

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs


The strongest people in this tribe were only in the Nascent realm, which were Adam and Jacob.

Alex knew he could beat the shit out of all of them easily. So he decided to come out of the void.

After sensing that someone came inside their hideout without any of them noticing. They all knew Alex was not some normal Nihilty realm cultivator because even for Demigods it will take 3 or 4 days to travel 100k km.

On the other hand Alex covered this distance in just less than 5 hours. He even followed Jacob and Adam without them noticing. He was surely not simple. All of the Soul eaters were thinking the same thing.

All of them took battle positions except children.

"Relax guys, i know you guys do not kill someone if they don't give you trouble. this was the rule created by your ancestors.

I am not here to trouble you, I am here to offer you all a deal." Alex said while asking everyone to relax.

Seeing that Alex even knows their races, they were sure that he was sent here by the Gods.

Alex was using soul eyes to see through their thoughts, it was difficult to see through their thoughts because of their high soul force but he was able to understand what they were thinking.

"And don't worry i am not sent here by a God to capture you all. In fact I have studied some history of your race, Those fu*king Gods and Supreme entity realm cultivators were ganging up on you. I am not like them, if i wanted to kill you, i would have done it by now. You all are not my match right now." Alex said gently to all the soul eaters.

"So, what is your deal?" Adam asked because he also believed that Alex could kill all of them if he wanted to.

"My name is Alex Griffin, the sect master of High Heaven Sect. My offer is, you will join my sect and i will protect your tribe and once again make it reach to the top." Alex again said gently, he was neither arrogant nor overconfident.

"I am Adam Smith, the leader of this tribe. So, do you have anything that can hide our soul eater's presence or someone of the Demigod realm is backing you." Adam questioned Alex, He was not a fool to put his people's lives on the line, just because of a stranger who claims to have a way to let them leave this place.

Alex took out Kiko from his ring and showed it to Adam, "This is my friend Kiko, which is in the Demigod realm. She has the bloodline of the Nine tail fox. I think she can protect you until you are in this world. If you reach the God realm and leave this world, then it will be difficult to protect you, but it will still take you guys hundreds of years to reach the Demigod realm." yes, Kiko have already broken through Demigod realm, If she became God realm cultivator she will have to leave Alex and enter realm of Gods where all God realm and Supreme Entities live.

Alex told Kiko to not cultivate because he doesn't want to lose a friend.

Kiko was with Alex since her birth and she was only 2 and a half months in age. If she leaves this world and enters the realm of Gods. She will not be able to live without Alex guiding.

So, Alex wanted these guys ability to create a secret realm, which will be the new home of Kiko, where even if she became a God realm cultivator, the world's will wouldn't be able to teleport her out of this world.

"I agree that senior Kiko will be able to protect us from the people of this world but the Gods can send some Demigod realm cultivators which are much stronger than normal Demigod realm expert" Adam said while thinking about all the possibilities.

"you are really a fitting leader, it is better to think of all the possibilities, because we can't predict our future." Alex said and took out an necklace and said "this thing is called necklace of disguise, it is an legendary grade artifact. i have 60 of these necklace. which are strong enough to hide your presence from the Gods, only Supreme Entities and universe's will can see through your disguise." Alex can get these necklaces from one of the dungeons in the Thirsty Desert, his disciples do these quests from time to time to get merits and Alex gets bonus rewards.

Alex has more than 500 of these necklaces, even if he loses 50 of them he can gain them easily in just 2 or 3 days.

Adam walked towards Alex and took the necklace from Alex after taking his permission.

When he was about to use it, everyone was watching him very carefully because their race's future depends upon this artifact.

"sorry, i was really excited and forgot to ask. How do i use this thing? and what type of face should i choose. i haven't seen any other people except my race and you." Adam said while looking at Alex.

"I think you don't need to change your face structure. you look exactly like humans but only have blue skin. use your soul force on this artifact and make a bond with it. it is a difficult process for people of other races but for you it will be easy because you have a lot of soul force.

When you have formed a soul bond with it. Order this artifact to change your skin colour to the colour of a human." Alex explained everything very calmly.

Adam did the same and after a minute he formed the soul bond with the necklace, he ordered the necklace to change his colour which matched the colour of Alex.

"So, do you all agree to join my sect??" Alex asked all of them.