
Blast! Blast! Blast!

Hazel Michelson.

Eve and I went to kitchen to bake cake.

“I think we should search something on internet. What’s say?” I said to Eve.

“yeah let me bring my iPad. Just wait here. I will come back in two minutes”. Eve said and ran upstairs towards her room.

I went inside the kitchen where Marina is already cooking something.

“hey what are you doing”? I asked her. When she was putting some chicken on the stove.

“ Madam I am making soup for William Sir” She replied.

“I will make a soup for him”. I said immediately. I do not know why but I like to do his each and every thing.

“Madam you?” she gasped in horror.

“what do you mean? Can’t I a simple soup?” I snapped.

“No madam you can do it absolutely.” She immediately replied when she looked anger in my eyes.

“Now you will guide and I will do all the work” I ordered her.

“yeas madam sure” she replied.

“Now tell me what soup you are making”? I asked her.