

In a world where technology and magic intertwine, Aki yearns for more than virtual monotony. When chaos strikes his city, he stumbles upon a hidden realm of ancient enchantments. Guided by a mysterious figure, Aki discovers his connection to a forgotten legacy of heroes and villains. As worlds collide, he must embrace his inner hero and face the forces threatening to engulf everything he holds dear

Lyra_Lexicon · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Cycles of Curiosity

Kod, with his shiny black eyes and a lean physique mirroring Aki's, greeted him with a nod.

Aki's bicycle accommodated Kod on the back seat, and they pedalled together towards their school, their animated conversation picking up where they left off.

The wheels of their bicycle spun beneath them, Aki brought up the explosion again, his voice filled with intrigue.

"Did you hear that explosion last night?"

Kod nodded, his eyes narrowing in thought.

"Yeah, I heard it too. Sounded like a blast, didn't it?"

Aki's brows furrowed, a determination etching across his face.

"This wasn't any ordinary blast, Kod. There was something unusual about it. I'm not sure why, but it felt almost... magical"

Kod shot him a curious glance, a hint of scepticism mingling with his intrigue.

"Magical? Come on, Aki, you can't be serious."

Aki's gaze remained unwavering.

"I am serious. It's hard to explain, but it wasn't like anything I've heard."

Kod paused for a moment, a slight doubt in his expression, before speaking.

"I'm not sure about magical, but I did some research. The explosion occurred in the Lumina Heights neighbourhood."

Aki's interest was piqued. "Lumina Heights? That's close to the science facility, right?"

Kod nodded. "Exactly. And that's why it might have been an experimental blast. You know they've been working on advanced energy research there."

Aki's eyes widened with realization.

"hmm, so, you think it was some kind of experimental energy release?"

Kod shrugged, a brief moment of awkward silence hanging in the air.

"I mean, it's a guess, Aki. I don't have all the answers."

Their conversation was interrupted as they reached the school gates, the grand entrance of "Eminence Academy" towering before them.

The school bell echoed through the air, signaling the start of another day of learning.

Aki and Kod bid each other farewell, their promise to continue their investigation during lunch break.

Inside the classroom, Aki settled into his seat, the buzz of students discussing the previous night's events enveloping him.

Aki, but, chose to ignore the chatter and took his place by the window, on the last bench of the first row.

The echoes of the enigmatic event from last night reverberated through the halls of the school, a topic of fervent discussion that seemed to have captured everyone's attention.

As the bell rang, signalling the beginning of the class, the students quieted down.

Aki's attention shifted to the front of the room as Isabella Rivera, their class teacher, entered with a set of books and a duster in her hands.

"Good morning, class," Isabella greeted, her voice blending authority and warmth.

"Good morning, Miss Rivera," the class responded in unison.

Isabella's dark, glossy hair framed her face as she smiled at her students.

"I'm sure you're all curious about the events in Lumina Heights from last night."

She continued, "It seems that the situation is still a mystery. Even the authorities are puzzled. The affected area was inspected, and, no casualties were reported."

Danzo, a student in the class, raised his hand to ask a question.

"Miss, do you think it was an experimental blast?"

Isabella's expression turned thoughtful.

"Unlikely, Danzo. An experimental blast of that magnitude would have required proper authorization and safety precautions. Besides, the government is puzzled by this incident."

The class buzzed with whispers, the mystery deepening as Isabella provided insight into the situation. Aki's mind raced, questions swirling in his head.

"Focus, class," Isabella said, redirecting their attention. "

For now, let's continue with our regular lessons."

Isabella began teaching the remaining topic for the day: "Tomorrow, we will delve into the topic of 'circles'."

As Isabella explained, Aki's gaze drifted towards the playground outside the window.

He put his pen in his mouth, his thoughts consumed by the enigma of the explosion.

Isabella noticed Aki's distraction and decided to bring him back to the lesson. , she tossed a piece of chalk at him, which hit his forehead. "Ouch!"

Aki blinked in surprise, rubbing his forehead. He met Isabella's stern gaze.

"Aki, where are you looking? This topic is crucial for the upcoming mid-term exams," Isabella admonished.

"Sorry, Miss," Aki mumbled, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Miss Rivera's expression softened, but her tone remained firm.

"Is that event more important than your academics, Aki? You've proven yourself one of the brightest students here, scoring 98 out of 100 on the pre-mid-term. Now, I expect nothing less than perfection. Understand?"

"I'm sorry, Miss. It won't happen again."

"Good. Stay focused," Miss Rivera instructed before turning back to the board.

Miss Rivera paused, her keen gaze fixing on Aki once more.

"Aki, since you seem so engrossed in your thoughts, why don't you come up to the blackboard and prove the last formula I explained?"

Aki's embarrassment fueled his determination. He walked to the blackboard, picked up the chalk, and solved the equation. The class watched in astonishment.

Aki's heart raced, a mix of embarrassment and determination fueling his response.

He rose from his seat, picked up a piece of chalk, and moved to the front of the classroom. The chalk danced across the board as he proved the equation within moments.

The entire class seemed to hold its breath, captivated by Aki's skill. Whispers of astonishment rippled through the room.

"Hey, how could he do that so ? It's one of the toughest math topics!"

Isabella's silence spoke volumes as she acknowledged Aki's skills. "Good job, Aki. But, remember to strike a balance between curiosity and academics."

Aki returned to his seat, his thoughts a whirlwind. He didn't respond to Isabella's advice; instead, he pondered the events of the last night.

Isabella stood there, silent, a proud smile playing on her lips. She cleared her throat and then addressed the class.

"Aki is indeed a talented student. His outstanding performance in the last Quantum Math Mastery Exam (QUMME) is inspiring. But let's remember to focus on our studies as a class. Aki's achievements are a testament to hard work and dedication, and we must all strive to excel."

The bell rang, signalling the end of the class, and the students began to gather their belongings.

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