
DicE And Show

How does one spend in a town? 

Well, there is only one way I know how. 

Find the local tavern! 

I search far and wide for about 2 minutes before finding one. 

It has a perfect emplacement right near the city gates. 

I wonder if they ever have drunkards pick a fight with the guards. 

I could actually picture it happening, with the other guards betting on the winner. 

Just as I'm heading inside…


A man comes flying!

I am in the perfect position to catch him too!


He is coughing while getting up. 

"You there! Why did you move away?!"

[You there! Why did you come flying?]

"Because I was thrown!"

[Why were you even thrown?] 

"Because I angered someone."

Yeah, screw that. 

I head inside. 

"Hey, don't you want to know the rest of the story?!"


I can hear laughs from inside.