
The Unexpected Turn of my Teenage Life That I Wasn't Expecting

A boy who believes Christmas is cursed for him. He faces rejection from girls when he confesses his feelings during the annual Christmas event and it's been a three years streak for him. But this year, a surprising twist awaits—one that will flip his life upside down.

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Unexpected Turn of my Teenage Life That I Wasn't Expecting

The year is 2019, and the festive season has arrived once more. Christmas, the joyous occasion that fills everyone with anticipation. But this is not a happy time for everyone. For me, Mark Grain, this is a reminder of the painful past that haunts me every year. Christmas, the source of my agony, is back again, sigh...

But what good would it do to dwell on my sadness? It won't do anything good on my future. I guess I'll just have to cope with it by myself, as usual. 


I wonder who's calling me?

"Yo, grain, having fun by yourself on this eve, huh? No lady to keep you company HAHAHA

Ahhh, yeah this is Jane clevor, one of my classmates. She is the loudest person I have ever encountered in my life, of all the people in the world, why did fate bring me face to face with her at this moment? I questioned her about her presence here, and mocked her with a sarcastic remark. "Are you also alone like me? No guy to warm your heart HAHAHA." She sighed and said, "Look, I chose to be alone, okay? It's not like you, who have no choice but to be alone because you get dumped three times every year HAHAHA. I scowled and stormed off, muttering "Hmphh, women are just so clueless. They don't appreciate my charisma at all, tskkk... She laughed out loud and said, "Oh, really? Is that what you tell yourself, mister lonely boy of every christmas? Enjoy your eve, Merry christmas HAHAHAHAHA

She is such a bothersome person. no wonder she got no boyfriend because of her shrill voice scares away any potential boyfriend.

But wait how did I end up here in the first place? Oh, right, mom wanted me to get a cake. I can't believe I got sidetracked and lost sight of my priority. Trauma surely hit me right huh, haha.

I hurried back home with the cake that mom had asked me to get. Since I had been gone for an hour already.

As soon as I got home, mom was raging at me. "You've been gone for an hour, what were you doing out there, huh??!!." I speaks silently in my head saying... "Oh shoot." 

"Give him a break, maybe he met his girlfriend and spent some time with her, you know, it's just his teenage phase." That was my dad defending me from my mom. My dad always backs me up when I clash with my mom, I suppose the "bros before hoes" rule applies to this situation, huh?

"Hmm girlfriend huh, then let me tell you a secret, wanna hear??" 

Crap!! It's my freaking sister. 

"Guess what!! Brother mark here got dumped three years in a row, HAHAHA. That's why he hates christmas so much, it's his nightmare and trauma!"

Stephanie, you jerk!!

My parents exchanged a look, and we all felt the awkwardness. My dad came over and patted my back, saying "There's always next year, son..." My mom headed to the kitchen to get the cake and the other food ready for christmas, and tried to cheer me up by saying... "Son, don't be sad, you're only 17, you have a lot of time ahead of you haha..."

Stephanie giggled and ran upstairs. Somehow, she had found out about my three-year streak of rejections, and I had no clue how. I only learned that she knew when she blurted it out while asking me about something the other day. That annoying girl embarrassed me in front of my parents ugh, I stormed off to my room and lay on my bed, gazing at the ceiling. As I looked up, I wondered...

"Is having a girlfriend the only way to find joy?"

"What makes me so eager to be in a relationship?"

"Does happiness depend on having a partner?"

And It made me remember what my mom said to me while ago...

"You're only 17, you have a lot of time ahead of you."

That's it! I don't need a girlfriend to be happy, there are so many other things to experience in this world to be happy! New year, new opportunities, happiness!!! I'm ready!!!! 

"Quit yelling and get down here mark, dinner is served..."

Shoot! My dad heard me...

I passed the holidays at home, trying to enjoy myself with some gaming, food, and light work out... And then it was time for the third term of my sophomore year in high school.

After an hours of a tiring class (well basically all I do is sit down and stare at my teacher discussing to make me appear I'm actually listening) a guy came before me.


He said that loudly with hitting me in my back strongly.

There are two people in my class who have a loud voice, jane the girl who I ran into last christmas and this guy...

I looked at him with a frosty glare and asked, "What do you want from me?" He just laughed and mocked me.

"Wow, you're so icy today. What happened to our eternal friendship, huh? HAHAHAHA!!"

I snapped back at him, "Before the eternity. We were never friends, you just deluded yourself into believing that."

I stormed out of the classroom, leaving him behind. I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting him to follow me, but he didn't. He just stood there, he looked little sad.

I returned to my house went in my room, wondering if I said too much...

I searched my cellphone for his number or any trace of him on my social media accounts, but I found nothing. I realized that the only contacts I had were my family members and that I rarely used my social media accounts, I guess I'm really a loner huh...

I should apologize to him tomorrow...

And that tommorow has arrived...

As I made my way to my class, I spotted him at the doorway, chatting with one of my classmate. I entered the classroom and greeted him softly by saying "Good morning" in his ear, but I failed to utter an apology. The word was lodged in my mouth, refusing to come out. I didn't check his reaction and walked past him, but he didn't say anything back. I guessed he was still mad at me for yesterday, and I deserved it.

The class was finally over and I headed for the exit, but I heard him shout my name from behind.


I turned around and asked him, "Hey, what's up, Michael?"

I was stunned that he ran after me and called out to me, since I assumed he was mad at me.

He finally caught up with me and said, "He- hey, huff huff..." He was panting hard, which made sense since he had run after me from the classroom to the exit.

He opened his mouth and said...

"Hey, I just want to tell you that..." 

