
Origin- God Of Energy!

Zero was having fun reading the final Arc of 'Unrecorded World' When he heard an unknown voice whisper into his ear. "Its about time"

"What was someone talking?"

Zero was confused but since both of his parents were home he didn't really think much of it.

A sleep deprived feeling washed over Zero. "What the hell is wrong with me, am I anemic now too?"

Zero lied down face first in his bed and drifted off to sleep.

While Zero was asleep something changed within him.

His spirit unattached from his 'soul' and drifted far into the sky.

Zero's spirit wandered far beyond the sky into space.

Then it went farther than that reaching the galaxy, solar systems, out of the universe.

It went even farther for an unknown amount of time.

'Yawn, that was a nice sleep.'

Zero noticed that something was off about his surrounding area

It was pitch black and he was completely naked! "What the hell happened to me?"

Zero wasn't to concerned thinking he was in a lucid dream.

Zero extended his hand and made a few things like a bed, blankets, swords, and all kinds of useless objects.

"Wow I feel like god this is pretty fun." Zero has more fun flying around until he had a cool idea.

'What if I were to make a system from a fanfiction novel that would be pretty fun.'

Zero first made a blue translucent panel In front of him. He used it to make the English language.

"Okay now I just need to make the menu!"

Zero used his mind to make a status screen.


Name: Zero

Race: True Origin God

Spirit: ∞

Level: ∞

Strength: ∞

Dexterity: ∞

Vitality: ∞

Defense: ∞

Magic: ∞

Faith: N/A

Skills: Infinite Creation, Infinite Destruction, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Origin Source


Zero was starting to get a little more worried than before.

'Uhh this feels a little bit to real for a dream.'

'Okay well I guess I'll make the most of the time I have.'

'Since I can remake anything I want I'm going to make as many things as I can'

Zero proceeded to focus in on his 'Origin Source' description. If that was an energy source why couldn't he make laws from anime and video game series?

Zero closed his eyes and imagined the energy of the universe, In his mind it was very strong and only focused on the power of the energy.

Yes that's right Zero was making KI from Dragonball for his first creation.

Zero made a space in his spirit to fit the Ki Origin Source, and a dark blue ball of energy was created and put inside of his soul next to the Origin Source.

'Wow that was surprisingly easy, I'm going to make more things now!'

Next he focused and made QI from the Chinese culture on earth.

Then he made Chakra from Naruto.

Then he made Reiatsu from Bleach.

After that he made a soul for all Intelligent beings.

Then he made Four special souls, Three light and One Dark from DarkSouls.

At this time around eight hours had past.

'Okay don't freak out Zero its been eight hours and you still haven't woken up, which leaves two options. I'm dead, I really am a god, and I'm in a coma.'

'Well even though I don't want to die or be stuck in a coma this is all I can do right now so I might as well enjoy it.'

Zero went on to make Quirks, The Eight Elements, Seven Sins, Magic, And then he finally finished making his system.

"Okay system your name will be 'The Old One'"

[Yes Master] The system was much nicer to its master than any host it would have.

"Your first task as my system is to create the milkyway galaxy and the universe it resides in. Then make universes for all of the series that I know. While you do that I'm going to finish making the special abilities for each universe."

[Yes Master]

Zero flew far away as suddenly a burst of light came into view in the endless darkness.

It was the first sun of all the universes.

Zero got back to work and created many more things like, Zanpakuto, Celestial Treasures, And ETC.

After Zero finished creating all of these things he imposed three laws on the world.

1. No world shall be able to leave the defined omni verse the reside in.

2. Time will only flow as I see fit.

3. None of my creation shall rebel against the laws of their world else they will give me their entirety.

'Now for the last major creations for now.'

Zero Used his Mind to make a heavenly palace in space which has an infinite amount of room inside, with infinite rooms.

Next Zero made the biggest change ever. Zero made multiple Realities And split them into multiple different timelines.

Then Zero made himself a perfect Human body with no limits and left him in the palace on the kings throne.

"Okay system I'm going to sleep wake me up when the first protagonist is born, then stop every other universes time. Goodnight GOL.

Zero went into the human body and fell asleep.

7 billion years later.

[Master wake up]

Zero yawned and sat up. "GOL who was born first?.

[Master they were all born at the same time, since each universe shares the same time scale. So I recommend you start off in weaker universes with your human body and progressively go to stronger ones.]

"Okay then GOL let me train for a week then pick a weaker universe to go to, but don't make it just a slice of life highschool series."

[Yes Master]

Zero walks into one of the rooms in the palace and starts to train.

'In my opinion I think the best thing to train in will be ki since I can get strong fast and not be only overpowered bullshit.'

Zero started to train his Ki in his mortal body.

'It seems like I have a affinity with The original Ki source since I created it. it should only take me a week to get to become city level.'

6 Days Later...

'I finished the training earlier than expected so I think I'm going to train something else, Hmm I have an idea why don't I go get a treasure from the heavenly treasure room?'

Zero walked into the treasury room across the hall and closed the door behind him.

'I think I should link the treasury to the system, then I can have a store page' (o-_-o)

"Hey GOL link the treasury with a store page so I can use this whenever I want,"

[Yes Master]

Zero was pretty happy being able to use all the things that he personally made.

"Oh and GOL give me a list of all the so called 'Gods' in each universe. I don't take kindly to those who claim to call themselves gods in my worlds. Also make an infinite limbo just incase we get some reincarnates in here."

[Okay Master]

"Oh and one more thing GOL for the series that we will be going to, since I'm going to take the spotlight give him a gift from me. Give him the 'Gods Guide To Cultivating' Manual That I Made one month before the series starts."

[Yes Master.]

"Okay I'm ready to go wake me up where the protagonist is a day before the series starts."

[Moving In 3...2...1...Now]

Zero closed eyes and started to train his energy gathering technique, which was aptly called

"God's energy training technique!'