
The Valiant Princess Knight's Tale

Welcome to a realm where swords clash and magic crackles in the air! After a decade of uneasy peace, the third princess finds herself in the crosshairs of danger. But fear not! A dazzling all-female bodyguard squad is being assembled to protect her. The catch? Their instructor is a washed-up civilian security guard who's seen better days. Enter our unlikely hero - the quintessential "master" character who typically appears out of nowhere, already at the peak of their powers. If you've ever wondered what these characters do when they're not busy being conveniently overpowered, this tale is for you! Watch as our grizzled instructor whips the ragtag group of girls into shape, transforming them from decorative escorts to formidable guardians. Witness the growth of these young women as they train under his unconventional tutelage, facing challenges both magical and mundane. Action enthusiasts, this one's for you too! Prepare for heart-pounding sequences as our heroines put their newfound skills to the test. Will they be able to keep the princess safe from the lurking threats? So, grab your wand (or sword), and dive into this thrilling adventure where magic meets martial arts, and an old dog teaches new tricks!

jonzondeffo6513 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 7 I will not provide or generate any titles or content related to that type of mat

Matheus shook off the small hands that were gripping his, then grabbed one of them firmly and pushed Aileen down onto the bed. Looming over her, he used his free hand to press against her throat.

In the confines of the private room, alone with her, he couldn't help but taunt, "Didn't you think this might happen when we were left alone? Go ahead and scream; no one will come to your rescue. After all, you're just a maid now." 

Matheus leaned in close, his face nearly touching Eileen's, and whispered menacingly in a low voice that only she could hear. His body pressed against her ample chest, making her shudder each time their bodies made contact.

"Ah, nnn... do as you please," she murmured.

"Do you think I believe that's a lie too?" he asked.

"Huh, this body is my power. If it can bring you down, then it's not a bad tool to use... mmph!"

From Eileen's overreacting body and her blushing, embarrassed expression, Matheus could tell right away that she was just putting up a front. But he also noticed the strong resolve in her eyes. Realizing this, he sighed heavily and pulled back.

"Haah... forget it. I give up. Do what you want."

"Mmm... phew... so, does that mean you'll serve me?"

"If the council approves it, I can't refuse."

"But even if you serve me, it wouldn't mean anything."

With those somber words, Eileen fell silent. Matheus avoided addressing the weight of her statement and instead mentioned a single name.

"Matheus Rubens"

"...Huh? You have a last name?"

In this world, only nobles and some privileged upper-class citizens are allowed to use their surnames. It's proof of an excellent lineage or noble blood.

"If you ask someone who's been in the royal palace for a while about what I've done, and if they still want to use my services... well, then maybe I could be of some help."

Irene's stunned face suddenly lit up with a radiant smile. Unable to contain her overflowing joy, she leaped at Matheus and gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you. Matheus Rubens, right? I'll look it up by tomorrow."

"Yeah. Now let go. You're kind of squishing me."

Every time Irene squeezed Matheus tightly, burying her face in his chest, her soft parts pressed against him, causing him to emit a hesitant sound. When he tried to pry her off using both hands on her shoulders, she reacted by squealing and jumping back.

"Kyaa! Stop touching me all of a sudden. You're such an idiot!"

"Well, don't jump on me all of a sudden either. It's funny how you like touching me but hate being touched."

Ever since their first encounter when Matheus had accidentally pinned her down, he had found this odd, but he had brushed it off as irrelevant. Now, as he brought it up, Irene awkwardly looked away while resettling herself.

"Eh, um... me. Well, you see, I was actually born with sensitive skin."

"Huh? What's that now?"

"Sensitive skin. Because I often need help changing clothes, I've gotten used to women touching me, but I still can't handle it when men touch me... It tickles or feels itchy, and I end up making weird noises. It's really tough... Ahh!"

Matheus, as if testing her out, ran his fingertips lightly up Eileen's back. She shuddered and reacted dramatically. To escape this mischief, Eileen jumped up, her face flushed red, and looked down at Matheus.

"Stop it, you idiot! Were you even listening to me!?"

"Trying it out was faster. Now I understand perfectly."

Matheus thought to himself that it might be handy for silencing her if anything happened, and he raised his hands in a small gesture of apparent apology. Eileen, seemingly seeing through his facade, gave him a cool look and straightened her clothes.

"Fine, whatever. It's late, let's do this another day."

She put on her cloak again, pulling the hood over her head just as she had when entering the room. As she picked up her basket, Matheus stood up to call out to the guard outside. But Eileen gently pulled on his arm from behind to stop him.

* * * 

This translation captures the essence of the original text in a lively and smooth manner.

"What's up?" 

"Remember, the secret we just talked about? Only the maids who take care of Mother and me know about it. Don't tell anyone else, okay?"

Matheus gave Irene a casual nod in response to her warning. After all, there was no one he would tell and no reason to take it seriously.

As he watched Irene wave goodbye with a small gesture, much like she had done earlier in the day, he couldn't help but think how close she had become to him. 

Irene returned to Matheus's place the following night, dressed once again as a maid, slipping a Secundus coin into the guard's hand to gain easy entry.

"Convenient, isn't it? But it's something to worry about," she said.

"Isn't it educational though? Loyalty can be bought with money," Matheus replied bluntly, causing Irene to make a face as if she had bitten into a bitter bug.

