
Tomorrow's Song (1)

Lately, when I'm waiting for my train that will take me to the school, there's a girl that caught my intention.

She's standing in the opposite side of the station, waiting for the train that will take her to her school.

After that, I keep watching her when she waiting for her train at the station, and for me, that feel lazy to go to the school, she became my reason for going to school.

Seiba Junior High School, counseling rooms, after class is over.

"Kashiwaya Kota, last week you submit the form of your choice for next school, right?"

The counseling teacher, Mr. Takada shows me a form.

"And this is the form that you've to submit?"

I see the form in his hand. I can recognize my handwriting and my name on the corner of the form. On that form there're written :

First choice : Yurine High School

Second choice : None!

Third choice : None!

"Yes, sir. That's the form that I submit"

"Let's see…..the only choice you write here is Yurine High School"

"Yes, sir. Yurine High School"


We both laugh in such a friendly manner.

No, that's not a friendly manner at all, it's just a calm before the storm because when his laugh end, Mr. Takada smack that form in front of my face and yelling

"Yurine High School is all girl school….only for the girl! Get out!...and think that again!...think carefully!"

Kashiwaya Kota, 15years old in this fall seasons. My future is still uncertain

I walk along the empty corridor in the school. The most student already goes home or do extra-curricular activities outside.

"Damn! My ears still ringing…why that counseling teacher had to shout so loudly in my ears"

I keep walking and leave the school building. I walk beside the softball field in which there are still some students practicing there until someone called my name

"Hey, Kota!"

The one who calls me is my friend, Takeshi Nagano, we always go home together after school over.


"You going home?"

"Why are you still here? Aren't third years already leave the club to focus on the exam?"

"I'm doing some coaching here"

"Coaching…sounds fun"

"Wait…let's go home together"

And we going home together as usual and stop by at Okonomiyaki shop that we always visit to eat dinner. We talk about today's news while we eating, including my experience with Mr. Takada

"Yurine High School? Get real! Are you serious?"

"Do I look like making a joke to you?"

"You mean…you seriously want to enter that all girl school?...and wearing that skirt uniform?"

"It's not like that! You misunderstanding!"


"Lately I see a beautiful girl in the train station wearing Yurine uniform…I just want to enter the same high school as her"


"She still junior high school like us…the ribbon she wears is red"

"He he…"


"He he he…."

"What the hell you laughing at!"

On our way back after eating dinner

"But…to think about that…it's also good…you'll be graduate soon"

"Tsk…my teachers…no one expecting me can graduate from school. Different from you…I already heard about you"


"You decide to enter Touka High School right? You get the recommendation from the softball club"

"Do you think I can pass Touka High School entrance exam?"

His way to act stupid although he always in the top rank somehow irritating me

"Yeah…yeah…you're smart….but really, you also good at softball, Takeshi"


"If that' me…I'm not good at anything…if I'm thinking again…can I pass the high school entrance exams? That's never crossed in my mind…really beyond my reach… I suck when doing exam…*sigh* "

"Hey…hey…if I can pass the high school entrance exam, you can also do that"

"Get real, people like me can enter Touka High School?

"Hey, people must have reason to reach their future"

"Oh, no…not another lecturing again…"

Kashiwaya residence, my room

Instead, read the textbook or studying, I turn on my PS console and play the game.

Although I like to play game…but today…my feeling is a bit mixed up until my mom calling me from downstairs


"What's up mom?"

"Get down here for a minute"

And after I get downstairs…..

"WHAT! Extra class??"

"Yes, starting tomorrow you must attend extra class for high school entrance exams preparation"

"How could you decide that without talk with me first mom?"

"Kota…you fools….You want to enter Yurine High School, is that right?"


"Your teacher just called me…where did I suppose to put my face after that? I'm so ashamed! No matter what, you must take an extra class! Don't you even dare to skip the class"

Oh my God! To go to the school is already making me feel lazy now I must take an extra class? This is a disaster!