
Chapter 3: Inheritance Test


This is happening a year before season 4 of The Originals and after the Vampire Diaries have ended.

Hope is 6 years old

Harrison is 5 years old

Josie and Lizzie are 4 years old

Klaus is being held in New Orleans by Marcel with the dagger in his chest.

The Mikaelson's are daggered.

Hope and Haley are in hiding.

The next morning at the Dursley's house started like any other morning. Petunia woke up Harrison by banging on his door and ordering him to get up. He was to set the table and help prepare a breakfast that he wasn't allowed to eat. Petunia had planned on the boy taking over the cooking once she knew he wouldn't burn the house down. Vernon came down the stairs about the time Harrison was ordered to his corner in the kitchen. He had to stand with his nose in the farthest corner away from the table with his stomach grumbling. Meanwhile, his animal-like relatives ate more food than an army could put away. Harrison had to hold back his snickers as he imagined his cousin as a baby whale, his uncle as a walrus, and his aunt as a giraffe. Yes, he lived with animals.

Before too long the 'animals' were done eating and left to get ready for the day while Harrison had to clean up the table and sneak whatever scraps were left off the plates. When he was done he was allowed one glass of water and one piece of bread. Luckily his 'aunt' was forced to send him to school with a semi-decent lunch to keep up appearances. One PB&J, one bag of chips, and one bottle of water. It is safe to say that Harrison now hates PB&J.

Before anyone has a chance to leave the house the doorbell rings. Out of habit Petunia shoves Harrison into the cupboard and locks it before going to answer the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Dursley. My name is Alaric Saltzman, this is Caroline Salvatore and Emma Tig." Alaric says while pointing both women out "Do you mind if we come in for a minute and discuss a very important matter with you and your husband?"

"Now is not a good time. It is almost time to take my son to school and my husband has to get to work. Whatever you need to speak to us about will have to wait for a more appropriate time. Good day." Petunia replies.

Petunia goes to close the door when Alaric stops the door and before she knows it Petunia is outside the door looking into the blonde lady's eyes.

"You will invite us in and answer all questions we ask of you truthfully and do exactly what we tell you. Now be polite invite us in and call your husband downstairs so we can talk." Caroline says.

In a trance-like state, Petunia does exactly what she was told to do. Vernon comes barreling down the stairs as fast as he can, which isn't fast at all, to confront whoever was in HIS home. Caroline repeats the same process with him and soon they are all sitting down in the living room. When Dudley comes down the stairs, Caroline compels him to go back to his room and forget they were there and to not come back down until his mom calls for him.

Vernon and Petunia are sitting on the couch while Emma is sitting in the chair and Caroline and Alaric are standing there glaring at the Dursleys.

"Where is Harrison?" Alaric asks once they hear the baby whales I mean young boy's door shut.

"In his cupboard under the stairs," Petunia says mechanically.

Without warning Caroline flashes to the cupboard and rips it off its hinges. There in the small, dark, dusty-smelling room sitting on an old crib mattress that is covered in bloodstains is Harrison. Caroline can't believe the cruelty of some people. She kneels down and with a soft voice starts to coax the child out of his hiding spot at the back of the cupboard.

"Hi there. You must be Harrison. My name is Caroline Salvatore." Caroline says.

"From the Salvatore school?" Harrison asks with a hopeful voice.

"Yes. You talked with my friend Alaric yesterday right?" Caroline asks.

Harrison nods "You really came to help me?"

"Yes, Harrison. We are here to help you. Do you think you can come out here so we can take care of your relatives and hopefully never have to come back?" Caroline asks.

"YES!" Harrison yells while launching himself at Caroline and holding on for dear life.

Finally, he is leaving. No more beatings. No more missed meals. No more being called a FREAK. No more parents hating him for something he doesn't understand. He is going to be free. God, please don't let this be a dream. He prays as he buries his face in Caroline's hair trying to hold back his tears.

Caroline was sure that if she wasn't a vampire, Harrison's grip would be choking her. She is as gentle as if she was holding her daughters again right after they were born but her eyes are like looking at an enraged mother dragon and they are trained at the Dursleys. Even in their compelled state, they both flinch back and Vernon even pees on himself just from her stare. She doesn't say anything because she won't be able to hold her anger back and she doesn't want to scare the child in her arms but one look towards Alaric says everything.

Alaric turns back to the Dursleys and starts asking question after question.

His name is Harrison Rue Potter. Both his parents are Wand Users or to their knowledge they are. Either his father is a secret Heretic or he has a vampire father out there somewhere. James Potter dropped Harrison off two months ago giving the Dursleys free rein on what to do with him as long as he was alive when they came to get him for school at age 11. Harrison had an older brother named James Jr. Harrison looked like his 'father' while James looked like his mother. That was all they knew of the boy.

