

The windy and cold atmosphere has awoken Selena. Selena looked around, "This is not home!", She frighteningly said, this is not where she had closed her eyes to sleep, this is a different place, way different from Earth. Could this be another dimension, Selena questioned. 

Selena started to explore this dimension, hoping she would find clues to where she is, but nothing in this place made sense to her. There were trees, but no leaves. There was water, but it was bright pink, and there were no signs of houses anywhere. All these weird things had made Selena's blood run cold, she couldn't control her thoughts. What if she is stuck here forever? How could she survive here? She questioned in her mind. She thought about her family at home. They must be worried to hell, She thought. If only there was a passage back to home, She sighed. Exploring even more was her only choice. As she was walking, She tripped and fell into a hollow opening in the ground, to what looked like a cave. There was no way she could get out of here, She thought to herself. She heard creepy noises and random clicking in the walls. Hesitating to explore even more, but still did it anyway, She had made it to a dead end, turning back she was surprised to see another human being in this cave, not just any ordinary human being, it was her childhood friend. His name was Nathan, Selena was shocked after seeing her childhood friend, and after talking to each other for a bit, they realized they both got into the same dilemma. They both woke up into this weird dimension, not knowing anything nor knowing what had happened. They decided to stick together and tried to find ways to get out of this place. Both of them worked together to find equipments in order to get out of this cave. 

   While searching for equipments, Nathan saw a spec of light coming from the west of the cave. "Selena come here!", Nathan Shouted, What is that light over there?, Nathan asked Selena. Without knowing what the light was, They both headed at it. As they were getting closer, Selena felt something strange about this place, as if it was somewhat connected to her. Walking unknowingly closer and closer to the light, Both Selena and Nathan got absorbed into the light. "What is happening!", Screamed Selena. They both were experiencing flashbacks from the past, both good and bad memories were shown. Then it stopped. They both fell from the sky onto a flat surface, but now they were separated from each other, Both Selena and Nathan fell into another dimension, A dimension of flashbacks, Selena saw herself when she was 5 years old, playing with Nathan at her backyard, While Nathan saw himself running to Selena's house to play with her. Both of them couldn't stop themselves from smiling and missing the past. Then the bad memories were showing. It showed Selena losing her beloved ones, When Selena and Nathan got into a fight as a kid. All their bad memories started showing up and they were trying to find ways to get out of this dimension. Then, a creature that looked like a flying fairy appeared in front of both of them. The creature said: "Do you want to get out of here?". They both said yes. "Then you must listen very carefully to what I am about to say", The creature said, "I will be teleporting both of you to a maze, but not any ordinary maze, A Trivia maze!, "What is a Trivia maze?", They both asked, In this maze, if you take a wrong turn, a question will appear in front you, if you answer it correctly, you can turn back and take the right turn, but, if you answer it incorrectly, you will be teleported back to the start. At one point near to the end of the maze, there will be an intersection and that is where both mazes meet together, This is where both of you guys will meet each other again. "Understand?", The fairy asked. Both answered with a scared face: " Yes ", "Then you will be teleported to the maze, Good luck", said the fairy. *Selena and Nathan were teleported to the maze*. Selena started her maze strong and didn't make any wrong turns, but then she made one wrong turn and had to answer a question, The question was: "When is Nathan's birthday?", Selena answered hesitantly " July 2nd 1987 ", Which was the wrong answer. So Selena was teleported back to the start. She had to retrace her path and get back to her original place. On Nathan side, he kept taking wrong turns, but he always answered the questions correctly. They were moving at the same pace and were about to reach the intersection part. When suddenly, the fairy popped out again and said: "I forgot to tell you both something", "What is it?", They questioned, "Only one person could leave through the exit point", The fairy said, They both started freaking out and didn't know what to do, they didn't want to leave each other behind. They decided to leave that scary thought behind and continue with the maze, As they reach the intersection part, they were both nervous and excited, Excited because they got to see each other again, and nervous because they didn't know what to do and who should be left behind. They were continuing to do the maze together now, as a team, then, They both saw the exit point. They looked at each other with a scared face, they had to make a decision now. Who should go and who should stay was the ultimate question amongst both Selena and Nathan. As they were both hesitating. Nathan had developed a thought of escaping and leaving Selena behind because he was sick and tired of this weird dimension and he wanted to return back to planet Earth and live with his family again. Back stabbing Selena, Nathan ran for the exit, not even caring to look back at Selena. After he went into the exit, it leaded him back to the beginning of the maze. He didn't understand and asked the fairy: "Why wasn't I teleported back to Earth?", " That exit was actually a test, it was a test to see who would betray who, and you failed it", The fairy said. Back to Selena, after she thought her friend had back stabbed her and gone back to Earth, she was shocked, sad and she couldn't speak a single word at all. She thought she would be stuck here forever and never ever get to meet her family again. Then, the fairy broke the news to her, the fairy said: "That exit was actually a test, and your friend failed, it resulted in him being teleported back all the way to the beginning of the maze", Selena was surprised and also felt a slight relief. The fairy continued: "I will lead you to the right exit now, Follow me!", Selena followed the fairy and left through the exit back to Earth. While, Nathan is stuck in that dimension forever. 

   Selena's Mom shouted: " Wake up Selena!, It's time for school!", Selena realized it was all just a dream…