her mate? Can she lead a life with the Vampire king? When she was struggling with all her troubles with the marriage, she was supposed to meet the Vampire King. During their first meeting, she was shocked to the hell when her wolf screamed MATE seeing the vampire king. Can things get worse than this in her life? Can she accept him? To know more... read the story of the Werewolf Princess Adira Elisaveta.

priyabolagani · História
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

Subtle romance


As Zaros and Adira stepped into the bathing pool, the warm water enveloped their bodies, creating a soothing embrace. Zaros wasted no time in wrapping his arms around Adira, drawing her closer until their bodies melded together. His lips brushed against the delicate curve of her neck, releasing a soft sigh of pleasure. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear, his voice a seductive melody that danced upon her skin. His chest touched her fleshy mounds while his boner was trying to enter her feminine secret. Adira could feel what he meant and what he needed. It's just that she was really tired and couldn't move a limb.

But Adira, her eyes heavy with exhaustion, gently pushed him away, her touch conveying both tenderness and weariness. It was also combined with her denial of his intimacy for now. The crowning ceremony took too much of her energy. As the king's beloved sister, she had to take care of many things. Adira was overwhelmed by the responsibilities she had taken on. She yearned for a moment of tranquility, a respite from the demands of the day.

Undeterred by her resistance, Zaros persisted in his flirtatious advances. His fingers trailed along her bare skin, leaving a trail of desire in their wake. Adira's breath hitched, her senses awakened by his touch, but her fatigue weighed heavily upon her.

"I thought you would take a bath in your chamber." Zaros heard her tired yet throaty whimper-like words.

"Why must every bath be a solitary affair when my stunning wife is here, showcasing her delicious body before my very eyes?" Zaros stated matter-of-factly, a mischievous glimmer in his gaze that caused Adira's cheeks to flush crimson.

Even though the start of their marriage was rocky, Zaros was treating her well. Well, in that sense, not just the way he was treating her but also the way he flirts with her and makes her feel things He was the first man who made her imagine doing things to her, and he was also the very first man who was doing things to her.

The steam-filled room embraced them, creating an intimate ambiance that heightened their awareness of each other's presence. Stripped of all pretenses, they stood before one another in their naked vulnerability. Their playful banter and the gentle caress of their bodies sparked undeniable electricity that crackled in the air, making Adira acutely conscious of their closeness. The intimate skin contact made Adira breathless, shaken, and unbelievably hot. But she has no energy to either respond or bear him. She wasn't saying no to him because she disliked him. But because she was really tired.

With a softness that tugged at Zaros's heart, Adira appealed to him, her voice innocent yet pleading. "Can we simply enjoy a bath together? I am weary, my love."

Zaros's eyes softened, his ardor tempered by concern. He saw the toll that the day had taken on Adira, and a surge of tenderness swelled within him. Without hesitation, he released his hold on her, allowing her to step away from his embrace. Understanding her need for respite, he nodded and reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers in a gesture of reassurance.

"Of course, my love," Zaros replied, his voice laced with understanding. "Let us find solace in this tranquil haven and allow our weary bodies to find repose."

Adira's eyes, once burdened with fatigue, brightened with gratitude as she sank deeper into the warm waters. Zaros followed suit, their bodies finding separate spaces within the pool, yet still connected by an invisible thread of affection.

As the weight of the day began to dissipate, Adira closed her eyes and let the water cradle her, its gentle caress soothing her tired muscles. The aroma of scented oils filled the air, mingling with the steam to create an intoxicating atmosphere that lured her senses into a state of blissful surrender. She sighed a contented sound that resonated with the depths of her being.

Zaros observed her with a tender gaze, his desire to pamper her overwhelming any remnants of his earlier playfulness. He reached for a nearby loofah, dipping it into a bowl filled with fragrant soap. With deliberate movements, he lathered the sponge, watching the bubbles form and dissipate, mesmerized by the simple act. His eyes never left Adira's form, admiring the graceful curves that the water accentuated.

Silently, he approached her, his touch gentle as he began to cleanse her skin with the foaming loofah. His strokes were slow and deliberate, each swipe of the sponge an expression of his love and devotion. Adira surrendered to his manipulations, her body relaxing further under his care. The fatigue that had weighed on her dissipated with each stroke, replaced by a growing sense of tranquility.

As Zaros tended to her, Adira's thoughts drifted, memories of their shared journey flickering through her mind. She recalled the moments of laughter, the trials they had faced together, and the unyielding support they had offered one another. Amid the warm waters, she found solace not just in the physical embrace but in the depths of their emotional connection.

Minutes turned into eternity as Zaros continued his careful attention. His touch, once filled with desire, now conveyed a profound tenderness that brought tears to Adira's eyes. She turned to face him, the water rippling around them, and reached out to cup his cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice laden with unspoken gratitude. "For understanding and for always being there, even in the smallest of moments."

Zaros smiled, his eyes gleaming with affection. He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "My love, it is my honor and my joy to be by your side, to offer you respite when weariness weighs you down. Together, we will find solace in the simplest of pleasures and forge a path of enduring love."

And so they remained, lost in each other's embrace, the world outside their sanctuary forgotten. The steam enveloped them, their bodies intertwining as they sought solace in the healing waters and the unbreakable bond that had woven their lives together. In the depths of their shared bath, they discovered a sanctuary where tiredness melted away, leaving only the essence of their love.