
The Unlimited Nen - Hunter x Hunter

Aron Fer awakens in a dimly lit prison cell, his head throbbing with confusion. As he struggles to make sense of his surroundings, he finds himself confronted by a barrage of questions. Where is he? How did he get here? Desperate for answers, Aron turns to the prison guard standing watch outside his cell. With a sense of trepidation, he inquires about his whereabouts, hoping for some semblance of clarity. To his surprise, the guard mentions a name that sends a shiver down Aron's spine: Meteor City. It's a name he recognizes all too well from his favorite anime, Hunter x Hunter. Realization dawns upon Aron as he comes to terms with the fact that he has transmigrated into the world of his beloved series. Armed with his knowledge of Hunter x Hunter and fueled by a determination to survive, Aron sets out to navigate this unfamiliar landscape.

Adenlia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Unknown Forest

After using Nen, Aron noticed that the woods he was in were different than he thought they were.

The difference was subtle but undeniable. The world seemed sharper, and colors were more vibrant. His body felt lighter and more responsive. A laugh escaped his lips, a mixture of disbelief and exhilarating joy. It was working! He was manipulating Nen, channeling it to his will.

The initial euphoria subsided, replaced by a healthy dose of pragmatism. 

"Just Ten won't get me far." 


After a few more attempts, Aron was certain that he had a certain amount of physical strength. He was as strong as someone who had just started using Nen, and if he could increase his experience, he could make a significant difference between himself and other Nen users.

Of course, all of these were things he would have to consider later.

"First, I need to go to a safe area, be aware of my surroundings, and make a specific start."

"Then, when all this is over, I will have enough reason to investigate why I am here. I will also have enough time to continue my education."

Aron began to walk slowly through the forest, his thoughts racing.

He was moving very carefully. The sun was still overhead, and his visibility was very good. This did not mean that he could see every danger around him.

"It would be great to be able to use English right now."

Aron thought to himself with a smile on his face. He was actually aware that there was still fear somewhere inside him. But when he thought about the possibilities and probabilities, being in the Hunter x Hunter universe gave him more curiosity than fear.

"I'm already impatient."

Aron wanted to meet the characters. He wanted to see them and be a part of their lives.

Another important thing he had noticed was that he didn't have much background information about himself.

Yes, he remembered living in "the world," his simple memories, his mother, father, and brother.

But the details were missing; he only had basic information.

"...." As Aron continued to move, he saw an unexpected creature in front of his eyes.

"It looks harmless..." he thought to himself.

The creature was a mixture of a rabbit and a deer, and it looked at him with open and proud eyes.

It wasn't hard to see what was going on in his head.

Aron froze.

"You don't have to be stupid. If I judge the creature as soon as I see it, I could lose my life."

Aron thought.

He was aware that he was not in the world. 

When he thought about the shapes, states, and everything else that animals and creatures in the Hunter x Hunter world could take on, a momentary mistake could cost him his life.

"I don't want to hurt you." Aron whispered. He didn't expect the creature to understand him. But at least he thought that talking calmly was the most important factor in showing that he was not a threat.


Aron's grin widened as he watched the curious creature approach.

Sunlight dappled through the dense canopy, illuminating the animal's unique form.

"So, it feels alright with me, I guess," Aron thought.

Now that the creature got closer, he was able to see more details of it compared to seeing it from a twenty-meter distance.

It was roughly the size of a large dog, with the little grace of a deer and the fluffy ears of a rabbit. Patches of brown and white fur swirled across its sleek body, and its large, intelligent eyes gleamed with innocent curiosity. 

The way it tilted its head and hopped playfully reminded him more of a friendly puppy than a wild beast.

Ging's words echoed in his mind: "Good hunters are always liked well by animals." 

A chuckle escaped his lips. "Guess it's time to put that advice to the test."

He knelt on the forest floor, offering a reassuring smile and extending a hand palm-up. 

Aron was still not a fool to trust an unknown creature completely; he did everything he could do, using his ten to protect his vitals against any different kind of attack the creature may do.

It is a known fact that there are creatures who play it dumb and then swindle humans.

It is not that Aron did not know about the Swindlers Swamp that Gon and his friends passed in the exam.

But Aron felt that nothing was going to happen as the creature got closer.

The creature's ears twitched, its nose twitching as it sniffed the air cautiously. 

Slowly, it took a tentative step forward, then another, its large eyes never leaving Aron's face.

Then, with a surprising burst of enthusiasm, it nuzzled its head against his open hand, letting out a soft, purr-like sound.

Aron laughed, scratching behind the creature's fluffy ears. It responded with an ecstatic wiggle of its entire body. 

its tail thumping playfully against the forest floor. A sense of warmth filled him, a connection not just to the creature but to the vibrant world around him. 

A holographic panel flickered into existence before Aron, startling him out of his reflection on Pip's cheerful goodbye. This wasn't something out of the manga, he was sure. Intrigued and a little wary, he focused on the information displayed.



Species: Cervus lepus (rare)

Harmony Rate: 12% (Increasing)

Domination Rate: 0%


Enhanced Scent: Deerbet possesses an exceptional sense of smell and is capable of detecting hidden objects and dangers.

Swiftfooted: Deerbet boasts remarkable agility and speed, allowing it to navigate the forest with ease.


Aron looked at the blue panel in front of him, his head a little confused. A few seconds later, another status window appeared.



"Natural ability of the host, Aron."