
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Elder Sister's Worry

Loveth woke up the following Sunday morning and slided out from her bed covered in pink bedspread and she knelt beside her bed and cried as she prayed to God.

She was a christian and she knew her parents would be mad at her if they found out what she did.

Barely a week she had lost her virginity to the young master and even slept with him thrice, how would she faced her parents when they found out her shame?.

She knelt beside her bed and cried as she asked God for forgiveness.

She knew Patrick was engaged. Even though she didn't knew at first when he banged her, Aria, Nora and Nova later told her about it but still she couldn't rejected him.

"Am so sorry Lord, please forgive me. I promise to stay clear away from Patrick and avoid him and focus on my works here" Loveth sobbed as she lean beside her bed.

Her neck hurt and she knew it was the place Willow's sharp fingernails had hurt her neck.

She stood up after she finished praying and affirming to herself that she would avoid Patrick and stayed clearly away from him.

Staring to the wall clock time in her room, she saw it was already 7:30am and she didn't knew if the Anderson's family went to church or not as she had only arrived the previous Sunday, so she quickly rushed into her bathroom and bathed quickly and she darted out and dressed up, combing her long blonde hair, as she was very yellow, she stared to her neck reflection again and saw the scratched marks of Willow on her neck, coupled with all the kissing marks Patrick did on her.

She knew Willow was mad at her because Willow was Patrick's fiancee and she wondered how Willow would still stayed back after Patrick openly cheated on her, as some would've broken up with their boyfriend for cheating on them.

"I feel sorry for her, but I promise myself from today onwards to stay clear away from from the Young Master" Loveth spoked to herself and she finally walked out from her room as she was thru, combing her hair and parking it into a bun.

She went downstairs and as she stepped out into the living room, she saw some guest, making her to immediately stared downwards.

"Good morning sir, ma" Loveth greeted with her head bent lowered as she stepped into the large living room, meeting Mrs Eleanor seated with a middle-aged woman that somehow resembled Patrick and a man whom seemed elderly in age.

Mrs Eleanor smiled to Loveth as Aria and Nora were both arranging the dinning table.

"Morning Loveth, how was your night?" Mrs Eleanor asked and the middle-aged woman seated across to Mrs Eleanor, eyes fell on Loveth and she questioned, "Mom, who's she?."

The middle-aged woman's eyes raked Loveth from head-to-toe as Loveth looked so cute in her pink maid uniform except for her left cheek that looked red.

"Olivia, she's the maid Isabel sent to me last week" Mrs Eleanor replied with a smile, while Mr Richard smiled to Loveth as he really admired her pretty looks too.

"Why?. Don't you see she doesn't fit to be a maid mom?!."

Loveth looked embarrassed and she stared to Mrs Olivia in shock while Mrs Eleanor shook her head.

"Calm down Olivia, we haven't gotten any new maids yet and I've spoken to Patrick about it" Mrs Eleanor replied sadly as she knew her second daughter's worry and she stared back to Loveth.

"You can leave Loveth, go and prepare my herbal tea first."

"Okay ma" Loveth immediately left them while Mrs Olivia continued to stared to Loveth irritably.

She and Isabel swore never to employed any maid to their homes after Lily's husband was caught in bed with a maid. She pitied her immediately younger sister's marriage as Lily already had five kids for the shameless senator.

"Mom, how can Isabel send such a maid to you?. How about Patrick?" Mrs Olivia questioned and Mrs Eleanor's eyes narrowed at Olivia.

"How can you ask of such about your brother. Patrick wouldn't condensate so low to a maid like her, even though she's cute, she's very hardworking but Patrick doesn't have anything to do with her" Mrs Eleanor responded while Mrs Olivia frowned.

"How can you be so sure mother. She's too cute.."

"Olivia!" Mrs Eleanor yelled at her second daughter and shook her head.

"Patrick would be so disappointed if he heard you court him with a lowlife like her and you still have your husband sitting beside you there" Mrs Eleanor spoked sadly and just then did Patrick walked out from the elevator and stepped into the living room.

