
The Unknown Me

In the supernatural world of Beasts and Witches, one girl must help save this world that she has just found herself in. This is The Unknown Me.

AuthorMKKitz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 27:

Sunday… The day before my birthday. I still can't believe that it has only been six months since I have been here. I think that part of me want to learn more about this world before the Keuze tomorrow. But I don't know what to do. I am so lost and I unsure. Everyone seems to be in the same boat as me as I look out the window and noticed that everyone was just chilling. No fighting, no arguments, just relaxing. Things have changed so much, and I am honestly scared of what is to come. Please let tomorrow be better off. I don't know if I can handle much more of this chaos or loneliness.

Monday morning. I woke up to the sound of men singing very off-key and high pitched, "Happy Birthday, little beast. Happy Keuze to you and you."

"What in the world is up with you guys this morning? I think I heard some actual wolves howling with those notes," I said, very sleepy.

"Oh, Eve, don't be such a party pooper. We sing every morning there is a birthday in the house," Dad informed me.

"Oh really, does it always end with Happy Keuze? And did Sly get this morning wake-up call?" I asked with some attitude.

"No," Sly said with a smirk. "I got up at four to miss it."

"Could have warned me," I said.

"Wow, you don't have to be so sassy," Donny committed.

"Oh, I have the right when I wake myself up from my sleep. Now go away!" I yelled, covering myself back in my blanket.

"No can do, Eve. We have to get ready for the Keuze and your birthday," Marcus said, ripping the covers off me.

"What do you want from me?" I complained as the cold air rushed over me.

"Well, first you need to get dressed and go downstairs to eat. Now move it, Birthday Girl," Marcus ordered.

I rolled my eyes as I rolled out of bed. I said, "Fine but get out and let me do it in my own time."

"Okay, you heard the girl. Out," Dad yelled, shoving everyone out of the room.

Everyone basically left except for John, "Happy Birthday, Eve."

"John, my dad said to leave me alone," I said, half asleep.

"I know, but I want to give you your birthday present in secret," John said. Once he was done speaking, he came over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I had a look of shock on my face and was about to ask something, but John left as quickly as possible.

I rubbed my eyes and struggled to make sense of what happened. "I must still be asleep," I thought as I headed in to get dressed in my everyday clothes, I headed downstairs to find a bunch of presents and everyone waiting for me. "What is all of this?"

"Well, every time it is someone's birthday, we all have to get that person a gift," Sly explained.

"Oh, I didn't get you one," I said.

"No worry. I did not get you one either. I figured we had the best gift this year from each other?" he said.

"And what would that be?" I asked, a little concerned.

"Each other, Silly. This is the first year we are together," he said, giving me a hug.

"Oh, yeah. Well, Happy Birthday, Bro," I said, enjoying our bond.

"Happy Birthday, Sis," he said, pulling back from the hug.

"So, what do we do next?" I asked.

"Well, we eat; then we do presents," Sly said.

At the table, I found my favorite breakfast of French toast and bacon with maple syrup. When we finally started to eat, I started to scarf down the entire plate of French toast. As we ate, we were loud such a mess out of the clean layout that Donny just let out a loud sigh. But it was so much fun. With the food all done, I chanted my spell, "Mescar Dami Ramasha Plutana, dishes away."

"I hope that doesn't go away," Evan said.

"Agreed," Donny said as he rested his hand on Evan's shoulder.

Gathering in the living room, where there was a birthday tree in the main room and many different presents. The tree looked like a normal tree, but it had pink, green, brown, and all the colors that associated with Sly and I.

"What is that?"

"It's your tree…" Donny said. "The witches made it for you."

"Aww," I said as I admired the tree. Sitting around the tree, Sly and I started to open presents.

I really do not remember many of my gifts… except for what Kenny gave me after the presents were done.

"Uhm… I think Eve is missing a gift from Kenny," Sly said.

