
the valid dreams of a nymph

This book tells the love story of Noah, who was the son of Zeus who disguised to be a lesser god, and Alora, Persephone's daughter. Alora has always assumed that she is just a typical nymph living in the realm of the goddess Artemis. However, one day, Noah confessed his feelings for Alora, and eventually they went on to become a couple. It won't be long before Hera realizes this and sends Iris to try to woo Noah while posing as a maiden because she wants to break up this union. Later, Iris disguised themself as Alora, and he deceives her. When Alora saw this, she left. In a short while, Persephone invited the nymph Alora to serve as her messenger to Hell. The narrative doesn't just end here!

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39 Chs

Chapter 6

Persephone gazed at me with a mixture of shock and confusion. "Alora? Is that you?" she asked, still stunned by the revelation.

"Yes, mother. It's me," I replied, tears streaming down my face. "I couldn't stay away any longer. I missed you, and I wanted to see you."

Persephone stepped forward and embraced me warmly. "I missed you too, my darling," she said softly. "But why are you here? And who are these strangers with you?"

I explained everything to her, from my meeting with Noah and the other nymphs to our journey to the Underworld.

Persephone listened intently, her expression growing more serious with each passing moment. "This is dangerous," she said finally. "You must be careful, Alora. The gods and goddesses are not to be trifled with."