He hesitated, as if he was struggling to find the right words...

"Umm, the thing from yesterday, it didn't bother me at all, so don't worry about it."

I answered him and said...

"Umm, okay, but I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. You seemed really upset and I felt bad."

He admitted...

"Yeah, I was really hurt by what you said. I thought we were friends, you know..."

I hung my head in shame, but he added another remark.

"But we're good now, right, my dear Mark??!"

I muttered, "I guess so..."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and said the worst thing possible.

"Then this time, we're friends forever, right? HAHAHAHAHAHA"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Maybe this was the closest thing to happiness I could get without a girlfriend.


"Michael, cut it out, you're making a scene..."

Day has passed, another day for a school...

A special event only for school that happens only once a year is coming up...

Before our teacher shows up, our class is buzzing with small talk...

"Did you catch the news about where we're heading for this year's field trip..."

One of my classmates blurts out...

"Apparently, we're visiting a museum as one of our destinations, but that doesn't sound very exciting though..."

Jane remarked...

Then, Jane shouted to someone at her back, loudly as usual, looking like her friend...

"Anna!!! Are you looking forward to anything on this upcoming, field trip??"

I looked to the girl who was called by jane out of curiosity, I think? The girl has long hair and beautiful eyes, she seems like a popular one in our class since the majority of the guys in our class looking at her romantically. 

But to be fair, she had adorable bangs, and I appreciated that a lot, damn!!! why do I always do this to myself ughhhh!!! Digging my own trap hole again! Remember self gotta find happiness without having a girlfriend GODDAMN REMEMBER IT!!!

Shortly after, our teacher comes in and announces the upcoming field trip with a group of four members...

"Alright class, I will give you the freedom to choose your groupmates..."

Pfft, looks like the teacher was too lazy to assign us the group, typical of adults...

While the class is busy grouping themselves, michael called me out...


Ughh, noisy as ever...

"Heyy, wanna be part of our group??"

I interrupted...

"You have a group?? Well with your voice, you can easily command them, right, group leader haha..."

"Ohh, come on now, you wanna join? No you should join us!!"

I asked him, "Why should I?"

He answered...

You'll have more fun with us, trust me. And we're friends for life, through good and bad times...

I gasped as he yanked my arms and dragged me into his circle of group. And seen familiar face... 

I exclaimed, "Jane? No way, Michael, is can be??"

Michael grinned and said,

"Yep she's with us..."

For god sake...

Michael dragged me to their group, where Jane spotted me and shouted,

"Hey! Mark! You're joining us?"

Michael cut in and said,

"Of course, he's with us..."

I protested and said, "Against my will..."

I joined them with a sigh, since I had no other group, and I didn't want to be a loner on this field trip...

As I accepting my fate in this field trip, jane speaks...

"Hey, we're one person short..."

Michael chimed in

Michael chimed in

Jane continued,

"I know someone who can join us..."

Michael asked,

"Who is it?"

"Just hold on, she's still in the restroom..."

Few minutes after...

"She's here, Anna!!"

Michael and I turned our head towards the person who jane called out..."

Words fail me, utterly gobsmacked by the vision before me...

A visage of pure charm, with petite bangs framing her face, lips so delicate and fine—she's the epitome of cuteness, a celestial being in human form, unlike any I've encountered in all my years. Truly, a goddess among us.

Michael interjected, a hint of amusement in his voice...

"Hey, Mark, you're staring a bit too hard there, buddy."

Caught in the act, I swiftly averted my gaze from Anna, straightening up as I feigned interest in the intricate patterns of the classroom ceiling.

Jane chimed in, her words laced with a playful warning...

"Mark, I get it, Anna's adorable, but you're not aiming for a another rejection hat-trick, are you? She's all about her studies, which pretty much means you're batting zero here."

I quickly retorted, "No, no, it's not what you think. I was just... she's not someone you see every day, so I was just—"

Jane cut me off with a sigh.

"Rarely? Come on, Mark. You're so lost in your own world, you don't even notice the rest of us anymore, huh?"

Jane's voice carried a note of mock concern as she turned to Anna...

"Just keep your guard up around this one, okay, Anna? With Mark, you never know what kind of shenanigans he might pull next..."

Anna offered a gentle rebuke with a smile...

"Jane, you're just too much," I retorted with a playful roll of my eyes. Then, turning to the new arrival, I offered a warm smile. "I'm Anna Morgan. It's a pleasure to join this lively bunch."

As I spoke, a rosy hue crept across my cheeks, betraying my bashfulness. "It's... it's really nice to be here with you all," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Michael scoffed, "You're really putting on airs, Mark."

After the teacher had given them all the details about the place and other things, few days has passed and the day for the field trip has finally came...


Michael sighed and said, "That was quite a long ride from the school, wasn't it..."

Getty museum, los angeles.

This is the first place we are visiting on our field trip...

Jane exclaimed in awe, "This place is so gorgeous, it feels like we are at the white house!" as she admired the getty museum.

"Indeed, it's quite the spectacle, just as you'd anticipate from a renowned museum in Los Angeles," I remarked. 

No sooner had the words left my mouth than Michael started to fade away from our sight.

I was about to question Anna about Michael, but...

"A-Anna!" I blurted out, my voice betraying my nervousness.

"Umm, yes?" Anna replied, her voice filled with curiosity.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I stuttered, struggling to find the right words. But before I could utter another word...

"Wow, guys! I didn't realize this museum was so vast!" Michael's voice echoed through the hall.

"Michael! Where on earth have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you!" Jane exclaimed, playfully punching Michael on the head.

"Ouch, that really hurt, Mark! Jane just punched me!" Michael exclaimed, his eyes welling up with tears.

