
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Her Decision

Willow sat in silence, she knew she made the worst mistake but she couldn't helped it but sobbed as Ella drove her to a simple fancy restaurant and parked at the front view.

Ella unhooked her seat belt first and Ella did the same and finally opened her side door to stepped down too.

"Let's go in" Ella spoked and they both walked into the restaurant.

"Private space" Ella spoked to the Waiter but Willow refused.

"Is okay here, let's just find a seat of two, am okay with it."

"Are you sure?" Ella asked in worry, knowing Willow was a billionaire daughter and also some might recognized her face as she was engaged to Patrick whom was an influential billionaire too.

"Am alright" Willow replied and head to a seat and sat, while Ella had no other option that to smile to the waiter.

"Just two plates of pepper soup and cool soft drinks is okay."

Ella walked and sat across to Willow while the waiter left to carry out her ordered.

"What's wrong?" Ella asked and Willow shook her head.

"Is Patrick. Can you believe he's cheating on me?" Willow questioned and she sobbed, still holding her handkerchief and she wiped the corners of her nose and eyes.

"Is alright girlfriend."

"No, it cannot be alright. I made a mistake. I cheated on him and now he's on the verge on doing same and worst with a maid."

"Ah!" Ella gasped and immediately clasped her mouth shut.

"Don't say it out loud. What if someone heard you and recorded it."

Willow finally calmed and shook her head as Ella was right. It wasn't only Patrick mother that would felt devastated both her obsessed father that wanted the Anderson to become his inlaws too.

"So what am I going to do, I cannot accept to break up with him I do love him" Willow spoked and Ella sighed and she waited for the waiter to served them first and she picked up her spoon and started eating the pieces meat and fish in the pepper-soup.

"Let's.. eat it first. It will calm you down and allow us to think properly " Ella spoked and Willow sighed and picked up her spoon too and calmed.

After eating half of the pepper soup ganished with cooked cat fish and meat, Willow felt a bit better and she drank from her cold soft drink to calm herself.

Soothing her throat she stared to Ella for her advised.

"How do you know he's cheating with the maid?."

"I caught her today in his room" Willow replied and picked up her spoon again.

"Wait.. you mean you don't sleep in his room?."

"Is a long story, but I've a separate room in the mansion."

"Why?" Ella flared up surprising Willow and she calmed.

"You caused these. I know I shouldn't be blaming you, but why would you allowed a separate bedroom?. Once you get home today, you move into his bedroom whether he likes it or not."


"No but dear. What were you thinking, sleeping in a separate room?."

"No, not that. He said he wouldn't touch me until two months time" Willow spoked sadly.

"I don't understand all this, but my point is, so long he allowed you stayed in his mansion, you should be sharing his bedroom till whenever he's ready to touched you. He doesn't want to chased you away maybe for the glam or his family, so you shouldn't give him a chance too either. Imagine staying in a separate room for two months, As what?. As siblings?. No dear" Ella spoked and Willow calmly ate her pepper soup.

She didn't felt sober again and she calmed.

"Thanks for the advice."

"You should know better. He's not a stick, so when he doesn't have an option he will succumb to you instead of the maid."

"Okay, I will try. I have to head home now" Willow spoked but Ella refused.

"No. Since you're already here, let's head back to the industry instead and do some shoot for today."


After Willow and Ella finished the plate of pepper-soup and soft drinks, Ella paid while Willow walked out and stood by the car waiting for Ella to be thru and Ella stepped out and drove her back to Stars Modelling industry.


Loveth was in her room and she prepared to take her bath just then she heard a subtly knock on her room door.

Not hearing any of her colleagues called her, she grew nervous and walked to the door to find out.

Opening the door, she saw Andrew standing there and she gasped in shock.

"May I come in?" Andrew asked her and as there was no other maid on the second floor with her, she grew afraid, wondering if he also wanted to take advantage of her.

"No, I mean" Loveth tried to spoke.

"Is alright. I just thought to find out what truly happened?" Andrew asked and Loveth shrugged.

"It's already bygone, and am fine" Loveth replied.

"Hmm" Andrew hummed and he stared to her bare neck and saw the kissing mark and he wondered whom did that on her neck as it wasn't there the previous day or maybe he didn't took noticed of it.

"Are you sure you're alright or you don't want to speak to me about it?. I just couldn't understand why my uncle would slapped you?."

"Am fine.. there's nothing to worry about" Loveth spoked and she stared downward but Andrew walked closer to meet her, making her to move back in fright.

"I don't mean any harm Loveth. Trust me, I will try to find out why, was it because of the phone?."

"No.. "

"Then why did he slapped you?. Oh he misunderstood seeing us standing together?" Andrew remembered he had almost kissed her the previous night and he smiled.

"Am sorry about that. But was that why he would slapped you, I didn't meant to kiss you."

Loveth only stared to him not responding as she had even forgotten he tried to kiss her the previous night before Patrick summoned her.

"Is alright, I guessed I already knew why. Am sorry about that, I didn't knew what came over me" Andrew apologised.

"Is okay" Loveth stared downwards as she saw Aria stepped into the corridor but Aria didn't stared to them like she cared and she walked passed them and into her room.

"Okay. I will be going downstairs now. Just came to find out how you're doing."

"Okay" Loveth replied and she watched him exited the corridor and she sighed and walked back into her room.

She locked her room door and thought to take her bath as she feared he might return back.

Patrick returned back upstairs to his room and he thought to spoke to Loveth about Willow slapping her.

He didn't wanted to leave the mansion and he walked into his inner room to rest as he hadn't even taken his own bath, before Willow showed up and created all the dramas in his room.

He sighed and walked to his bathroom to take his bath as he was feeling dirty and irritated all over.

"I need to get rid of Willow, but how?. I don't love her anymore, how do I explained this to mother that I don't want to marry her?" Patrick continued to asked himself as he stripped his white robe and walked into his exquisite bathtub to bath.


Loveth was thru with her bath and she washed her pink maid uniform as she had only two and stepped out.

She dressed up in her second uniform and feeling her stomach grumbling out for food, she walked out from her room to head to the kitchen and she was beginning to believed what Nova had told her about the Young Master wanting to send Aria away as Aria seemed like a whole different person and probably invisible in the house as Aria didn't stared to her with hatred, nor jealousy again but rather focuses on her job as a maid in the mighty four-storey building mansion.

Loveth felt bad.for Aria and wished she hadn't showed up to disrupted the mansion peace.

She wasn't even sure if she loved the Young Master either as he was always pretending in front of his mother and even lying to his mother, which was totally wrong.

She couldn't trust him when he told her that he loved her, he might probably be lying to her, just to get into her thighs and made love to her.

She smiled remembering she had slept with him thrice in a week and she thought to avoid him as she wasn't ready to leave yet.

Only a week and he had crossed the boundaries and claimed her like she was already his wife, whereas he had his fiancee around.

Loveth felt jealous as she wondered if Patrick still slept with Willow as she remembered how he was holding Willow to calm her down.

"If he truly loves me, like how he claimed why can't he send Willow away?" Loveth shook her head as she head to kitchen to dish out her breakfast as she was hungered and she sat on the bench and ate her jollof rice in silence.