Emma then started asking her questions, needing all the information she could get. Since Harrison was coming with them he would need training with both types of magic. She needed to get supplies.

The magical shopping district for London was called Diagon Alley and you go to it through a pub known as the Leaky Cauldron on Charging Cross Rd. That was all they knew. Looks like she would need to do some research after visiting the bank to make sure they did everything through both magical and non-magical means.

After the questioning was over Alaric had the Dursleys sign over complete custody of Harrison to him and Caroline as the headmaster and headmistress of his future school. This is what they did for every endangered child. This way the child would have a home and adults they knew they could trust. As much as they wanted to hurt the Dursleys for what they had done to Harrison they needed to get him somewhere safe. The Dursleys would get what is coming to them, they would make sure of it, just not today. Caroline compelled them to believe they sent the boy to a school in Australia so if anyone came looking, they would be looking in the wrong direction.

On the way to Diagon Alley, Emma laid Harrison down in the backseat and started a medical scan on him. He had three broken ribs, both arms had fractures from where he probably covered his head, tons of bruises and lacerations, internal bleeding, and multiple concussions. If the boy wasn't a Heretic he would have died from these injures. He was also underfed, on the border of getting malnutrition, and in a semi-starving state. In any other case, she would head for a hospital but that wasn't possible until they were on safer ground. Until then she would monitor him and make sure his natural healing did its job. She then put him under a sleeping spell so he wouldn't feel the pain from his injuries.

Soon they arrived at Charing Cross Rd. They would have passed the dingy pub if Emma hadn't spotted it at the last minute. It appeared that only someone with magic could see it. Alaric carried Harrison with his jacket thrown around the child so no one saw his injuries and got the wrong idea. Both Alaric and Caroline had to hold Emma's hand to see and enter the pub. The inside was not any better than the outside all dark, gloomy, and dingy. The bartender was nice enough to let them through to the Alley when Emma made up the lie that her wand was damaged beyond repair in a magical accident.

The Alley was the complete opposite of the pub. It was open, bright, and cheerful. Families were bustling about shopping and were they wearing robes. Emma saw the bank first and headed there while Alaric and Caroline tried to not look out of place, well more out of place. The Goblins were a complete surprise to all three but that was only the first surprise of the day for them.

The four of them stood in a line and waited for their turn. When they reached the counter Emma asked to speak with a higher goblin concerning a very private matter. They were then led into what looked like a conference room with a long table and chairs and a couch in the corner. The Goblin left with only telling them to wait.

Finally, after half an hour an ancient-looking goblin walked in.

"Hi, I am Account Manager Axetooth. What is the private matter you need to discuss." The goblin said

"Well I'm Emma Tig, this is Alaric Saltzman and Caroline Salvatore. We need to know the laws concerning removing a child from a bad home." Emma said diplomatically.

"What kind of bad home?" Axetooth asked.

"Abusive and Neglectful." Alaric states.

"I'm assuming the child on the couch is the child in question," Axetooth said.

"Yes," they all three answered.

"Tell me everything," Axetooth stated.

Since the boy reached out to Alaric first, he took the role of explaining the situation.

"Well, Caroline and I run a school in America for Wiccan Witches, Vampires, and Werewolves. Yesterday I got a call from young Harrison here asking for help. He found our website and got enough courage to reach out. Some of the kids we deal with come from bad homes and so we have it clearly stated on the site that we help in any situation like that. He revealed to me that his parents hate him because he is a Natural-born Heretic and they sent him to live with non-magical relatives. These non-magical relatives are the ones who did most of the physical abuse but I am sure his parents contributed a lot of emotional abuse. Our only goal is to get him away from this situation and into a safe environment. He has shown an interest in our school and he will be welcome there. However, we have been told that Wand Users have developed outside of the normal world and as such have different laws and procedures. We have non-magical custody of him from his relatives but we want to make sure that the magical community here can't get to him once he is safe."

"You were right to come here. If you had left with the child you would be held as kidnappers in the magical community here and sent to Azkaban if you ever returned to Wand Users territory. Now there are not many options we have here but before we can talk about that we need evidence of his abuse and we need to do an inheritance test on him." Axetooth said.

"I understand the evidence but why the inheritance test?" Caroline asked.

"Because, an inheritance test will show who his family is, and creature inheritance, magical inheritance, titles he could gain, and what vaults he is entitled to. Also depending on the results of the inheritance test we might have a few more options open to us." Axetooth said.

"Oh okay thank you Account Manager Axetooth," Caroline said.

