
The unwanted teen mother butler

Vicky_Sue_Speer · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

chapter one

Hi my name is Natasha iam 14 yeas old and I'm a mother of two children who are my world they are twins I am life is a miss right now you see iam not a human iam a werewolf I live in black moon pack my father died a few years ago my mother just lifted me and took my brother she never wanted me she beat me when I told her I was pregnant. so for iam by myself iam a slave in my own pack I will find a way out for my kids the door to my room open Natasha alpha yelled you get out and started cleaning this house we are having alpha Andrew from black lake here tonight I want this place clean from top to bottom now he yelled in my face. yes alpha I was looking at the floor because if I looked at him he would beat me for it. I get the boys fed and started cleaning the house alpha and the Luna were out with chirs thank goodness for that because I knew to stay out of thire way or I would pay for it I don't know why they let me stay they hate me so why keep me chirs is the alpha and Luna only child he is 19 and will soon be the alpha I hope to be gone why before that happen he is the father of the twins but he has a mate. and will kill my babies when he becomes alpha he knows if word gets out he will lose the respect of a lot of the werewolf around here so the word is iam a whore and don't know who the father is will ever one will know the day I leave I will make sure of that I am cleaning and just not paying attention until I hit something behind me hey I heard some say I looked behind me and. see a every handsome man he is taller than me I looked him I was going to say sorry but caught my breath he has the most beautiful eyes they are like looking in the ocean so blue and he has the most beautiful face I see but right now he is frowning at me waiting for me to say something I am sorry about that I say. he looked at me and just pushed me out of the way who was he i though then I see two more people walking down the hall after him the man wasn't as tall as the one I backed into but he was just as good looking he was tan and had a good looking body and I could tell he was the beta of the pack hey miss he said have you see alpha Andrew go past here I just nodded my head in the way he went I couldn't speak he has the sweetie voice I have ever heard. he smiled at me thank and off they went will no wonder he was a ass when I said sorry for backing into him. I thought I wonder were the were going I go back to my room to check the babies they are starting to wake up I get Lee and change him first I grabbed his bottle I never tried to let them cry for to long because I knew if the alpha was to get woke up he would try to kill me I hate that I have to grow up so fast but I have no one to help I have been made to stop school and iam not a loud outside how I miss the freedom I had I don't know why iam the only one the alpha and Luna made grow up chirs is older but still every much still a child he as two children but made two do nothing. and it pisse me off I put Lee back in bed I get to Jason change him grabbed his bottle. then the door out throw open in walks the alpha and Luna chirs and a few other people I looked at them you whore the alpha yelled at me I just looked at him why was he so pisse why did you hit alpha Andrew for what I said I backup into him on accident I said the Luna punch me in the face I felt back on the bed with the baby in my arms alpha Andrew grabbed the baby I was thankful for that don't you lie bitch the Luna yelled in my face and hit me again the alpha grabbed me by my neck and I couldn't breathe if you ever lie again I will kill you and those basted babies you understand me he throw me down and I grabbed my neck and try to get my breath. alpha Andrew looked at me and then back at the alpha and Luna I just said you needed to talk to the girl not try to hurt her she is part of this pack why be that hard on her she is nothing the alpha said. and went to punch me this time the beta grabbed his hand don't try to touch her again he was yelling in the alpha face chirs step up and alpha Andrew grabbed him don't boy he said I was looking at them no one ever tried to help me before. alpha Andrew looked at me and at the rest get out he used his alpha video alpha looked at him and laughed you can't tell us what to do go or I will treat you as you did that girl the alpha and Luna and chirs left the room alpha Andrew looked at me I need to apologize I had no clue they were that why they aren't really unless it's my but I did say I was sorry for backup into he nods I was in a bad mood. why do they treat you like this I don't know why I just seem to pisse them off I guess the beta looked at me are this you kids and how old are you as he ask this my heart started beating so fast why was I acting this way I thought I looked at him iam 14 the babies are my and the alpha son is the father I throw my hand on my mouth oh shit iam died as soon as they find out I told him that alpha Andrew and his beta seem to understand why all that come out of my mouth. they frown at me done the son not do anything for them alpha Andrew asked no he has never wanted them that is why iam a whore you see he as a mate so no one knows any of this and why can't I just shut up now they looked at each other and then looked at me why do you not want us to know we can help you alpha Andrew said how and why would you want to iam nothing as the alpha as pointed out.