
The Unknown Me

In the supernatural world of Beasts and Witches, one girl must help save this world that she has just found herself in. This is The Unknown Me.

AuthorMKKitz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 9:

After the pile of food was gone and Donny was left with a chaotic mess, Donny commented, "I think this is the biggest mess, we have had in a while. The boys must have been rubbing off on you."

"Sorry, I can help with the mess," I suggested, feeling the blood flush to my face.

"No!" Marcus exclaimed. "You have training to do." He was so serious, so I rolled my eyes at him. He in return let out a low growl, in which I just stared in defiance.

"Well, how about we go outside," Brian said, breaking up our situation. Leading us outside, we ran out to the middle of the forest which was pitch black. My eyes were struggling to adjust to find light.

"Don't worry, once you are more accepting of your wolf form and get used to it. You will be able to see things," Evan said.

"How do I get in contact with my wolf?" I asked.

"Well, to get in contact with your wolf, you have to be fully connected with your emotions and being grounded to something," Brian exclaimed. "A way for you to do that is to dive into your soul… which sounds weird but gets in connection with your emotions. You have to be in control."

"And when you are irrational, you will wolf out, so you need to get in control of your emotions," Kenny commented with a smirk.

"How do I do this? I have a lot on my mind right now," I said with some sass.

"Meditate and focus on what is going on inside," Brian said.

I closed my eyes and tried to dive into my emotions. As I went into things, I started to cry and shake. As I was shaking, I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Okay," Brian said, interrupting my emotions. "How about we talk things out?"

"No!" Marcus exclaimed. "She needs to do this on her own." I stared at him with rage and hatred. "See she is in more control of her emotion when she isn't thinking about it. Look at those black eyes that are staring at me. Just let your beast control you," Marcus exclaimed as he let out a low growl.

Without thinking, my body started to shake and transform. It started with my body getting covered in white-gray fur. Then my body started to slowly shrink closer to the ground. Next were my legs and arms turning more into dog legs with dog feet. Then my face turned into a long, narrow snoot, and my eyes turned to their black color, like the sky at night with specks of white like the stars. Now I was into my full beast form.

"See she can do it without even thinking. She must let things be controlled with her beast form. Her beast is stronger than most others," Marcus said with a glare.

Turning around getting used to my body, I saw Sly and the rest of the boys in their beast forms. Sly was not lying when he said that he was the opposite of me in beast form. Instead of being white with black eyes, he was black with gray ends with white eyes. I could see why people called him the night sky. He was so magical to look at.

Next to Sly, I saw Evan and John turn into brown wolves with their same bluish-greenish eyes. They were so hard to tell apart. I could see a slight difference because John was slightly builder and Evan seemed to be submissive to John and everyone else. It was as if Evan was always going to be the sweetest person in the family. My wolf let out a slight growl as I turned and saw Kenny, who changed back into the same scary beast. He must have heard me growl because he walked over to me and lay on his back to me, in which my wolf seemed to calm down.

"Very good job, Eve," said Brian after I got settled down in my new form.

"Now that you have that done it, it is time to learn some of your powers," Marcus exclaimed, then let out a low growl in which Kenny quickly stood up and lowered his head. "The first one you need to learn is how to do the Quentura. Quentura is the ability to transmit thoughts to a single group of beasts; then there is Gualta, to a single beast."

Without thinking, I said, "How do you do that?"

Everyone seemed a little surprised, but then the boys started to chuckle. Marcus let out a growl to regain control, in which the boys slightly looked down. I looked over at them and I could tell that they were smiling even though they were submitting to Marcus. Then Brian smiled and winked at me. Their actions made me stand a little taller and stronger.

"Well, to do that you just have to think about what you want to say, and it will be said to anyone beast in form and in human form around you. Apparently, you already figured that one out and on instinct too. Your wolf must be strong" explained George through a smile and chuckle.

"Now, try to tell just the kids something to do on instinct," instructed Marcus with a low growl.

"Guys, can you hear me? Bark if you can hear me," I said while focusing on the boys and being irritated by Marcus.

Ar roof, ar roof, ar roof.

"Oh, damn. It worked," I exclaimed without thinking again.

"Well, I am guessing that was a success. Now, try to tell just Sly something," instructed Marcus, seeming a little irritated.

Focusing only on Sly, I said with some hesitation, "Can you hear me, Sly?"

"I don't know. Can I hear you, Eve?" asked Sly with so much sarcasm, that it made me smile. "Man, you are making Marcus angry. You are a strong wolf."

"Ah! Yes, I did it," I transmit to everyone.

"Great job, Eve! Way to believe in yourself! Ellen would be so happy to see how much you have learned and grown in the last few days," said Brain, with a few tears in his eyes from bringing up Mom's name.

"You are quicker at this than mostly every beast here. It is almost like you have done this before," Donny inquired as he put his finger against his chin.