"No Mrs. Salvatore thank you and just call me Axetooth. To Goblins it is one of the worst crimes, to harm a child. We have so few children that we hold every child as it could be our last. For a wizard to throw away and allow harm to come to the child, that wizard is one we want to keep an eye on. For you never know when a loophole is open and can cause great pain to that wizard." Axetooth stated with a giant toothy grin. "We will do the test then take the child to a healer of ours to examine and treat."

"I have him under a sleeping spell right now so he won't feel his injuries. Is that okay or do I need to remove it?" Emma asks.

"The spell is fine. It won't interfere with the test and the healers can do faster work if he is asleep." Axetooth states. "Please wait here for me to get the supplies for the test."

As they were waiting Alaric finally broke the silence.

"So, we are in a magical bank run by goblins. The witches and wizards still wear robes. They fly on broomsticks if that store we passed was correct. What hell kind of backward place did we walk into."

"I have no idea, but after this is done I am so exploring." Caroline states.

"As am I." Emma agrees "I have heard about Wand Users Magical World but I have never had the chance to explore it. Mostly because the brand of magic that we are used to is labeled dark and if anyone knew I practiced it I would be arrested on the spot and thrown into their prisons. Also, Caroline be careful as I said Vampires are labeled as dark creatures and it is legal to kill them here."

"On second thought let's just make sure Harrison is safe and get going. I want to introduce him to Lizzie and Josie. I think they would make great friends." Caroline said.

Soon after that Axetooth returned with a white quill, silver bowl filled with a silver potion, blank parchment, a scary-looking knife, and another goblin.

"This is Master healer Switchtooth, my sister. She will start her scan on the boy while the test completes. Now I want to tell you I will have to cut the child's hand but this blade is painless and the wound will heal itself after I am through." Axetooth said.

Alaric nodded his permission and the goblins got to work. Switchtooth growled loudly as she uncovered the boy from Alaric's jacket. The wounds she could see were too much for one so young. Axetooth quickly sliced the boy's hand and let about half a cup drip into the silver potion before it healed. Just as he said it would. Axetooth then brought the bowl back to the table and waited. Soon the potion turned black then blood red.

"It is done," Axetooth said.

He then soaked the white quill in the potion and let the potion absorb into the quill. When the potion was all gone Axetooth put the quill on the parchment and it started to write on its own.

Harrison Rue Potter

Wiccan and Wand User Wizard / Vampire / Werewolf Tribrid Heretic

Biological Parents:

Lillian Jasmine Potter knee Evans - Wand User Witch

Niklaus Mikaeslon - Original Vampire / Werewolf Hybrid

Blood Adopted Parents:

James Charles Potter - Wand User Wizard


James Charles Potter Jr. - Wand User Wizard

Hope Andrea Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch / Vampire / Werewolf Tribrid


Vernon Rhydian Dursley - Muggle

Finn Mikaelson - Deceased

Elijah Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Kol Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Henrik Mikaelson - Deceased


Petunia Rose Dursley knee Evans - Muggle

Freya Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch

Rekebak Mikaelson - Original Vampire


Wand Magic - from mother and blood adoption

Wiccan Magic - from father

Creature Inheritance:

Vampire - Starts manifesting at puberty ends by becoming a Heretic at age 25 or dying prematurely - Active

Werewolf - After first Human Kill - Dormant

Tribrid Heretic - If all Creature Inheritance is achieved - Dormant


Second in line Heir to the Noble house of Potter (through blood adoption)

Second in line Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor (through blood adoption)

Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Pervell (through blood adoption and conquest Lordship can be claimed at age 11)

Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (through conquest Lordship can be claimed at age 11)

Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Mikaelson (through birth, Lordship can be claimed at age 11)


Potter Trust Fund - 10,000 gallons (available)

Grfydendor Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

Pervell Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

Pervell Family Vault - 2,574,789,259 (unavailable without Lordship)

Slytherin Family Vault - 759,864,135 gallons and artifacts (unavailable without Lordship)

Slytherin Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

Mikaelson Family Vault - 65,896,148 gallons (unavailable without Lordship)

Mikaelson Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

"F******************KKKKKKKKKK" that was the only thing going through both Alaric and Caroline's minds. Emma was impressed with the young boy and hoped she could help guide him.

Before anything could be said Switchtooth started what they guessed was swear words in her native tongue by how spitting mad she looked.

"We need to move him to the healer room now," she said before levitating Harrison out of the room and down the hall quickly with the others following behind.

They reached the healer room and Harrison was immediately put on a bed while Switchtooth started chanting and waving her hands over his body. This went on for a solid 15 minutes before a snapping sound was heard and Harrison was covered in a warm golden glow before the glow was absorbed into his skin.

"Someone put a bind on his Magical Core," Switchtooth explained. "Usually nothing harmful will happen with magical binds if placed properly on adults, on a child they can be deadly. Also, his Wiccan Magic was eating away at the bind slowly and it would of eventually ruptured and killed him. Now that the bind is gone, his excess magic will combine with his Heretic healing. He should be completely fine in a few hours."

