
The vampire and the Elf :the vampire's obsession

Vampire. An elf's nightmare,just the mention of a vampire makes an elf cower in fear. The vampires are the rulers of the world,the most feared,dangerous and strongest of all creatures,all other creatures bow at their feet's,the highest in the hierarchy,they dominate and rule the various races and nations of the world. But the elfs weren't comfortable under the rule of the vampires ,they want their own rules,they wanted independence,and so they rebelled. War broke out,it was a very tragic night for the Elf's, blood was spilled.half of the ELF's were slain and executed,the vampires only spared the women and children.some of the Elven men escaped along with the spared women and children,and were Able to hide from the vampires using the help of a very powerful sorcerer and since then the ELF's became extinct to other nations and forever an enemy of the vampires. 100 years later,high on the mountain top,laid a very beautiful kingdom.EVANOR. the ELF's finally found the freedom and independence they craved for,and also hidden from the other nations. But are they really safe? The king of the elf has four children,his first child the crown prince,ALFRED,lost his mum at birth so the king married a second wife,who birthed two daughters. Years later the king fell helplessly in love with a slave girl,and had an affair with her,this led to the birth of a girl. The child was born with different and strange features,sure the king was an elf,but no one knows the origin of the slave girl. The slave girl couldn't handle the abuse from the queen,so she ran leaving her three year old daughter with the king. The girl also suffered brutal abuse,emotional abuse and violence.no one cares about her,people hated her cause she's a half-breed. Her father the king gave a blind eye,the only person who cares about her is the crown prince,she grew up into a beautiful damsel, Skin as fair as the moon hair,the brightest shade of silver and ocean blue.her eyes as blue as the deep sea, Her step sisters became so jealous of her,the eldest tricked her and pushed her off the mountain,leaving her vulnerable to other creatures, What happens when the first person she saw was PRINCE NIEL,the most dangerous and feared vampire ever lived,ruthless,brutal cruel,heartless. A man who enjoys killing and the sight of blood,will she survive his cruelty,or will love come alive between the two enemies. Follow me as we delve into the forbidden love of prince Niel and princess Calypso

pixie_dust16 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


The tears flowed freely after hearing what her father said, she felt her world crumbling down.

The king felt his heart twisting in pain.but he immediately schooled his expression,  

    "Today is Gabrielle's birthday,tonight is the party,I'll be expecting you"

Calypso cleaned her tear stained cheek and smiled,he of all people knew how her sisters hate her,Gabrielle in particular.

"I won't come"

  "Nows not the time for your silly tantrums calypso,what would people say if you don't show up at your sisters birthday Soiree,"

    "She hates me and you know it" she answered with a gritted teeth.

   "You must be there" he stated with finality,and marched out of her room with large strides, his expression immediately turned sore he got into his study and Alfred immediately followed after him,

   "What did you say to her" asked Alfred his nose flaring in anger.


  "Nothing? You said nothing,can you even listen to yourself,how can you tell your daughter you hate her,how? And you call yourself her father how shameful" Alfred said with  distaste 

    "Watch how you talk to me" 

"You're really heartless" Alfred yelled in anger and barged out of the study.

The king drew in a sharp breath, his body shaking Alfred IS right,he should be ashamed of himself,he loves her so much he loves his daughter,but his hands are tied right now.

    " unbelievable" Gabrielle scoffed in anger,walking back and fort in her bed chamber.

"How can father invite that lowly half human witch to my my birthday soiree"

 "She's your sister Gabrielle mind your words"

"Sister? That lowly witch can never be my sister,and Alondria are you on her side or my side" Gabrielle snapped.

   "If father and brother hear you openly resenting her,they'll be crossed at you despite being half human she's still an elf"

  "Oh my! look who's trying to be a saint,has she bewitched you too?like she did father and brother? I'll make sure to break that spell"

      Alondria rolled her eyes at her silly sisters thought,calypso a witch how ironic,elfs can sometimes be silly.

Alondria hates the way her mom and sister treats calypso,but her hands are tied,she has to play along,else she'll face the wrath of her mother.

Alondria finished styling Gabrielle bright orange hair,in a neat bun,she made sure there was no stray hair.

  "Gabrielle please try to be nice to calypso,today is your day,pls be nice" Alondria said sweetly. Gabrielle rolled her eyes with a hiss.

  "I won't promise anything,,now how do I look" she grinned doing a 360 twirl.

