
CHAPTER 51 A sudden trip

  "This man here is a criminal,  why would you allow him to marry into your family?"Jared the old man said disdainfully,  Nathan knew Jared was trying to put on an innocent front. Jared Castillo was a drug trafficker.  Nathan had to find that out the hard way

  "You don't have to say anything,  this man tricked my daughter into marriage…"Elizabeth said glaring at Nathan, Jeremy frowned and stepped forward 

  "Jared you don't have to worry… this man is the Larson family's useless son-in-law… he mops floors and cleans our house," Jeremy remarked standing face to face with Nathan. It was amusing how Jeremy was old enough to live on his own but was still under his sister's wings

  "Then we better talk business,  I have such a good business proposal for Laura," Jared said, turning away from Nathan. Elizabeth smirked and nodded

  "Then let's not spoil our mood with useless people… please come to the living room," Elizabeth said gesturing for Jared to follow her to the lounge