"Is there any way of finding out who cast the bind on his magic?" Emma asked.

"No. Too much of the bind was eaten away, it would be impossible to tell who did this to Harrison. I can say that the bind was placed no more than two-three months ago."

"How much do you want to bet his parents had something to do with this?" Caroline asked.

"Most likely," Alaric answered.

"Well while the child rests, how about we head to my office and finish going over how we are going to keep him away from his so-called parents," Axetooth said. "Although the solution seems clear to me. We just need to contact his biological father."

"That might be more difficult than you think," Alaric stated as they walked to his office.

Axetooth's office was located deep in the bowels of Gringotts. They had to go through multiple winding hallways which the humans knew they would never be able to navigate without a goblin. His office was quite large. It had an area for his desk, chairs, and cabinets but also had a nice seating area to conduct business as well. They sat down in the seating area where a tray of food and drinks appeared on the table between them. There was even a glass of blood for Caroline.

"Let us eat and then we can discuss this," Axetooth said, and since it had been hours since breakfast they all agreed.

Finally, they were done eating and got down to business.

"Okay, let's go over his inheritance test first so everyone here understands all of it."

Harrison Rue Potter

Wiccan and Wand User Wizard / Vampire / Werewolf Tribrid Heretic

Biological Parents:

Lillian Jasmine Potter knee Evans - Wand User Witch

Niklaus Mikaeslon - Original Vampire / Werewolf Hybrid

Blood Adopted Parents:

James Charles Potter - Wand User Wizard


James Charles Potter Jr. - Wand User Wizard

Hope Andrea Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch / Vampire / Werewolf Tribrid


Vernon Dursley - Muggle

Finn Mikaelson - Deceased

Elijah Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Kol Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Henrik Mikaelson - Deceased


Petunia Rose Dursley knee Evans - Muggle

Freya Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch

Rekebak Mikaelson - Original Vampire

"Any questions?" Axetooth says.

"What is Blood Adoption?" Alaric asks

"Blood Adoption is very straightforward. Using certain potions a witch or wizard can willingly share their blood with a child, not of their blood. Thus accepting the child into their family through both magic and blood. This process then makes it as the one giving the blood is another parent. The child would then gain qualities from that person as if he or she had been born to them. This means the physical appearance of the child may change and the child will be entitled to everything in the family as if he was born into it. Blood Adoption can only be reversed if a person is of age and becomes unwilling to be part of that bloodline or when they take up a Lordship which makes them emancipated thus giving them the choice to renounce said blood." Axetooth said.

"So you are telling me that anyone who had access to this potion can just pick up a kid and blood adopt them," Caroline asks.

"No, magic would not allow that." Axetooth says "The only way that a blood adoption can be accepted by the child's magic is if the child has no magical living relatives or in this case when a biological parent gives consent. More than likely due to only being a month apart from James Jr., Harrison Potter is the result of Lillian Potter being unfaithful. She then most likely gave James Potter permission to blood adopt him, so nobody would find out."

"Wait," Caroline says "How are the two boys only a month apart?"

"Many things are possible with magic Mrs. Salvatore. There are many ways it could of happen but without the sealed medical records we can't be sure." Axetooth replies "Now let us get to his biological father's family. Due to your earlier comment, I take it you know them."

"Yes." Alaric says "We have known the entire family for some years now."

"Great, then you can help us get in contact with Niklaus Mikaelson and get this, how do you muggles say it, yes get this show on the road."

"First off, what does Muggle mean, and second that might be harder than you think," Caroline says.

"Muggle means non-magical and please explain," Axetooth replies.

"We don't know all the details but we can give you what we do know," Alaric says "For the past four years the entire Mikaelson family has been missing, most likely in hiding. From what we could gather, there was some kind of supernatural war that took place in New Orleans and the Mikaelsons did not come out on top. Ever since then they have been MIA. There have been rumors that Klaus is being held in New Orleans against his will."

"I see." Axetooth said "That means that Mr. Mikaelson will be no help to us right now. We will have to do this very carefully then. If we had Mr. Mikaelson he could legally take the child since the Potters abandoned him. Magic Herself would be on Mr. Mikaelson's side and the Potters wouldn't be able to do anything." Axe tooth said

"What are our other options at this point?" Alaric asked.

"Well, normally I would go to the Ministry and have them declare them as abusive parents and have Harrison taken away but due to their fame that is impossible. That means we have to do this underhanded and sneakily." Axetooth says while grinning.

"How?" Caroline asks.

"We get the Potter's to sign away their rights to the child without knowing they are signing away their rights," Axetooth said.