I couldn't help but respond, "Well, you had it coming..."

"Huh?" Michael looked at me, confusion written all over his face.

"Come on, Michael..." Anna's voice was soft, filled with sympathy for Michael. She extended her hand to help him up from the ground where he had fallen from Jane's punch.

We and our classmates enjoyed the sights for a few hours, then hurried to our next stop. The day flew by as we explored the fieldtrip, and soon after our exciting field trip has come to an end...

"Wow, that was a blast..."

"You were like a child running around everywhere, michael"

"Hey, we have to savor every moment of highschool, right? Don't you guys think so..."

"Anna, those desserts we had at that shop were amazing, right??"

"They were, especially that soft and fluffy muffin that was so worth it for the price..."

Michael and I chimed in together like singers on a stage…

"Yep, woman..."

"Yep, woman..."

The teacher who was leading the field trip gathered us all and started to do a headcount.

But before my name was called, something strange happened. I had no idea that this would be the turning point of my life...

A child screamed behind me on the road...


Everyone started to whisper...

"Is that child lost? Where are their parents??"

"Somebody, help them find their parents..."

"Why don't you do it..."


The teacher saw the child and started to walk towards them, but a truck was speeding out of control...

I don't know what came over me, I just sprinted past the teacher and leaped towards the child, pushing them to the other side...

I lay on the ground, unable to get up. The only thing I heard was michael and jane shouting my name...



I blinked at the unfamiliar ceiling, trying to figure out where I was. The room was strange and sterile, nothing like my cozy bedroom. Then it hit me - literally. I had been hit by a runaway truck, saving a kid from getting crushed. How heroic of me. I bet my parents never saw that coming. Ha.

A few minutes later, the door opened and someone walked in.


It was my sister.

"MARK!!!" She cried out, her voice trembling and her eyes overflowing with tears.

I nodded weakly, feeling a surge of pain in my head.

"Yeah, I'm awake..."

Soon after, my parents rushed in, embracing me and sobbing on my shoulder. I asked them about the kid and the truck that hit me. They told me the kid was fine and his parents were very grateful and offered to pay for all my hospital bills. The truck driver was in jail, apparently he was drunk when he drove into me. My parents said he begged for forgiveness, bowing his head to the ground over and over.

My parents bombarded me with questions, checking if I was okay.

"Are you alright, how do you feel, is your head hurting???" My mom asked anxiously.

"Relax, I'm fine, I'm fine. My head hurts a little, but it's not too bad," I assured her.

We chatted for a long time, until they had to go home. They both had work the next day and my sister had exams too. My parents wanted to stay with me, but I told them I could handle myself. I didn't have any serious injuries, just some minor ones and a gash on my head. I was lucky to still have all my limbs intact.

The next day, the three showed up.

"MARKKKKKK!!!!!!!" Michael wailed and squeezed me in a tight hug.

"Hey- I can't breat-"

"Sniff, sorry, sniff, I thought you were gone for good sniff..."

"Gone where?"

Jane interrupted.

"The river of death..."


Anna spoke up.

"We were so scared for you, you know. You've been here for four days..." She broke down in tears as she said that.

"Hey Anna, hey, stop crying..."

Then Jane jumped in.

"You deserved it, you know. You're not cut out to be a hero, but you had to play the part. And look what happened, sniff, you IDIOT!!!" She also burst into tears.

"Man..." I felt a mix of troubled and joy, knowing that these three cared so much about me. I glanced at Anna and thought she looked adorable even with tears in her eyes, but I quickly shook off that thought.

We caught up on everything that had happened in the last three days while I was here... we had a blast chatting for hours and I didn't even notice the pain in my head and body anymore. I thought talking would make the pain worse, but no, it was the opposite. I was having so much fun with them, I forgot all about the pain.

We spent a few more hours talking and laughing, until they had to leave. Michael wanted to stay with me, but I told him to go home. It was getting dark and the visiting hours were over.

That was a good talk, 

As I was drifting off to sleep, I found myself pondering how I managed to do something so out of character. All the while, my gaze was fixed on the ceiling. Perhaps when people are confronted with the life and death situation of others, they're capable of doing this kind of things. It's as if their internal limiters just switch off. Haha, what am I saying...

As I was talking to myself, the door creaked open, a sure sign of someone's arrival. I assumed it was the nurse, so I quickly hide under my blanket. As a patient, it was nearly my bedtime, and if the nurse caught me awake, I'd surely get an earful. So there I was, hiding under my blanket...

But to my surprise, it wasn't a nurse who entered my room. It was someone I hadn't expected...

I threw off my blanket in surprise and blurted out...


She chuckled softly, "Hehe, it appears I've managed to sneak in quite successfully, haven't I?" 

I retorted, with a hint of annoyance, "What's with the 'hehe'? Visit time was supposed to be over, wasn't it? And look at the time, it's way past midnight!" 

"Well you know haha..."

Playing her hands while trying to hide the purpose of her visit, and the instant I begin to catch on, I talked to her with curiosity...

"Jane, what are you hiding..."

Jane started to avert her eyes from mine...

Then I once pushed her to speak up by saying...

"If you won't talk then I will say to the nurse outside that someone sneak in my room..."

Jane panickely retorted...

"NO!! Wait..."

It took a moment for her to begin explaining the reason why she sneaked in...

"Well, you know, I was genuinely worried about you. When you were hitted by that truck, it felt as though a hundred knives had pierced my heart simultaneously. And strangely, I've been unable to sleep as well..."

I was genuinely taken aback by the depth of Jane's concern. The moment she expressed her worry, The shock left me momentarily speechless, and I found myself unintentionally staring at Jane, my mouth slightly agape...

