
The Unknown Character In A Reverse Harem Otome Game

After completing a nightmare Otome game, a streamer receives a message from the developers offering him the chance to input a character into the game. Upon doing so, he falls asleep and wakes up as a baby in the world of his favorite game, *Rose Covered in Thorns*. Now five years old and the youngest member of a powerful ducal family, he must navigate the treacherous game world, amass power, and survive the unfolding storyline to ultimately become the head of his family. A/n: - The Cover Photo is made by Ai - Paused/Once Again I lost my motivation Additional Tags: OP, Kingdom-building (Other tags pending)

imnotmotivated · Fantasia
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Introduction To Mana

If there was one thing the Leclair family prioritized, it was the family's name. And if there was one thing Emilien hated, it was scandals concerning the children of the ducal family.

Emilien drank his tea silently; it was awfully bitter. His wife, who continued to spoil their child, and the child using the family name for his brazen endeavor.

His cold stare made the room tense.

Veverlyn couldn't even look her husband in the eye.

'I'm sure he will help; he would never let anyone tarnish the family name.'

Philip had committed many atrocious acts, scandals, and deeds that could have placed the family under significant pressure. Yet Emilien had always covered them up.

But now, Emilien was thinking about something else.

'I want to become the patriarch.'

It was a brazen and foolish testament—childish, filled with ambition for a child who was merely five. Yet Emilien admired such courage, to spout such words with utter confidence in front of him.


Veverlyn called out, her hands trembling as she awaited her husband's orders. Normally, he would have immediately dismissed her, but today Emilien was taking an ample amount of time with his decision.

"Philip is already 24, isn't he?"

"He's 25, husband."

Veverlyn clenched her fists. 'How can he even forget his own son's age?'

"Well, isn't it time for him to clean up his own mess?"

Veverlyn paused, unsure if she had heard him correctly. "Pardon?"

Emilien lit a cigarette and stared at his wife. "Isn't he at the age where he should start cleaning up his mess? He's already 25; at that age, I was already busy with the family affairs. Yet he hasn't done a single thing."

As the eldest, Philip was supposed to perform duties for the family. It was a tradition that children who graduated from the Royal Academy would start helping with family duties. Yet, the eldest had never taken office or even helped with any duties; instead, he had plunged himself into ecstasy.

"Husband, Philip is just enjoying his freedom. After a few more years, you would step down as the patriarch, and Philip would then take charge."

"Oh?" Emilien was dissatisfied with her answer. "I won't meddle any longer. I'll let the authorities handle him. From now on, he will deal with his own mess."

Emilien stood up under the watchful eyes of his trembling wife. "Do not bother me again with nonsense."

Emilien left the living room, loosened his tie, and proceeded to his room. 'A bunch of problematic twerps.'


"Welcome. Are you here to return the books you borrowed?"

I nodded and placed the book on the desk. "The book was good. I liked how the author elaborated on the corruption of nobles."

Vincent smiled in response. "It is a good book. I'm glad you liked it. I actually have a few more books like these. Maybe you would like to give them a read?"

"That would be great," I answered curtly.

Vincent checked the bookshelves and handed me another book. "It's written by the same author." His face was visibly joyful after my compliment.

"Thank you." I took the book and sat down. Inwardly, I groaned as I read the contents of the book.

"Mind if I ask you a question?"

I continued reading, sensing his curiosity. I had specifically written down my full name when I borrowed the book, so I'm sure he's wondering why a noble would read a book that firmly criticizes nobles.

Vincent remained silent, waiting for a response. He felt embarrassed, reminded once again of the arrogance of nobles. It was already a huge shock when he read the boy's name, especially when he complimented the book.

I stayed silent for a few minutes and then replied, "What do you want to ask?"

Vincent smiled and hurriedly sat down opposite me. "I just want to ask if you really liked the book."

Vincent had numerous questions, but what he craved most was an answer to whether the boy truly liked the book, even though it had many criticisms of nobles.

A young noble complimenting a book that criticized them intrigued him.

"I do," I replied shortly and continued reading the book. I didn't need to add any more praise or thoughts; a simple answer could already make an impact. Besides, what I said was the truth. Although I found it absurd, there was some truth in it.

The next generation of nobles had become too obsessed with power. Corruption was evident in many, and mistreatment of the people ensued.

"My mother wrote that book." Vincent clenched his fist. This was the second time he had told someone. He stared at my expression, and I only nodded my head without asking any questions.

Vincent smiled softly, stood up, and said, "My name is Vincent Menard. If you need any recommendations for new books, you can ask me."

I waved my fingertips in acknowledgment, not taking my eyes off the book as I continued to read.

I was supposed to have classes today, but Jasper said he was still busy compiling the next lessons. He gave me another day off and told me to enjoy some free time. After studying intensely to pass the exam, this rest was a well-deserved reward.

Currently, I was reading the second volume of the book. Not much had changed; it was still plain criticism of the nobles. Vincent's mother must have truly despised the nobles to obsess over them, even writing a book about it.

I put down the book and glanced at the clock near the door. It was time for me to go home.


After eating dinner, I took a bath and brushed my teeth. I put on my pajamas and combed my hair 500 times. I flossed and started my skincare routine.

If this were the original me, I would have just fallen asleep, but this was my new body. It's kind of embarrassing that a five-year-old is doing skincare. My perfectionist personality comes in tenfold—I need to have perfect skin, perfect teeth, and other aspects.

After finishing, Marie tucked me into bed and read my nightly book.

"Goodnight, young master."

Marie left the room, and after fifteen minutes, I opened my eyes and locked the door. I took out a blue book from my bag.

[Introduction to Mana]

This book was a mass-released publication that anyone could buy. It was essentially just an introduction to mana, offering no other skills beyond allowing one to sense mana.

I opened the first page and started reading.

[Mana created this world. In the dawn of demons, Mana already existed, but due to a lack of utility and understanding, no one knew of Mana's existence.]

[That was when the first king was given the gift of presence, which allowed him to wield mana.]

I flipped through the pages; this introduction was useless. What I needed was how to utilize mana.

I stopped flipping the pages and began reading the section on mana utility. I memorized each sentence.

I sat up straight, positioned myself in a lotus form, and breathed in and out to calm my heart. The first step was to feel the presence of mana around the atmosphere.

I calmed my heart and focused on my five senses. As the world turned deathly silent, the only sounds I could hear were my heartbeat and breaths.

After fifteen minutes, I slowly opened my eyes. There were shimmering star-like glitters floating around my room, some bigger, while others were as small as dust.

"So this is what mana looks like."

Each had different colors, spreading like an aura across my room. I instinctively covered my nose; it was a familiar scent I was used to smelling every day, but I was slowly accepting it.

"Next is to gather mana."

I stretched out my right palm. Gathering mana was more difficult than sensing its presence.

First, stretch your right palm, take deep breaths to calm yourself, focus your senses on your right palm, feel the mana around you, and force it to gather in your palm. I was sweating; my forehead was damp, and the scent became unbearable, yet I continued.

I focused my senses on my right palm, aiming to gather mana.

It took thirty minutes, but finally, mana gathered in my palm. The particles fused with others, dancing around my palm.

The third step was to insert the mana inside the body and into my core, the heart. The heart serves as a space where the mana would reside. To draw the mana inside the body, it must fuse with your blood vessels, allowing it to travel to the heart.

I controlled the mana in my palm and slowly began inserting it into my hand.

It was painful.


It felt like my hand was being stabbed by a sharp object.