"Again not to sound like a broken record here but how?" Caroline repeats herself.

"A few years ago James Potter came in here and was wanting to disinherit Harrison from his family so he would get nothing. As per magical law, we couldn't do that. Since he'd willing accepted Harrison into his family, Harrison would have to go deemed unworthy by the House Magic before Mr. Potter could disown him. Now even if the Potters sign custody of the child over to someone else the child would still inherit. I can say that we have become aware of the child no longer living in the household. Thus temporary guardianship of the boy will need to be signed over to the person he is now living with until the time comes for him to move back home. All of this is true so I wouldn't be lying. However, the papers I will hand them will be them transferring complete custody to Mr. Saltzman and Mrs. Salvatore. They are so full of themselves that Mr. Potter never reads anything we hand them, they just assume we hand them the correct documents. All of which is legal, it's their responsibility to make sure they sign the correct document. The Potters won't find this out until they come looking for Harrison to start Hogwarts. Ultimately they will be powerless and any move they make to get Harrison back would be illegal." Axetooth explained.

"That is underhanded, sneaky, and brilliant Axetooth. I believe we can all agree that is the best option for now." Caroline says with a wicked smile on her face.

"This will also allow Mr. Mikaelson to take custody of the child when he is found without any problems," Axetooth said absent-mindedly while shuffling some papers around.

"Wait, so Klaus would be able to just take Harrison away from us even after we go through this?" Alaric asks.

"Yes. Mr. Mikaelson is Harrison's biological father and he never signed away his rights as such. However, since you and he reside in America the Wand Users have no legal standing there and you have non-magical custody of Harrison, you could fight for custody through non-magical means. I would highly discourage this though. The best thing to do would be if Mr. Mikaelson comes back into the picture, sit down and talk it out with him." Axetooth explained.

"I say we go ahead and do this Alaric. We can worry about Klaus later, right now we need to get Harrison out of here and into a stable environment." Caroline says.

"Okay." Alaric agrees "But I was wondering how did the Mikaelson's end up not only having an account here but become an Ancient and Noble house if they are not Wand Users."

"Our records show that a Kol Mikaelson started up the account 910 years ago and has been making huge deposits since then. I believe he was looking for a way to become human again or at the very least gain his magic back and hopefully hide here in the Wizarding world. However, since his last visit, there have been some new laws passed. Now only a person with Wand Magic can gain access to any accounts here. So even though Kol Mikaelson started the account and is still alive the account now belongs to Harrison as the only Mikaelson with Wand Magic." Axetooth said.

"And the Ancient and Noble House?" Emma asks.

"That is a way of saying how old a family is without saying how old they are. Regular Houses are less than 100 years old, typically belonging to newly found Muggleborns. Lesser Houses are 100-400 years old. Noble Houses are 400-700 years old. Ancient and Noble Houses are 700-1,000 years old. Most Ancient and Noble Houses are older than 1,000 years old." Axetooth explained. "Now do we have any more questions on Harrison's family or can we move on to the next portion of his test."

With no more questions, they moved on.


Wand Magic - from mother and blood adoption

Wiccan Magic - from father

"Now this is pretty straightforward. Harrison has two kinds of magic. Wand Magic comes from a magical core and he inherited it from his mother and through blood adoption. When he renounces said blood adoption he will still have this type of magic. Wiccan Magic or Nature magic as some call it, is in the blood and drawn from Nature and other things. I believe this is the magic you are most familiar with am I right."

They all nod and Axetooth continues.

"Now I am sure you are more than capable of teaching him Wiccan Magic as well as his biological family if or when they reappear. Wand Magic however is another story. At age 11 his magical core will become stable enough to start to actively use it. It is then that he will need a wand. I would suggest when the time comes to get a custom-made wand and pay extra to not have the trace put on it. Now you will either need to find him a willing homeschool tutor to teach him or send him to a school. You will have years to decide that, but he will need to learn to master his Wand Magic. Any questions on that?"

"None right now," Alaric replies, already planning on hitting the bookstore he saw earlier to learn as much as he can before a decision has to be made.

Creature Inheritance:

Vampire - Starts manifesting at puberty ends by becoming a Heretic at age 25 or dying prematurely - Active

Werewolf - After first Human Kill - Dormant

Tribrid Heretic - If all Creature Inheritance is achieved - Dormant

"Again pretty straightforward. I assume you are familiar with everything here?" Axetooth asks.

"Individually yes. All together no but we have no pressing questions right now." Emma replied after getting nods from both Caroline and Alaric.

"Okay then if you don't know already only Active Creature Inheritances are detectable in magical scans. Dormant Creature Inheritances are only detectable through blood Inheritance tests or rituals. Now moving on" Axe tooth said.


