
The unraveling puzzle

Wedding of wealthiest billionaire Asher-Smith with a mysterious woman Elena Davis .This is not a love marriage but an arranged marriage because of the son of Asher Smith , Adam bill. Elena Davis is an unidentified woman, her past and present are strange and her future is unknown . She is an Undercover agent who wants to take revenge on the world's most dreadful and wanted criminal. Taking vengeance for the girls/woman who were raped by the criminal.

charise519 · Urbano
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5 Chs


Elena 's POV—

Someone knocked on the door. I should check with Mom and Dad. Why are you standing at the door? Come in.

In a soft voice mom, "baby, let's go. "Dad, taking my hand, suddenly said, "Elena, you are looking so beautiful. I am glad. I believe that I will never watch my daughter's wedding in this life."

What the hell?

I replied in a frustrated voice, "Dad, are you kidding me? Don't try it right now. I am already feeling suspicious. "

"It's normal," Dad said quietly.

Mom replied with a happy face, "It's not suspicious, darling, it's nervousness." It's okay, take a deep breath.

I am already blank.

Suddenly, Stacy arrives.

Stacy spoke with excitement. "Promise me you are going to tell me your story. Let's go."

I nodded and gave my hand to Dad. We were going to banquet.

Third person's POV-

Asher Smith standing on stage. He really looked so attractive and handsome that every woman's heart slipped from her body.

And suddenly, the bride, Elena Davis, is coming with her father. She is looking so gorgeous that every man is looking at her in lust.

Elena's father gave her hand to Asher, saying, "Please take care of my girl now she is yours."

I----will----do, Asher, shattering in nervousness while staring at Elena.

Then she is standing in front of Asher, who is just looking at Elena. He didn't look at anyone, not even through a priest.

The priest starts the marriage

Do you consider Elena Davis to be a----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------law full wife.

He was still just staring at Elena and didn't pay attention to the priest. While Elena couldn't understand what to do,

Her hand was on Asher's hand. She just grabbed it harshly!

He suddenly replied, "I DO."

Again, the priest said,

Do you consider Asher Smith to be a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------law full husband.

She replied in confidence, "I DO."

You can both kiss now.

This kiss is so passionate that everyone is looking at the couple and shouting and greeting them.

While they are kissing, there is a voice that says "gunshot". Everyone is silent, looking at the newly wedded couple. Suddenly, they see the dead body lying on the stage. It is the body of a priest.

There was a rush in the church, and Asher grabbed Elena's hand firmly and ran towards the car while snatching Adam from Olivia.

Asher opened the door of the car and gave Adam to her, saying in a panic, "Go home and take care of Adam."

Elena nodded her head. Adam was shocked and sat on her lap while she sat on the passenger seat.