Letting out a low growl, Marcus regained control and in anger he instructed, "Since you are so good. Why not try to learn to do the Perrata. The Perrata is the ability to become one with the environment or nature,"

"Okay, Eve, give it a shot and just believe," said Donny, who usually never actually talks, but this time he was excited for me, which made Marcus give him a red glaring stare.

Eyes closed, breathing in, and exhaling slowly, I slowly opened my eyes. I could see everything through this newly found power. I could see the trees miles away and then a small rabbit running away from a fox. I could also see the clear scent line of where our property ended. Then I could hear twigs breaking from the fox and rabbit and distant howls from the dark wolf, that seemed to be about the same size as me. It seemed as if they were also watching me. Then I heard hoots from the waking up owls in the start of the night. Then I could smell all the smells...good and bad. Then on instinct, my paws became super sensitive as I was about to go towards the other wolves. I seemed to be moving faster by using this power. As I was about to move in a forward motion, Sly let out a soft bark to me.

"Wow" I said, shaking off this feeling. "This is absolutely amazing. I am never going to stop using this… the power."

"It is called Perrata. But if you want to just call it Nature Eye," said Kenny, using Gualta. "You are able to use it longer than most people." I could sense the anger in his voice, but I could not tell what it was about.

"No, I will call it Perrata. This is part of my world, so I have to get used to it sooner rather than later," I transmitted with Gualta with a lot of attitudes. "So, there is Quentura for a group chat, Gualta for single chats, and Perrata for nature instincts. What's next?" I said to everyone and excitement in my voice.

"I think that is enough for today, Eve. It took the boys three days to learn all of these and even then, they were not that good." Brian said in his concerned dad voice but was still a little impressed with me.

"No, I want to keep learning more. The more I learn now, the better off I will be if we get attacked, and the more I know before school," I thought, using Quentura with so much energy and my wolf excited.

"Come on, guys. She has a point. Since she is going to decide over the fate of our world, then she might as well be completely prepared if the Slechts do come for her. She would hate it if we did not keep her prepared," agreed Kenny, who had finally started to warm up to me.

"How about this: we will teach you how to get out of this form and how to use Quentura, Gualta, and Perrata in human form. Then time for bed, and in the morning, we will keep going with training. Okay?" compromised Brian, ignoring my excitement.

"Fine, but we are starting early tomorrow, understand?" I explained, hoping not to get in trouble because I was tired.

"Okay," Marcus said with an aggressive smirk. "Give it a try." He seemed to be challenging me.

"Do it when you are behind a bush or something to cover you up. You will transform back uncovered fully," Brain said as he looked at the boys as if he was telling them something.

Behind a group of bushes, I immediately turned back into human as if it were not that hard to do. My body seemed to be in peace because of this.

A low growl came out of Marcus as his red eyes peered at me through his defined brow.

Brian threw my clothes to me and explained, "The reason it is so easy now is that you are calm. But if you are in a fight and thinking about human life, it will not happen so easily. Trust me on that."

"Okay. Try to use the powers." Marcus said with attitude as he puffed out his chest towards me.

I instinctively acted and I accomplished Quentura with ease; then I achieved Gualta like a breeze; and finally, I performed Perrata like a pro.

"Okay, bedtime," explained Brain with a sense of pride in his voice.

"You knew that was going to be easy, didn't you?" I inquired, knowing the answer before I asked him.

"Yep, Ellen would have killed me if she found out that you did not have the proper amount of sleep. And do you think I would have agreed if it were not going to be easy?" Brian said while I stuck my tongue out like any teenage girl who is not getting her way. "Now, bedtime for all of you."

All the kids heading to bed, I said, "This is so unfair. All I want to do is learn; I never thought that I would say those words, but it is true. Why can't I just stay on the train and sleep later? Brian doesn't understand."

"Dad does understand, Eve. He is doing it for your greater outlook of the whole beast life," Sly said, looking a little tired.

"No, sleep is needed. You had a very intense day and an overly exciting week, too," Evan said with a concerned voice.

Once I was done with my shower in my bathroom, I went to my bedroom. The door next to mine was open and the light was on. John came out and said with a sleepy voice, but he looked like he didn't just wake up, "Eve, I hope you enjoy it here and will stay here with us, even with Kenny being here. Also, if you need anything, just ask me. I will always be here, right next door. Good night, Eve."

"Good night, John. See you in the morning. And I am not planning on leaving anytime soon…even with Kenny. I am enjoying myself. I feel as if I am myself here. So, sleep tight and dream of bed bugs." Then I went into my bedroom and closed the door slowly. But as I closed my door, I watched John go into the room slowly. He paused and looked like he was going to say something or at least turn around to look at him. But I did not.

"This place is so weird and so nice. I feel like myself here," I said flopping onto my bed and closing my eyes. I was so relaxed in this bed and my body seemed to be happy.