"Hey, what are you staring at...??" Jane's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Sorry," I stammered, caught off guard. "I was just surprised that the Jane I've known had this kind of side..." My words dripped with sarcasm.

Jane's hand connected with my head in a playful yet firm smack, which led the nurse to overhear our us."

We were already aware of the nurse's approach the rhythmic echo of her footsteps drawing closer. Panic set in.

"Hey, what should we do?" I whispered urgently.

"I don't know, Oh, why don't you just jump through the window? After all, between the two of us, you're the most suspicious."

"Shut up, Mark!" Her firm fist met my cheek.

But in our frenzy, we failed to notice that the nurse was already standing behind the door. She pushed it open.

"Mr. Mark?" Her voice was calm, professional.

She glanced at my bed, where I lay supposedly asleep, cocooned in blankets.

The nurse briefly contemplated the noise she had heard, but after a mere few seconds, she dismissed it and quietly exited the room. While the two of us are in the critical position that we had ever experience... 

"Wha- What's going on????" I stammered, my mind unable to process the situation.

"Wait, is this, huh, HUHHHHH!"* Jane's voice trembled with panic.

"You fool, don't shout. The nurse might come back..." I whispered urgently.

"Wait, so the nurse already left?" Jane asked with heart racing.

I began to respond. "Well, yes but-"

Before I could react, Jane pushed me off the bed, and I tumbled to the ground. As I looked up, I caught a glimpse of her face, flushed and embarrassed. Well, that was certainly awkward—even I couldn't hide the blush creeping onto my own cheeks.

Jane and I found ourselves in quite the predicament. She lay beside me on the bed, close enough that our breaths mingled under the cozy blanket. The nurse had just left, and I was left with no choice but to think on my feet.

"Umm..." I hesitated.

"What?!!" Jane's retort was swift, her eyes narrowing.

"You know," I countered, "we wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't snuck in here in the first place."

"Huh??" Jane's tone dripped with sarcasm. "I was worried, you know. And hey, consider yourself lucky a three times rejected men like you getting a hug from a cute girl like me."

"I didn't ask for it," I mumbled, feeling utterly foolish, why I'm the only one who feel embarrased about it...

"Ha-hahaha!" Jane laughed. "Why should I be embarrassed? It's just a simple close-distance interaction under the blanket. Ha-hahaha!"

And there we were, tangled in a web of awkwardness, both of us trying to hide our embarrassment. Life, it seemed, had a way of throwing unexpected moments our way. 

Then suddenly a voice speaks near the door in my room saying...

"Umm," she began, "I'm not quite sure why there's someone other than the patient in here. But, well, there are plenty of other patients who need their rest. Maybe save the arguments for tomorrow?"

Yes, the nurse had overheard our hushed exchange. Jane's eyes widened and so I am...

After that the nurse escorted jane towards the reception and contacted her parents to come and pick up her, and after that her parents came and got scolded by them, well I know the story since I asked about it to the nurse who caught us a day after that...

Few hours after a nurse came visit for my check - ups, someone came...The year is 2019, and the festive season has arrived once more. Christmas, the joyous occasion that fills everyone with anticipation. But this is not a happy time for everyone. For me, Mark Grain, this is a reminder of the painful past that haunts me every year. Christmas, the source of my agony, is back again, sigh...

But what good would it do to dwell on my sadness? It won't do anything good on my future. I guess I'll just have to cope with it by myself, as usual. 


I wonder who's calling me?

"Yo, grain, having fun by yourself on this eve, huh? No lady to keep you company HAHAHA

Ahhh, yeah this is Jane clevor, one of my classmates. She is the loudest person I have ever encountered in my life, of all the people in the world, why did fate bring me face to face with her at this moment? I questioned her about her presence here, and mocked her with a sarcastic remark. "Are you also alone like me? No guy to warm your heart HAHAHA." She sighed and said, "Look, I chose to be alone, okay? It's not like you, who have no choice but to be alone because you get dumped three times every year HAHAHA. I scowled and stormed off, muttering "Hmphh, women are just so clueless. They don't appreciate my charisma at all, tskkk... She laughed out loud and said, "Oh, really? Is that what you tell yourself, mister lonely boy of every christmas? Enjoy your eve, Merry christmas HAHAHAHAHA

She is such a bothersome person. no wonder she got no boyfriend because of her shrill voice scares away any potential boyfriend.

But wait how did I end up here in the first place? Oh, right, mom wanted me to get a cake. I can't believe I got sidetracked and lost sight of my priority. Trauma surely hit me right huh, haha.

I hurried back home with the cake that mom had asked me to get. Since I had been gone for an hour already.

As soon as I got home, mom was raging at me. "You've been gone for an hour, what were you doing out there, huh??!!." I speaks silently in my head saying... "Oh shoot." 

"Give him a break, maybe he met his girlfriend and spent some time with her, you know, it's just his teenage phase." That was my dad defending me from my mom. My dad always backs me up when I clash with my mom, I suppose the "bros before hoes" rule applies to this situation, huh?

"Hmm girlfriend huh, then let me tell you a secret, wanna hear??" 

Crap!! It's my freaking sister. 

"Guess what!! Brother mark here got dumped three years in a row, HAHAHA. That's why he hates christmas so much, it's his nightmare and trauma!"

Stephanie, you jerk!!

My parents exchanged a look, and we all felt the awkwardness. My dad came over and patted my back, saying "There's always next year, son..." My mom headed to the kitchen to get the cake and the other food ready for christmas, and tried to cheer me up by saying... "Son, don't be sad, you're only 17, you have a lot of time ahead of you haha..."