"Big sis!" Patrick exclaimed in surprised not expecting to see her around, and he walked up to meet her and her husband whom kept an expressionless face.

"Good morning inlaw" Patrick greeted and Mr Richard nodded while Mrs Olivia tried to kept a calmer expression but Patrick immediately noticed and he stared back to his mother whom looked sad, while he walked up to meet her.

Sometimes Patrick behaved cold and aloof and more other time he acted like a baby, especially with his mother being the last born.

He approached his mother and he sat down beside her.

"What's wrong mom?. You all don't seemed to looked happy?" Patrick asked and Mrs Eleanor shrugged.

"Is nothing son. We were only discussing about something not important" Mrs Eleanor replied as she didn't wanted to spoke about Loveth again.

"Something like what mother. Anyways where's Andrew and Jane?" Patrick asked as he stood up from the milk coloured couch and walked to the dinning room to sat on the golden dinning seat, but Mrs Olivia frowned as she saw Loveth stepped out from the kitchen, looking breathtakingly beautiful and sparkling like the sun.

Patrick sat and stared back to his elder sister and he saw her anger gazed focused on him, tracing her gazed, he saw her glaring at Loveth making him to smile and he stepped out from his seat and walked back to the living room to meet them.

"What's wrong big sis, Why're you staring at the maid?" Patrick pretended and asked and just then Willow walked out from the elevator and into the living room and she stared to the guest in surprise while Mrs Olivia shifted her gazed away from gkaring at Loveth, to the young lady whom stepped out in her green nightgown.

Mrs Olivia immediately recognized the young lady to be her brother's fiancee and she calmed and ignored answering to Patrick's questioned as she focused on Willow approaching.

"Good morning ma, sir" Willow greeted as she finally approached them and smiled while Mrs Olivia finally stood up.

"Good morning sister-in-law, You're my brother's fiancee right?."

Patrick's brows knotted as he heard his elder sister's question to Willow and Willow rather smiled sweetly to Mrs Olivia and responded, "Yes ma, And you're?."

"Am his elder sister. Didn't Patrick told you about us?. He can be naughty at times but don't mind him. How're you doing?" Mrs Olivia questioned not baiting an eye on Patrick as she held on Willow's shoulders after subtly hugging Willow in a pleasant manner and just then did Loveth walked into the living room, and turned to informed Mrs Eleanor whom sat, "Ma, your tea is ready."

Mrs Olivia saw how Willow's eyes narrowed at Loveth as her mother replied, "Is alright Loveth, you go into my room and prepare my bath."

"Okay ma" Loveth bowed and excused herself away from them, and Willow's eyes darkened.

"Is everything alright?" Mrs Olivia finally asked Willow and Willow quickly composed herself and faked a smile.

"Yes ma, everything is fine. Nice meeting you."

"Hmm.." Mrs Olivia hummed and she turned to face her younger brother as she let go off Willow.

"Can I have a word with you Patrick?."

"Olivia, let's have breakfast first" Mrs Eleanor responded sadly.

"No mom, is urgent."

"Baby, your mom is right. Let's have breakfast first as I saw the maid had prepared her tea."

"Hmmm.." Mrs Olivia frowned deepened after her husband spoked to her and she finally agreed.


They all walked back to the dinning table and sat down as the dinning table had eight seats.

Patrick sat across to his elder sister and he saw Olivia continued to stared at him with narrowed eyes.

Olivia just arrived their mansion as she flew in from Africa yet she looked so tensed and angered only by seeing Loveth.

Patrick sighed and he picked up his spoon to start eating the delicious fried rice garnished with fruits, sweet corn and fried chicken.

Olivia remained quiet as she watch Aria served her drinks.

Aria seemed more matured and older and she had no problem with Aria still working in the mansion as she felt Patrick wouldn't be attracted to Aria. But the yellow maid she saw, hell no.

Mrs Olivia couldn't believed Isabel would send such a beautiful maid to their mother. Did Isabel totally forgot about Patrick being in the mansion or maybe she was just reading meaning to the maid being cute as the maid had big butt and boobs.

Mrs Olivia sighed and she picked up her spoon to start eating.