"There is a present for her. Right here," Kenny said, coming over to me and giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Kenny, why did you do that?" Sly asked, pushing Kenny away from me.

"I like Eve. What are you going to do about it, Sly?" Kenny said, getting defensive.

They looked like they were about to fight when… "That is enough. There is no need to fight right now on your birthday. So, stop!!" Marcus exclaimed with black eyes staring at us.

With that everyone stopped what we were doing, everything was quiet for ten minutes. But we could still feel the tension in the room.

After a while, Dad said, "Now that we have that settled and it is getting a little creepy. Let us talk about what is going to happen with the Keuze." Everyone became quiet as we looked around the room.

I said, glad that this was over. "So, what do we have to do for the Keuze?"

"We need to go to the park in the woods," Marcus said.

"You mean the park where I met the Dunkel first?" I said, slipping the truth.

"What do you mean?" Marcus and Dad said at the same time.

"Uhm… nothing," I said, trying to cover my tracks.

"It doesn't matter. What is done is done, and yes Eve, the same place," Sly said, breaking up the fight that was about to happen.

"Okay, then let us go. Will all the other groups be there?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Well, you have to do a special spell to tell everyone it is time. The spell is downstairs in a spell book in a secret closet," Marcus explained.

"Where is the book?" I asked, looking in the closet that was not there yesterday.

"Right here," Dad said, holding the book in his hands.

"Where did you hide that?" I asked.

"It is a present from your mom for both of you. She wanted you to have it on your fifteenth birthday present from her," Dad explained.

"Well, let us get this over with. Right, Sly?" I asked.

"I couldn't agree more, Sis," he said, grabbing the book.

With that we all headed to the park; we took two vehicles. I had the book with me, so Sly and I read the book to understand how to do the spell. When we arrived at the old school park, Sly and I began to spell summon everyone there. Turning into a wolf, looking into the eyes of the black wolf in front of me, we both stood there ready for the rest of the spell. In Quentura, we spoke the spell, "Shana Tocadarra Bonanda Shintara Marintarra, Come to us Sisters and Brothers. We summon you."

In about thirty minutes, everyone had arrived at the park. They stood around in discomfort and were looking around at everyone. They looked as if they were about to start a fight. The beasts let out low growls and the witches had magic flying round their hands.

I let out a low growl to gather their attention then, still in the wolf form, I transmitted to everyone, "Thank you all for coming. We are all here because today is the Keuze. This has to do with all of us. So together we shall change. Now it is time. Sly?"

Sly nodded to me and we turned to each other. We stared at each other and chanted, "Marsiadan Plumanda Kenida Shantamerra Hyjauna Pleta, Spirit of the Keuze, come to us. We are ready to make our choice."

Within seconds, there standing in front of us was a woman in a golden, white light. "Hello, I am the Spirit of the Keuze. I am here to hear your decisions. Are you ready for the Keuze to happen?" she said, angelically.

"Yes, we are ready," Sly and I said at the same time.

"So, what is your decision?" The Spirit of the Keuze asked, very breathy.

"I choose to let our worlds combine," Sly said.

"I have chosen to combine the witches and the beast's world to be together and for no war to happen," I declared.

"Are you sure about this?" the Spirit of the Keuze asked blankly.

"Yes, we are," we said confidently.

"Then your decision is final…" the Spirit of the Keuze said.

With a nod of her head, she vanished into thin air.

Then magical lights started to fly around Sly and me, like when we did the witch ceremony. Then it traveled to the witches. Then to the beasts. Then the lights vanished into us. And was gone like the Spirit.

Looking around the room, everything looked normal. But I felt different, there was a feeling of change. "What have you done?" Jeffrey exclaimed.

I looked at Sly and we both knew something had changed. Then a manly voice with a golden light boomed over all of us, saying, "Welcome, our children! You are home!"

A golden light flowed through the park and forest. It gave me chills down my spine and was scared as to what we have done.

~ End of Book 1 ~