Stephanie giggled and ran upstairs. Somehow, she had found out about my three-year streak of rejections, and I had no clue how. I only learned that she knew when she blurted it out while asking me about something the other day. That annoying girl embarrassed me in front of my parents ugh, I stormed off to my room and lay on my bed, gazing at the ceiling. As I looked up, I wondered...

"Is having a girlfriend the only way to find joy?"

"What makes me so eager to be in a relationship?"

"Does happiness depend on having a partner?"

And It made me remember what my mom said to me while ago...

"You're only 17, you have a lot of time ahead of you."

That's it! I don't need a girlfriend to be happy, there are so many other things to experience in this world to be happy! New year, new opportunities, happiness!!! I'm ready!!!! 

"Quit yelling and get down here mark, dinner is served..."

Shoot! My dad heard me...

I passed the holidays at home, trying to enjoy myself with some gaming, food, and light work out... And then it was time for the third term of my sophomore year in high school.

After an hours of a tiring class (well basically all I do is sit down and stare at my teacher discussing to make me appear I'm actually listening) a guy came before me.


He said that loudly with hitting me in my back strongly.

There are two people in my class who have a loud voice, jane the girl who I ran into last christmas and this guy...

I looked at him with a frosty glare and asked, "What do you want from me?" He just laughed and mocked me.

"Wow, you're so icy today. What happened to our eternal friendship, huh? HAHAHAHA!!"

I snapped back at him, "Before the eternity. We were never friends, you just deluded yourself into believing that."

I stormed out of the classroom, leaving him behind. I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting him to follow me, but he didn't. He just stood there, he looked little sad.

I returned to my house went in my room, wondering if I said too much...

I searched my cellphone for his number or any trace of him on my social media accounts, but I found nothing. I realized that the only contacts I had were my family members and that I rarely used my social media accounts, I guess I'm really a loner huh...

I should apologize to him tomorrow...

And that tommorow has arrived...

As I made my way to my class, I spotted him at the doorway, chatting with one of my classmate. I entered the classroom and greeted him softly by saying "Good morning" in his ear, but I failed to utter an apology. The word was lodged in my mouth, refusing to come out. I didn't check his reaction and walked past him, but he didn't say anything back. I guessed he was still mad at me for yesterday, and I deserved it.

The class was finally over and I headed for the exit, but I heard him shout my name from behind.


I turned around and asked him, "Hey, what's up, Michael?"

I was stunned that he ran after me and called out to me, since I assumed he was mad at me.

He finally caught up with me and said, "He- hey, huff huff..." He was panting hard, which made sense since he had run after me from the classroom to the exit.

He opened his mouth and said...

"Hey, I just want to tell you that..." 

He hesitated, as if he was struggling to find the right words...

"Umm, the thing from yesterday, it didn't bother me at all, so don't worry about it."

I answered him and said...

"Umm, okay, but I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. You seemed really upset and I felt bad."

He admitted...

"Yeah, I was really hurt by what you said. I thought we were friends, you know..."

I hung my head in shame, but he added another remark.

"But we're good now, right, my dear Mark??!"

I muttered, "I guess so..."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and said the worst thing possible.

"Then this time, we're friends forever, right? HAHAHAHAHAHA"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Maybe this was the closest thing to happiness I could get without a girlfriend.


"Michael, cut it out, you're making a scene..."

Day has passed, another day for a school...

A special event only for school that happens only once a year is coming up...

Before our teacher shows up, our class is buzzing with small talk...

"Did you catch the news about where we're heading for this year's field trip..."

One of my classmates blurts out...

"Apparently, we're visiting a museum as one of our destinations, but that doesn't sound very exciting though..."

Jane remarked...

Then, Jane shouted to someone at her back, loudly as usual, looking like her friend...

"Anna!!! Are you looking forward to anything on this upcoming, field trip??"

I looked to the girl who was called by jane out of curiosity, I think? The girl has long hair and beautiful eyes, she seems like a popular one in our class since the majority of the guys in our class looking at her romantically. 

But to be fair, she had adorable bangs, and I appreciated that a lot, damn!!! why do I always do this to myself ughhhh!!! Digging my own trap hole again! Remember self gotta find happiness without having a girlfriend GODDAMN REMEMBER IT!!!

Shortly after, our teacher comes in and announces the upcoming field trip with a group of four members...

"Alright class, I will give you the freedom to choose your groupmates..."

Pfft, looks like the teacher was too lazy to assign us the group, typical of adults...

While the class is busy grouping themselves, michael called me out...


Ughh, noisy as ever...

"Heyy, wanna be part of our group??"

I interrupted...

"You have a group?? Well with your voice, you can easily command them, right, group leader haha..."

"Ohh, come on now, you wanna join? No you should join us!!"

I asked him, "Why should I?"

He answered...

You'll have more fun with us, trust me. And we're friends for life, through good and bad times...

I gasped as he yanked my arms and dragged me into his circle of group. And seen familiar face... 

I exclaimed, "Jane? No way, Michael, is can be??"

Michael grinned and said,

"Yep she's with us..."

For god sake...

Michael dragged me to their group, where Jane spotted me and shouted,

"Hey! Mark! You're joining us?"

Michael cut in and said,

"Of course, he's with us..."

I protested and said, "Against my will..."

I joined them with a sigh, since I had no other group, and I didn't want to be a loner on this field trip...

As I accepting my fate in this field trip, jane speaks...

"Hey, we're one person short..."

Michael chimed in

Michael chimed in

Jane continued,

"I know someone who can join us..."

Michael asked,

"Who is it?"