Second in line Heir to the Noble house of Potter (through blood adoption)

Second in line Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor (through blood adoption)

Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Pervell (through blood adoption and conquest Lordship can be claimed at age 11)

Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (through conquest Lordship can be claimed at age 11)

Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Mikaelson (through birth, Lordship can be claimed at age 11)

"Now since he will most likely be renouncing the blood adoption, the only titles that he will keep will be Lord Pervell, Lord Slytherin, and Lord Mikaelson. The Potter and Gryffindor are no use to him. Now the only problem I see will be his claim of Lord Pervell if it is not done correctly. See when he denounces Mr. Potter's blood adoption he will only be an heir through conquest. James Jr. will then have a larger claim to the title. However, I know for a fact that the Potter Line has not claimed that title in over 200 years. That constitutes as Line Abandonment which will lower James Jr's claim and give both boys the same right to the Line. All Harrison will have to do is claim the title before James Jr. I don't see a big problem with this since the Potters don't have their children do an inheritance test until their 15th birthday but best be prepared just in case. Right now Harrison has the bigger claim since he has the blood and conquest." Axetooth explains.

"Then why doesn't he just claim it before he denounces the blood adoption if he chooses to denounce it at all" Caroline asks.

"Because then the blood adoption would become permanent. If he accepts a title with the blood adoption still in play, magic will then see it as him fully accepting the blood adoption. He will have to lay claim to the title after he renounces the blood adoption. Then the family magics will test his magic and if the family magics accept him, he will be Lord Pervell and the Line will move from the Potters to him. Then as Lord Pervell he could disinherit and disown the Potter Line for the actions they took towards him. Meaning that the Potter Line would never be able to claim the title again." Axetooth says.

"Okay, what will claiming the Lordships entail for Harrison?" Emma asks.

"He will have the protection that title brings him, along with any protections that are placed on the family rings. I believe that the ring that Kol Mikaelson had commissioned has just about every protection you can think of on it. The other two rings hold family secrets and knowledge embedded in the rings by their predecessors. He will also gain a seat on the Wizagamart for each of his houses and will have two votes for each house. That comes to a total of 6 votes. He can choose to leave these empty or place a regent in them to vote in his steed."Axetooth said.

"What is the Wizagamart?" Alaric asks.

"The governing body of Magical Britain. Thus is the people who pass laws and such." Axetooth replies. "It would probably be best to read up on that and educate the boy before he claims his Lordships. Also as I have said before when he claims his Lordships, he will be emancipated in the magical world and have all the rights that an adult Wand User has. Now any more questions or can we move on?"


Potter Trust Fund - 10,000 gallons (available)

Grfydendor Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

Pervell Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

Pervell Family Vault - 2,574,789,259 (unavailable without Lordship)

Slytherin Family Money Vault - 759,864,135 gallons and artifacts (unavailable without Lordship)

Slytherin Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

Mikaelson Family Vault - 65,896,148 gallons (unavailable without Lordship)

Mikaelson Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons (available)

"Vaults are only accessible with Wand Magic. Noble House Trust Funds start at birth with 10,000 gallons and refills every six months if any money was withdrawn. The same is done with Ancient and Noble House and Most Ancient and Noble House Trust Funds but they are for 25,000 gallons. Now only the heir in question can withdraw from their trust fund, nobody else. Any Heirs that do not become Head of House will have the trust fund for the rest of their life. When or if he renounces the blood adoption he will no longer have a Potter or Gryffindor Trust Fund and when he claims his Lordships the Trust Funds will close down and go back into the Family Vault." Axetooth explains. "Now if I may give some suggestions on this matter."

"Of course Axetooth, any wisdom you are willing to share is much appreciated," Emma says. Secretly all three of them are inwardly reeling from everything they were learning here. They came here to rescue one abused boy but got all this dumped in their laps. Still, they would make sure Harrison was safe and happy, even if they all got headaches from the process.

"If young Harrison were to say, set up automatic transfers from all of his trust funds into the main trust fund he will be using. He could then apply for the hybrid money card, which works in both magical and non-magical areas. This way he would always have access to funds without having to come all the way here. A certain family would lose some money and since Harrison is the only Wand Using Mikaelson, nobody could monitor his account. That means nobody could use the money as a way to track him." Axetooth explained.

"Thus giving Harrison his inheritance while silently sticking to the Potters and allow him peace in mind that he is secure," Caroline said.

"Yes, and when he claims his Lordships the card can be linked to multiple accounts," Axetooth said. "Of course Harrison will have to agree to this and this will need to be after the Potters sign away their rights."

"I have one more question." Alaric said, "What is a gallon?"

