
what am I?

I made it to the room the person or whatever it was, was heading and I found the light switch and turned it on. I was expecting someone else to be in there but it was just Cole.

"What are you doing?" i asked

"getting a drink, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I heard footsteps and decided to follow them to see who it was." Cole just stared at me suspiciously and I stared right back not backing down. I could of sworn i heard a growl leave his moth before he turned to get a cup but im sure it was just my imagination. I was about to turn around and leave but before I could Cole grabbed my wrist and pinned me up against the table we were standing next to.

"what are you doing!" I said frustrated

"Oh don't act like that, I know you knew it was coming." he said

"No i didn't and could you please let me go, im not gonna be like those other girls who fall to your feet, so let me go!" I said as i tried to get out of his grasp

"Or what?"

"Your gonna find out if you dont let me go"

"make me." he said confidently and teasingly.

In ome swift movement i broke out of his grasp and pinned his arm behind him and had him pinned against the table. His face was priceless. He obviously wasn't expecting me to do that.

"now unless you want me to break your arm I suggest you leave me alone and let me go back to my room, got it" I said and he replied with just a nod and I let him go. He rubbed his arm as i walked off. I wasn't really gonna break his arm I just wanted him to leave me alone because I can't go through the same heart break again I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it. I let out a sigh remembering that night my whole life had changed, but it made me who I am today a strong and independent woman. I finally made it back to my room and fell asleep.

That morning

I woke up to a strange feeling like something was different but I didn't know what. I got up and decided to take a quick shower before I got dressed and when I got out of the shower and dressed I finally looked in the mirror and my eyes were......RED. I let out a scream and ran straight to the kitchen looking for Jane or Andrew who ever i found first. Everyone was there and I didn't know how they would react. surprisingly they were calm. why were they calm? my eyes are red for goodness sakes thats not normal !

"Whats wrong with me?" i finally got out

"sweetie its ok calm down" jane said

"Calm down! How can I calm down my freaking eyes are red and its like all my senses were heightened and now I can hear what all of you are thinking, whats going on!"

Ava we really need you to take a deep breath we will explain everything ok, just take a seat and we will start taking" Andrew said. hesitantly I sat down and started to listen they had already set out a plate of food for me.

Jane took a deep breath and started "We were a friend of your parents Ava that's why we chose to adopt you it took us a while to find you but when we did I was excited and couldn't wait to have a daughter because we promise to take care of you if something ever happend to your parents. And your parents weren't exactly, how do I put this, human. They were one of the most powerful and well known supernaturals. We know this because we are supernaturals to. Now we don't want you to freak out or anything so just please stay calm" she finished. I was shocked to say the least and I couldnt help my self and started laughing histerically. Because that's when I realized that, that was what was missing thats is the feeling I've had my whole life. my turn into silence as reality started to hit me again. and I looked up they all were looking at me confused i didn't blame them.

"And you dont want to send me back to the orphanage?" i asked

"no we do not"

"b..but why?

"Ava well love you no matter what and whether you like it or not your gonna be stuck with us for a while. We would never give you back no matter what happens"

"Ok so wait you said you were supernatural to, so what exactly are you" i asked

"We are werewolves, I am an alfa to be exact and jane is my mate and sons are wolves to and Cole hes a hybrid just like you are but i think your more than just a vampire, wolf hybrid like Cole is." Andrew said. i took a depp breath and said, "Ok, I think I need to go lay down for a bit this is all to much to take in"

thats fine and if you ever have any questions go ahead and feel free to ask." jane said sympathetically. I nodded and looked at them all one last time and jane a and adrew were telling the truth I read there minds and the boys they all had a lot of questions but they were waiting for me to leave the room. I stood up and left the table. jeez this mind reading and all that stuff is going to take some time getting used to. I went into my room and plopped down on the bed.

"So they knew my parents, and supernaturals exist, and im one of them, my whole life has been a lie what am I going to do, and most importantly who am I?"