"Just hold on, she's still in the restroom..."

Few minutes after...

"She's here, Anna!!"

Michael and I turned our head towards the person who jane called out..."

Words fail me, utterly gobsmacked by the vision before me...

A visage of pure charm, with petite bangs framing her face, lips so delicate and fine—she's the epitome of cuteness, a celestial being in human form, unlike any I've encountered in all my years. Truly, a goddess among us.

Michael interjected, a hint of amusement in his voice...

"Hey, Mark, you're staring a bit too hard there, buddy."

Caught in the act, I swiftly averted my gaze from Anna, straightening up as I feigned interest in the intricate patterns of the classroom ceiling.

Jane chimed in, her words laced with a playful warning...

"Mark, I get it, Anna's adorable, but you're not aiming for a another rejection hat-trick, are you? She's all about her studies, which pretty much means you're batting zero here."

I quickly retorted, "No, no, it's not what you think. I was just... she's not someone you see every day, so I was just—"

Jane cut me off with a sigh.

"Rarely? Come on, Mark. You're so lost in your own world, you don't even notice the rest of us anymore, huh?"

Jane's voice carried a note of mock concern as she turned to Anna...

"Just keep your guard up around this one, okay, Anna? With Mark, you never know what kind of shenanigans he might pull next..."

Anna offered a gentle rebuke with a smile...

"Jane, you're just too much," I retorted with a playful roll of my eyes. Then, turning to the new arrival, I offered a warm smile. "I'm Anna Morgan. It's a pleasure to join this lively bunch."

As I spoke, a rosy hue crept across my cheeks, betraying my bashfulness. "It's... it's really nice to be here with you all," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Michael scoffed, "You're really putting on airs, Mark."

After the teacher had given them all the details about the place and other things, few days has passed and the day for the field trip has finally came...


Michael sighed and said, "That was quite a long ride from the school, wasn't it..."

Getty museum, los angeles.

This is the first place we are visiting on our field trip...

Jane exclaimed in awe, "This place is so gorgeous, it feels like we are at the white house!" as she admired the getty museum.

"Indeed, it's quite the spectacle, just as you'd anticipate from a renowned museum in Los Angeles," I remarked. 

No sooner had the words left my mouth than Michael started to fade away from our sight.

I was about to question Anna about Michael, but...

"A-Anna!" I blurted out, my voice betraying my nervousness.

"Umm, yes?" Anna replied, her voice filled with curiosity.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I stuttered, struggling to find the right words. But before I could utter another word...

"Wow, guys! I didn't realize this museum was so vast!" Michael's voice echoed through the hall.

"Michael! Where on earth have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you!" Jane exclaimed, playfully punching Michael on the head.

"Ouch, that really hurt, Mark! Jane just punched me!" Michael exclaimed, his eyes welling up with tears.

I couldn't help but respond, "Well, you had it coming..."

"Huh?" Michael looked at me, confusion written all over his face.

"Come on, Michael..." Anna's voice was soft, filled with sympathy for Michael. She extended her hand to help him up from the ground where he had fallen from Jane's punch.

We and our classmates enjoyed the sights for a few hours, then hurried to our next stop. The day flew by as we explored the fieldtrip, and soon after our exciting field trip has come to an end...

"Wow, that was a blast..."

"You were like a child running around everywhere, michael"

"Hey, we have to savor every moment of highschool, right? Don't you guys think so..."

"Anna, those desserts we had at that shop were amazing, right??"

"They were, especially that soft and fluffy muffin that was so worth it for the price..."

Michael and I chimed in together like singers on a stage…

"Yep, woman..."

"Yep, woman..."

The teacher who was leading the field trip gathered us all and started to do a headcount.

But before my name was called, something strange happened. I had no idea that this would be the turning point of my life...

A child screamed behind me on the road...


Everyone started to whisper...

"Is that child lost? Where are their parents??"

"Somebody, help them find their parents..."

"Why don't you do it..."


The teacher saw the child and started to walk towards them, but a truck was speeding out of control...

I don't know what came over me, I just sprinted past the teacher and leaped towards the child, pushing them to the other side...

I lay on the ground, unable to get up. The only thing I heard was michael and jane shouting my name...



I blinked at the unfamiliar ceiling, trying to figure out where I was. The room was strange and sterile, nothing like my cozy bedroom. Then it hit me - literally. I had been hit by a runaway truck, saving a kid from getting crushed. How heroic of me. I bet my parents never saw that coming. Ha.

A few minutes later, the door opened and someone walked in.


It was my sister.

"MARK!!!" She cried out, her voice trembling and her eyes overflowing with tears.

I nodded weakly, feeling a surge of pain in my head.

"Yeah, I'm awake..."

Soon after, my parents rushed in, embracing me and sobbing on my shoulder. I asked them about the kid and the truck that hit me. They told me the kid was fine and his parents were very grateful and offered to pay for all my hospital bills. The truck driver was in jail, apparently he was drunk when he drove into me. My parents said he begged for forgiveness, bowing his head to the ground over and over.

My parents bombarded me with questions, checking if I was okay.

"Are you alright, how do you feel, is your head hurting???" My mom asked anxiously.

"Relax, I'm fine, I'm fine. My head hurts a little, but it's not too bad," I assured her.

We chatted for a long time, until they had to go home. They both had work the next day and my sister had exams too. My parents wanted to stay with me, but I told them I could handle myself. I didn't have any serious injuries, just some minor ones and a gash on my head. I was lucky to still have all my limbs intact.

The next day, the three showed up.

"MARKKKKKK!!!!!!!" Michael wailed and squeezed me in a tight hug.