     "You look dashing sister,the spotlight is all yours today"


    The party is almost starting,but calypso just sat quietly by her bed stool fiddling with her fingers. She hates crowd she hates people,cause they'll always look down on her. she dressed in a dark green gown made out of silk. She don't have any jewelries cause her step mom ceased all of them.

 She stood up and walked to the mirror,she picked up a scissors and trim the edges of her hair so they'll all be equal and straight,she brushed the hair and applied oil making it look more silky,"not bad" she muttered,she just hope her hair grows soon,she prefer it longer.

She went into an inner compartment in her closet and pulled out an old jewelry box,it belonged to her mother,she never bothered to see what's inside but today she wanna open it,maybe she'll find some jewelry there.she slowly pulled open the Lid,a bright blue light emanated from the box,but she failed to see it cause she immediately closed it when she heard a knock on the door,she immediately hid it back and went to open the door,

Her eyes hardened when she saw it was her father,and also Alfred behind him.

  "Greetings your majesty" she gave a deep bow.

  "Wow you look stunning caly" Alfred exclaimed but her dad just stared at her without a word,

   "Hold up...,why did you cut your hair" Alfred asked with a furrowed brow,the kings expression also changed.

    "I-I-I- just wanted to try something new" she grinned. But Alfred didn't buy it,

 "We'll talk later"

he took her small hands in his and followed after the king who walked at the front.

     Alfred interlocked his hands with hers as he led her into the ceremonial hall,immediately they entered all eyes turned to them,whispers quickly arising,calypso lowered her head,her hair covering her face,at least she can shield her eyes from seeing how people starred at her in hatred.

Alfred paused when he noticed her action,he held her chin raising her head in the process,she attempted lowering her hard again,but he prevented it,giving her a warning stare.And they continued to walk in,this time around her chin raised up high.

The queen and the celebrant fumed in anger,watching how Alfred cared more about calypso,she raised him,he should love her children more,not some slaves daughter.

   Xerox approached the duo with a dropped jaw,

   "Greetings Mi'lady". he greeted taking her tender hands giving it a light peck.

Calypso blushed with the gesture.

 "You look so beautiful Mi'lady,so ethereal so gorgeous,more like a goddess,your eyes remind me of the blue sky," xerox complimented,

Her cheeks turned red hearing his comments,no one has ever complimented her like this.


    "Where did you get this stunning beauty Alfred?" xerox asked with a smile.

   "She's my sister,lady calypso"

Xerox eyes widened in disbelief,princess calypso?,like the infamous third princess?the one rumored to be a witch,?

   "My apologies your highness" xerox smiled widened.

"Alfred,now that I know she's not your woman,am very glad" he grinned,turning to calypso he said "may I have your first dance my lady" 

 He bowed in a dramatic way,calypso was surprised she expected him to be repulsed once he knew her real identity,but instead he looks more interested in her.

   "Come on Alfie" xerox said with a pleading gaze,Alfred then gave calypso a nudge to go ahead.

   Slow music engulfed the hall and calypso could see many other couples dancing to the music.one thing her father did good in her eyes was making sure she learns all princess etiquettes,he hired a governess for her,and made sure she learned the basic elven tradition,archery.

     "You know I've heard so many things about you" xerox whispered in her ears,calypso read a lot of books,a lot of novels,she read how a lady would feel giidy and heady with racing heart when she's close to a man,the lady will feel flustered,but why isn't she feeling anything right now,even when xerox is so close to her.

   "Good or bad"

"Well mostly bad,and good too"

"Yeah I get that a lot"


   "You're unique princess,and don't listen to what people say about you,you're very beautiful,very pretty,your eyes drws me to you" he whispered. And she smiled


    "I'll like to enter into a relationship with you"

 "Lord xerox,I-I-d-"

"No,not that way my princess,I want to be more like an elder brother to you,I want to be your friend"

Calypso was taken aback by his words,

First time ever,she feels do elated,she knows xerox can be trusted cause he's Alfred's best friend.

"I'll give it some thoughts " she answered and soon the music ended.

"I'll be expecting " xerox smiled and left in the other direction, when he set his eyes on her,he immediately felt attached to her,not in a romantic way,but he felt the urge to protect her.

    Gabrielle fummed in anger,why would lord

xerox dance with calypso of all people,,she signaled a servant to come,she carried a glass of drink,secretly placed a pill that immediately dissolved,she twirl the glass with a smirk,and instructed the servant to take the drink to calypso.she smirked ready to watch the drama unfold.