
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

A Helper

[Congratulations Keiji on speaking your first words and meeting the requirements to awaken 'Nameless System'. The system will now start helping you in your life in this world. Of course, as long as you meet the prerequisites.]

A womanly almost robotic voice was heard in Keiji's mind. The voice seemed like it was used to calling the name Keji and held some affection for it even though it's voice was almost monotone, but that couldn't hide it. Unfortunately, Keiji didn't notice as he had nothing to compare it to.

'A system? Seriously? That's a big gamble, some systems torture their hosts other's make them depend on it too much. Also, what's with that weird naming, looks like someone was being too lazy.'

Keiji thought of various things about the system in his mind, but there was one in particular that made him a bit weary.

'Can you hear my thoughts?'

[Yes and no. We can't hear your thoughts or what you're thinking if you don't want me to hear them or when you have a mission and we're having a conversation, otherwise we can't listen on you. That's also the reason why you needed to speak your first words so the system can activate, a prerequisite.]

'That's a bit relieving. So how can you know my name?'

[You can't access such information Currently.]

'So there are some things that I can't know. Then why will you help me in particular? I'm sure there are other, maybe even better people out there? So why me?]

[The 'Nameless System' was designed specifically for you, to help you in your growth and your new life in this world.]

'By whom? I don't think I was ever aquatinted with someone of such caliber, one that can help me this much by creating this system or you who can communicate with me as easily as a human.'

[You can't have access to such information Currently. And we're not some automated or robotic AI like what you call 'Jarvis' in the other world you lived in before.]

*Sigh* 'Should've guessed as much. Does he/she want to harm me? Or use me to do diabolical things? And what are you then?'

[No, nothing of the sort. Said person only wants to purely help you. The why and how and everything esle, you'll come to know eventually. We're something much more than that.]

'Damn, can't even find out if that person is a woman or a man. How can you help me then?]

Keiji said 'He/she' on purpose as a way of trying to get the system fall into his trap to know the gender of the person and try to think of who it is.

[That's something you'll slowly find out by discovering more of the system and unlocking various features. For now, we'll just answer your questions or occasionally advise you on how to do some things or suggest a solution for problems that you may come across.]

'Guess even if there was something to do, I wouldn't be able to do it with this small weak body that can't even walk, hear or speak properly. That advice might be useful too sometimes.'

While Keiji was contemplating what to ask next, the system said, or advised, something unexpected.

[Our suggestion for your current situation is that you should sleep, you will be touring the rest of the mansion tomorrow so you need enough rest.]

'How'd you know?'

[You can't have access to such information Currently. The system will now turn off all functions to help you sleep and carry out the suggestion.]

'Turn off? You can do that? What if I need your help at a critical moment and you're like that? Shouldn't you be helping me?'

There was no response from the system.

'Hey Heyyyyyy, system, oiii oi oi...'

Keiji kept trying to get a response, but that was to no avail.

'Looks like I'll have to sleep. Who says they'll give a suggestion to someone just to force them to do what they 'advised'. Seems like this system can think and act independently.'

Deciding to sleep after a few minutes of trying was he actually thought that he should sleep too, but he didn't like someone or 'something' to leave the conversation so suddenly and abruptly like that. He prefers both parties to hear and speak to each other equally.




In the morning.

"Wakey wakey little Keiji. I'll be showing you more places of the house today too. First though, let's prepare you for the day and let you have your breakfast."

Keiji's mom entered his room and started waking him up to get ready for the day.


While feeding Keiji, his mother spoke what's on her mind.

"You know sweetie, the reason why I'm showing you all this at your age is almost akin to a gamble. My motherly instinct tells me that you can understand everything I say or show you, but just can't express anything well because of your underdeveloped organs as you seem responsive to almost everything I tell or show you. It's a gamble I'm willing to take, I won't lose anything either way, at most I'll just be showing you all that again which to me is still a joy as I get to spend more time with my son."

Hearing those words Keiji choked.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

'Wow, she got everything in point, a mother's instinct is too scary. I'll have to be careful in the future.'

As a response to his coughing, Keiji's mother just smiled gently while patting his back, almost as a way of confirming her instinct, to which of course Keiji didn't notice as he was too busy coughing.