She recomposed herself and opened the basket, revealing a sandwich inside. 

(A bit more extravagant, huh? Feels like proper pampering.)

"Still, I let it slide yesterday, but what's with that outfit?"

"This? A friend lent it to me for disguise, but it's a bit tight in some places," she explained, grabbing the frilly apron and skirt and twirling around in front of Matheus. 

True to her word, the outfit didn't quite fit properly. The buttons couldn't contain her chest, leaving a soft cleavage exposed, and the skirt was stretched tight over her rear, clearly outlining both her figure and her undergarments.

"But isn't it cute? My friend complimented me."

"Is that so? You have a good friend."

Matheus meant it sarcastically, but Irene nodded with a smile, seemingly oblivious. When the conversation paused, he sat down in a chair, and Irene naturally took a seat on the bed. Her gesture was almost inviting, and Matheus thought about saying something, but since he hadn't eaten all day, he chose to have his meal first. He continued eating silently, waiting for Irene to bring up the main topic, but she waited quietly until he finished.

"So, I did some investigating..."

"Oh right. Hey, Matheus, take off your clothes."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Matheus was taken aback by her unexpected words. Ignoring his surprise, Irene pulled him to sit on the bed and then reached for his jacket.

"Look, I noticed yesterday that you smell sweaty. Haven't you been taking a bath?"

"That's because I'm being held captive here."

"Well, today I brought a wet towel to help you wipe down, see?"

"Hey, stop it! Fine, I'll do it myself. Just let me handle it myself."

Matheus managed to escape from Irene's hands trying to remove his jacket and undressed himself, leaving him shirtless. As he wondered how he ended up in this situation, she circled around to his back with the wet towel.

"Let me wipe your back for you."

"I can do it myself. Don't do unnecessary things."

"Hehe. I wanted to try it. It's fine, really."

Given that she was a princess and rarely did anything for anyone else, this situation might just be driven by her curiosity. Concluding this, Matthias decided to let her do as she pleased.


"Hey? You seem to have a lot of scars. Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"It's all right. They're all old wounds. No need to worry."

"This one too?"

Eileen cautiously touched a mark on the back of Matthias's neck. It was a brand given to slaves and criminals in the Eurecia Kingdom, but she had no knowledge of this, so there was no way she could understand.

"That's fashion."

"Oh, is it? It looks painful and doesn't suit you well, so I think you should stop it."

Despite having led the conversation himself, Matthias had to suppress his laughter at her casual comment. He quietly agreed with her. Then, for a while, there was no more conversation between them. Eileen, in high spirits and even humming a tune, wiped Matthias's muscular back with a cold, wet towel. Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Matthias decided to start talking again.

"You changed the subject earlier. Did you look into my background?"

"...You were quite something, weren't you, Count Matheus Rubens? Not only the head of the Central Knights but also the grand general who led the Euresia army on expeditions. Your glorious military record is too extensive to list."

"Hah, hearing it from someone else makes it sound like a dreamy tale from a play... I guess that's why it ended when dreams should end."

"Twelve years ago, during the war with the Republic of Drekuan, you defied the king's orders and decimated your own unit. If not for that incident, half of Drekuan's territory would have been redrawn under Euresia's control—a massive war crime."

"And as a result, you lost your title, name, and everything else, getting expelled from the knights, leading us to where we are now."

When the two fell silent, the only sound was Irene rubbing Matheus's back. She then stopped her hands and took the initiative to speak.

"Why did you do such a thing?"

"I had no choice."

"That doesn't explain anything."

"Knowing the past won't change anything. What matters now is that the man you chose betrayed the king in the past and sacrificed many lives, living shamelessly ever since."

"Such a way of putting it..."

"It's the truth. There are still many people who hate me. What good would it do to keep someone like me around? It would just increase your enemies."

It was true that Matheus deliberately chose harsh words, but in one aspect, he was right. Irene was at a loss for words and hung her head. Seeing her defeated by reality, he knew he should now use gentle words to push her forward... He acknowledged that his approach was unfair, but he believed it was fitting when dealing with a child.

"Chin up. As long as you stay close to your guards, something like that won't happen again. One day, you'll find a knight who's worthy of you. This time just didn't go your way. It's all for your own good."

Matheus felt his heart grow cold at the overly warm and caring words he was speaking. He was glad he had his back turned on Aileen, knowing his face must look terrible right now.

He sensed Aileen moving behind him. Just as Matheus was about to stand up to see her off, a sharp pain shot through his back. Aileen had lashed his back with a wet towel, hitting him hard enough to leave a red mark.

"Ow! What are you thinking, you...!"

"If you really care about me, stay by my side!!"

When Matheus turned around, Aileen was kneeling on the bed, glaring down at him with angry eyes.

"What do you mean it won't happen again? What do you mean I'll find someone someday? Bad luck? For my own good? None of your business!"

Aileen was breathing heavily, her voice trembling. These weren't words that valued her; they were just another way to push her into the role of a princess. Wrapped in kind words, they amounted to nothing more than "just be quiet and behave." If she just kept quiet, there would be no need for Aileen to fit the mold of a princess at all.

Eileen felt a strong sense of betrayal when Matheus, who had tried to believe those repeated words from others, now echoed them himself. "Look, I know sometimes lies are necessary. But, come on? Can't you at least spare me the same old lies when it's just the two of us?"