"Ah, sorry about that, I forgot you were a muggle. In the Wizarding World, our money system is simple. We have knuts, sickles, and gallons." Axetooth said while showing them what each one looked like. Knuts were small bronze coins, sickles were bigger silver coins, and gallons were big gold coins. "17 knuts to make a sickle, 29 sickles to make a gallon. 1 gallon is worth 5 pounds, and since you are from America 5 pounds is $6.86. So basically just times the number of gallons in the account to $6.86 and you have the amount of money in USA dollars."

"Holy Crap. Harrison is beyond rich." Caroline replied after quickly calculated everything which all together came to $22,444,352,977.2.

"Now if that is everything, why don't you three go back to the healer room and be with Harrison. He should be waking up soon. I will get started on the paperwork to get Harrison's custody changed over. I will owl you when it is done."

Alaric, Caroline, and Emma followed a goblin to the healer room to wait for Harrison to wake up. While they waited they talked about everything they had learned.

"So, Klaus has another kid. Said kid was abused like Klaus was. Said kid has over 20 billion dollars without the inheritance we know he will get from the rest of his family. How much do you want to bet Klaus is going to go on a killing spree?" Alaric asked the other two.

"None. That is a sucker bet. Hell if I was in his situation I would do the same thing. Nobody touches my kid." Caroline replied while moving to sit on the bed next to Harrison.

They filled the next two hours with small talk while they watched over the poor boy. He was healing at a phenomenal rate. Finally, Switchtooth came over and announced he was cleared for Emma to lift the sleeping spell. It didn't take long until his eyes began to flutter open.

As Harrison woke up he knew something was different. He was laying on something soft and he had no pain, but most importantly he could finally feel his magic again after two months. That was when the memories came rushing back. It worked, they came for me. He quickly sat up and looked around. He was in a healers room with the people from the school and was that a goblin. Gringotts.

"You brought me to Gringotts. What if my parents find out that I am here?" Harry said to the people before looking around frantically for a way to escape.

He was just about to jump off the bed and run for the door before the blonde woman, Caroline, gently scooped him up and sat him on her lap while he calmed down. They explained everything that had happened since they left the Dursleys and all that they had learned.

"So James isn't my real father?" Harrison asked.

"No sweetheart, James isn't your father. A man named Niklaus Mikaelson is your real father." Caroline said.

"Is he like me?" Harrison asked.

"Not exactly." Alaric said "See Klaus is a hybrid. That means he is part Vampire and part Werewolf. Your mom had Wand Magic but your grandma had Wiccan Magic. This means that you have both Wand and Wiccan Magic. You also have vampire and werewolf in you but that won't come out for a long time."

"Where is he?" Harrison asked.

"We are not sure," Emma said. "But I know that until he is found, he would want you safe and happy. We have a plan to do that but it will take the goblins a little time. Then when it is over, you can come with us to America and start over."

"That sounds nice." Harrison said, "I have a question though."

"Well ask away Harrison," Caroline said while brushing his hair back.

"Since I get to start over, do I have to keep HIS name or can I change it to my real dad's," Harrison asked the adults while looking at them with a hopeful expression.

The adults were quiet for a moment and had a silent conversation. They knew that the name Mikaelson carried a lot of history behind it and not all of it was good. How safe would Harrison be if he chose to take his father's name. In the end, it was Harrison's choice.

"If that is what you want sweetheart," Caroline says.

"It is." Harrison said "I overheard my mom tell James that Rue also meant regret one night. It was her way of always reminding herself that she regretted what she did. I didn't understand back then but now I think I do. If it is alright I would like to change that name too. I want to be named for something I like."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Alaric says. Even though his father's name could bring bad things, having a whole new name would help make sure the Potters couldn't find him easily. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Harrison (Ryson for short) Henrik Mikaelson. That way I don't have to change my first name and I honor one of my uncles with his name." The newly appointed Ryson said.

"Well, that sounds like a strong name young heir," Axetooth said while walking into the healer's room. "I assume they have explained everything to you young one."

"Yes," Ryson said.

"Just call me Axetooth." Axetooth said, "Have they told you about your vaults with us."

"Yes, Mr… I mean yes Axetooth." Ryson said "I think putting all the gallons in one account sounds good, but is it possible if they hold on to my card for me. I don't want to lose it and I saw what having a lot of money turned my brother and cousin into. I don't want to become like that but I like knowing I have some money."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea young one," Axetooth said while turning to the adults "He is all healed up and free to go. I have owled the Potters and they should be here tomorrow to sign the papers. I will also draw up name change forms and if I might give a suggestion."

"Of course Axetooth," Alaric said.

"Once this name change takes place and his magic recognizes it as his new name, nobody will know about it. If you filed your non-magical name change as just Ryson Henrik Mikaelson magic will see that as his name as well. Then any paperwork in the magical world can be done using Ryson as well. This way any magical who tries anything bad towards him and has to have his name, will not know his true name."

