
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The Beginnings of A Hero

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, an- "I'M GONNA KICK SOME ASS!"

Yup, another normal day in Akira's life. Today was the day he was to take the Hero Examination Test, and he so happened to take it on the same day as a certain firecracker.

Toru being the lucky one she is, had taken the test at a different gate.

Needless to say, Akira had pretty shit luck to be in the same exam as Mr.AlwaysAngry.

Honestly, how did he even graduate middle school?

Then breaking Akira's line of thought, a gravely voice comes echoing at the gate tower, "Okay, Start!"

Looking up, Akira notices a man made of cement. Not being the one for formalities, was about run when he heard a loud BOOM echo near him.

His jersey now covered with a bit of soot, Kyo was ticked off to say the least.

He was NOT going to lose to this loud mouth asshole.

Changing into Okita, he disappeared from where he stood.

Today, was gonna be fun.

Akira, carrying a wooden sword with an iron embedded rod, began cutting into every drone he could see.

His speed was no joke. The moment someone blinked, he was already gone. Leaving behind silent booms of sheer speed, he cut cleanly into the robots one by one.

The teachers watching to say the least were shocked.

The last time they saw a hero run at that speed was the hero O'Clock with his quirk Overclock.

Needless to say, Akira was in the lead.

Marching to his own rhythms, time past by fast as he went through a series of sword swings.

Each swing weren't beautiful in the sense normal use of the word.

It was a silent beauty of simplicity. Lacking elegance, sword dances, and even tact. The sword carried the word efficiency in every swing.

It wasn't before long when the previously towering buildings around the test area began to crumble as they gave way to a robotic beast known as a Zero Pointer.

It towered over several stories and gave no bonuses to student.

At least to normal students that is.

Akria was able to barely remember that this robot was a test of self sacrifice of some variety. During this robot's emergence, several people were trapped under rubble and many people passed due to risking their lives to save others.

While one part of him wanted to challenge himself by charging at this robot, his mind really didn't want to affect the plot.

Since coming to this world, he barely remembers anything about Boku no Hero.

If he did this, he knew that all the shambles of a plot he remember might as well turn to ashes.

Sighing, Akira simply continued to massacre the robots in his path, glancing every once in a while to see what he remembered in the show.

And he was rewarded not to long after as he sees a green haired guy flying at the giant robot while screaming his heart out, "SMAAAAAASH!!!!"

Then out like a light, the building sized robot came crashing down, as the announcements called out, "TIMES OUT!!! Please begin to leave the exam area and either proceed to the exit or on campus nurse office. Your results will be delivered by the end of this week."

'Ah, it's over already?' Akira could only sigh as he felt he needed more things to smash into.

Coming towards UA's main gate, he waited for Toru to come out as well.

"Akira!!! I don't think I did welll!!!" Cried a voice behind him.

Without a hitch he was soon clomped with a hug as he felt a weight jumping on his back. "You probably did great."

Mumbling not to subtly, she says, "Well thats what you think Mr.Super Hero. I barely smashed anything!"

It was obvious to both him and her that he passed with flying colors.

"No, I'm certain you did great." Akira says while grabbing her hand to walk home.

Becoming quiet as they walked home in a comfortable silence, Akira briefly changed into Anastasia before turning back to say, "You're pouting."

Toru who invisibly turn her head away replied, "Am not."

Akira who known her for years now already knew what to say, "That's not what your face says~."

Toru taking back her hand, she began to run off before turning back to say, "Baaakkaa, baka, baaaka."

Before running running off once more.

To Akira, it was just adorable.

Toru who was usually pretty outgoing and never had been embarrassed was weak to one thing, when he mentioned her cute face.

It probably was just him, but he couldn't help but feel as if they were getting even closer.