"Hey- I can't breat-"

"Sniff, sorry, sniff, I thought you were gone for good sniff..."

"Gone where?"

Jane interrupted.

"The river of death..."


Anna spoke up.

"We were so scared for you, you know. You've been here for four days..." She broke down in tears as she said that.

"Hey Anna, hey, stop crying..."

Then Jane jumped in.

"You deserved it, you know. You're not cut out to be a hero, but you had to play the part. And look what happened, sniff, you IDIOT!!!" She also burst into tears.

"Man..." I felt a mix of troubled and joy, knowing that these three cared so much about me. I glanced at Anna and thought she looked adorable even with tears in her eyes, but I quickly shook off that thought.

We caught up on everything that had happened in the last three days while I was here... we had a blast chatting for hours and I didn't even notice the pain in my head and body anymore. I thought talking would make the pain worse, but no, it was the opposite. I was having so much fun with them, I forgot all about the pain.

We spent a few more hours talking and laughing, until they had to leave. Michael wanted to stay with me, but I told him to go home. It was getting dark and the visiting hours were over.

That was a good talk, 

As I was drifting off to sleep, I found myself pondering how I managed to do something so out of character. All the while, my gaze was fixed on the ceiling. Perhaps when people are confronted with the life and death situation of others, they're capable of doing this kind of things. It's as if their internal limiters just switch off. Haha, what am I saying...

As I was talking to myself, the door creaked open, a sure sign of someone's arrival. I assumed it was the nurse, so I quickly hide under my blanket. As a patient, it was nearly my bedtime, and if the nurse caught me awake, I'd surely get an earful. So there I was, hiding under my blanket...

But to my surprise, it wasn't a nurse who entered my room. It was someone I hadn't expected...

I threw off my blanket in surprise and blurted out...


She chuckled softly, "Hehe, it appears I've managed to sneak in quite successfully, haven't I?" 

I retorted, with a hint of annoyance, "What's with the 'hehe'? Visit time was supposed to be over, wasn't it? And look at the time, it's way past midnight!" 

"Well you know haha..."

Playing her hands while trying to hide the purpose of her visit, and the instant I begin to catch on, I talked to her with curiosity...

"Jane, what are you hiding..."

Jane started to avert her eyes from mine...

Then I once pushed her to speak up by saying...

"If you won't talk then I will say to the nurse outside that someone sneak in my room..."

Jane panickely retorted...

"NO!! Wait..."

It took a moment for her to begin explaining the reason why she sneaked in...

"Well, you know, I was genuinely worried about you. When you were hitted by that truck, it felt as though a hundred knives had pierced my heart simultaneously. And strangely, I've been unable to sleep as well..."

I was genuinely taken aback by the depth of Jane's concern. The moment she expressed her worry, The shock left me momentarily speechless, and I found myself unintentionally staring at Jane, my mouth slightly agape...

"Hey, what are you staring at...??" Jane's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Sorry," I stammered, caught off guard. "I was just surprised that the Jane I've known had this kind of side..." My words dripped with sarcasm.

Jane's hand connected with my head in a playful yet firm smack, which led the nurse to overhear our us."

We were already aware of the nurse's approach the rhythmic echo of her footsteps drawing closer. Panic set in.

"Hey, what should we do?" I whispered urgently.

"I don't know, Oh, why don't you just jump through the window? After all, between the two of us, you're the most suspicious."

"Shut up, Mark!" Her firm fist met my cheek.

But in our frenzy, we failed to notice that the nurse was already standing behind the door. She pushed it open.

"Mr. Mark?" Her voice was calm, professional.

She glanced at my bed, where I lay supposedly asleep, cocooned in blankets.

The nurse briefly contemplated the noise she had heard, but after a mere few seconds, she dismissed it and quietly exited the room. While the two of us are in the critical position that we had ever experience... 

"Wha- What's going on????" I stammered, my mind unable to process the situation.

"Wait, is this, huh, HUHHHHH!"* Jane's voice trembled with panic.

"You fool, don't shout. The nurse might come back..." I whispered urgently.

"Wait, so the nurse already left?" Jane asked with heart racing.

I began to respond. "Well, yes but-"

Before I could react, Jane pushed me off the bed, and I tumbled to the ground. As I looked up, I caught a glimpse of her face, flushed and embarrassed. Well, that was certainly awkward—even I couldn't hide the blush creeping onto my own cheeks.

Jane and I found ourselves in quite the predicament. She lay beside me on the bed, close enough that our breaths mingled under the cozy blanket. The nurse had just left, and I was left with no choice but to think on my feet.

"Umm..." I hesitated.

"What?!!" Jane's retort was swift, her eyes narrowing.

"You know," I countered, "we wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't snuck in here in the first place."

"Huh??" Jane's tone dripped with sarcasm. "I was worried, you know. And hey, consider yourself lucky a three times rejected men like you getting a hug from a cute girl like me."

"I didn't ask for it," I mumbled, feeling utterly foolish, why I'm the only one who feel embarrased about it...

"Ha-hahaha!" Jane laughed. "Why should I be embarrassed? It's just a simple close-distance interaction under the blanket. Ha-hahaha!"

And there we were, tangled in a web of awkwardness, both of us trying to hide our embarrassment. Life, it seemed, had a way of throwing unexpected moments our way. 

Then suddenly a voice speaks near the door in my room saying...

"Umm," she began, "I'm not quite sure why there's someone other than the patient in here. But, well, there are plenty of other patients who need their rest. Maybe save the arguments for tomorrow?"

Yes, the nurse had overheard our hushed exchange. Jane's eyes widened and so I am...