"Meaning whatever they try won't stick because while magic will recognize Ryson as a variant of his name and magic like that requires the true name to complete it," Emma says.

"Yes," Axetooth says. Loopholes are awesome.

With that out of the way the party of 4 said farewell to the goblins for now and headed back out into the Alley, after obtaining a card for Ryson's Mikaelson Trust Fund. The adults didn't want to use his money but knew they had to buy things for him and to do research, into things. They would keep track of every gallon used and pay him back as soon as they got back home.

Their first stop was an upscale clothes shop called Dress to Impress that Ryson said made the best clothes. There they bought a causal cloak for all of them except for Ryson, who said it was normal for the children to wear muggle style clothes. Alaric got a simple black one, Caroline got a purple, and Emma got a dark green, all with cooling charms, warming charms, and sizing charms. Ryson got a black ball cap with a red M on it.

The next stop was a luggage shop called Trunks not Drunks. Ryson got a black dragonhide backpack that had red outlines around the pockets and with a wave of the shopkeeper's wand, RYSON M. was on the front in red as well. It was specially designed for kids at school and would grow with him.

The first smaller pocket on the front was just for ink and quills, and it would keep any ink from spilling. The second pocket right behind the first was for food and drinks and had a stasis charm on. Anything that went into the pocket would come out as fresh as it was when it went in. The third pocket was long and was on the side for a broom. The fourth pocket on the other side was for extra parchment. The fifth pocket was one of two larger pockets and it was just a general pocket for whatever. The sixth pocket was especially for books. The shopkeeper said that each pocket could be used for anything and all had expandable charms, shrinking and feather-light charms. You could put everything they had in the school in the backpack and still have room, including the furniture. The adults planned to come back one day and get one but not today.

The next stop was back to the clothing shop where Ryson got a complete wardrobe of muggle clothing. Everything from underwear, socks, shoes, pants, shirt, jackets, and, on Alaric's suggestion, exercise clothes. All the clothes were charmed to be the perfect temperature, not to rip or wear out, anti-color fading, self-cleaning, and would grow with Ryson up to six inches taller and wider. In total Ryson got over 70 pieces of clothing.

The next shop was for Emma, Slugs and Jitters. Emma wanted to see how Wand Magic potions were different from Wiccan Magic potions. She got a basic first-year kit and decided to start from the beginning. Everything was stored in Ryson's backpack so nobody was lugging packages around.

They skipped the quill and parchment shop as nobody wanted to use that outdated writing style. Even Ryson agreed. Lillian Potter never adapted to quills and continued to use pens and regular paper.

They stopped at the quidditch shop on Ryson's instance and got Ryson a starter broom that would only fly 10 feet off the ground and not go over 20 miles an hour. They told him when he got older he could get a better broom.

The last stop was the bookstore. Everyone split up with Alaric staying with Ryson who was now asleep again and being carried in his arms. Each one had gotten a basket and began browsing the shelves. This was going to be their biggest and most expensive purchase but it was also the most necessary. If they were going to protect Ryson, they would need the knowledge to do so.

Alaric stuck to school course books and other books geared towards teaching young witches and wizards. He got all seven years' worth of the Hogwarts school books, who names a school Hogwarts. Then he started looking for children's books.

Caroline was focused on books about the government, history, laws and procedures, other magical societies, magical creatures, and alternative schooling.

Emma was focused on books of different types of magic, potions, curses, charms, transfiguration, alchemy, runes, divination, arithmancy, conjuring, and so much more.

When they got to the counter they had over 500 books altogether. The price was 1,760 gallons 2 sickles and 5 knuts. They owed Ryson $12,300, but the books would be put to good use. Alaric was already planning on adding a class about Wand Users to the curriculum.

By the time they were leaving the book store, Ryson woke back up and asked if they could stop somewhere and eat. It was then that all their stomachs started to grumble so they walked around the outer alleyways until they found a nice little cafe about 3 streets over from Diagon Alley. It was on a road call Horizontal Alley. So unoriginal.

Soon they made their way out of the magical alley and back into London, where they found a hotel for the night to await Axetooth's Owl.

The next day everything went smoothly. The Potters showed up and took the bait, hook line, and sinker. Within two hours Ryson had his automatic transfer set up and everything was in place for him to take the next step. Harrison Rue Potter was no more world watch out Ryson Henrik Mikaelson is here. Thankfully the goblins had a passport ready for Ryson before they left the bank. Just like Axetooth said, the passport read Ryson Henrik Mikaelson. It was charmed so the non-magicals wouldn't give them any trouble.

The next stop was the airport and off they went back to America. Finally, after everything Ryson was free and his future was bright.