After that the nurse escorted jane towards the reception and contacted her parents to come and pick up her, and after that her parents came and got scolded by them, well I know the story since I asked about it to the nurse who caught us a day after that...

Few hours after a nurse came visit for my check - ups, someone came...

It was jane...

Usually I wouldn't feel startled about it but since that thing has happened to us, I couldn't help but to remember that and feel embarassed again...

"He-hey jane, hahaha, are you alone, is michael isn't with you ?"

Jane responded nonchalantly...

"Why are you stammering though, is there something wrong??

I felt ashame of myself since from the looks of it I'm the only one who really taking that matter seriously compared to jane.

I averted my eyes and mumbled, "Nah, nothing..." Then, curiosity got the better of me, and I blurted out, "By the way, why are you here, Jane?"

Jane's response was matter-of-fact. "Obviously to visit you, duh..."

I pressed further. "Without Michael or Anna?"

She shrugged. "Michael said he'd swing by after wrapping up things at home, and Anna's still busy with family business. So, yeah, I'm the lone free bird."

I couldn't resist a teasing smirk. "Bet your parents' incessant nagging drove you to escape reality and land here, am I correct? HAHAHA."

And there you go she hitted me with her fist...

After a few minutes, jane said that she will just go in a bathroom...


"I can't, I can't look at him," I thought, my heart racing like a startled rabbit. "Why am I so damn nervous and shy at the same time? Arghhhhh! Is it because of the thing we did last night? NOOOOO!" I mentally scolded myself, urging normalcy. "Act normal, Jane...


I instantly recoiled, my cheeks aflame. "That was quite the speed," I blurted out, my voice embarrassingly high-pitched. "Did you wash, though? HAHAHAHAHA."

Jane replied with a weak tone and said

"Ye- yeah..."

Then I respond out of confusion...


After a few hours, Michael arrived, concern etched on his face. Then, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds, Anna appeared, bearing a basket of fruits. The four of us gathered once more, our laughter echoing across the room as we chatted about trivial matters.

Then we didn't notice that sunset has already came, everyone said their farewells. except Jane.

"Jane, why are you still here?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

She hesitated, her laughter masking something deeper. "Ummm, haha…"

"Huh?" I pressed, sensing there was more to her lingering presence.

"Well," Jane began, her voice soft, "I don't really want to go home."

"Huh? Umm," I stumbled over my words, "you can only stay during visiting hours. Another sneaky entrance like the other day won't work anymore, so don't try it."

"I- I know," she whispered, her eyes avoiding mine.

Questions swirled in my mind. Was something troubling Jane? Had her parents disowned her? But no, that seemed too extreme for a single night of sneaking in, Wait? Sneaked in? It can be, is it something to do with that night, for a minute I felt a nervousness and extreme awkwardness between us and so like that jane left without saying anything...

Tomorrow arrived, and the doctor finally discharged me. As I returned home, yesterday and that night lingered in my thoughts. "Why am I still thinking about her?" I wondered. Then, for the first time, I noticed that Jane's face is rather cute when you look closely. My realization led to an embarrassing outburst, and my mother scolded me with a stern shout. 

*Now that I'm fully recovered, I returned to school after nearly a week away. The doctor was astonished by my rapid healing. As I stepped into the classroom, Michael's exuberant greeting echoed through the air.*

"Congratulations on your dischargeeeee!!!!!!"

"Hey, you're too loud..."

"Congratulations, Mark..."

"Ohh, thanks, Anna..."

And yet, amidst the chorus of well-wishes, there was one person who didn't...

"Umm, where's jane??"

Michael replied...

"Ohh, I didn't notice, she's still not here..."

I wondered if it was connected to that mysterious night or yesterday's events. But maybe she's just sick. I settled into my chair, pondering her absence.

After school, Michael invited me to go home with him. I agreed. Anna mentioned she'd head home as well but might visit Jane.

On our way home, Michael's booming voice echoed as usual. We parted ways at the crosswalks—his house on one side, mine on the other. 

As I walked home, someone called my name from behind.

"Mark!!" (gasping)

"Huh, jane?" 

She seemed run as fast as she can to come here though how did she know my address or is it coincidence...

"There is something I want to talk to you about..."

"Huh, okay but is it important that you run all the way towards here, and besides you can say that tommorow in sc-"

"NOO!! I must sa- say it now..."


I wondered what the thing she wanted to say for her to be this kind of desperate, I kind of feel nervous is it from that night...


"Y- yes..."

"I -"


At first jane seems stammering about the word she wanted to say but few seconds after she finally able to say it, a a word that can make my teenage life turn unexpectedly...

"I like you!!"

I was stunned, and it took me a minutes to speak and all I managed to say was, "Wha- What?"

Jane blushed and looked down as she spoke. Then, she turned and sprinted away, disappearing into the distance before I could call out to her...

It was unexpected I never thought jane has a crush on me...

After that scene, I returned home from school and went straight to my room and jumped on my bed thinking about the thing happened a few minutes ago...

"This is the first time a girl has confessed her feelings to me..." I mumbled as my face buried in the pillow because of embarrassment.

The next day arrived, and I prepared myself to act normal as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Grabbing a piece of bread, I headed to school.

Upon arrival, I searched for Jane, starting from the classroom. Surprisingly, she was still absent for the second day in a row. I asked Anna and Michael, but they had no idea why Jane was missing. Anna mentioned that she had visited Jane's house, and Jane seemed fine, assuring us she would attend school today.

As classes ended, Jane's absence persisted. The sun began to set. I told Michael I had something to do and couldn't accompany him to go home. Spotting Anna, I asked for Jane's address, and luckily, she provided it.

As I set out to find her, Jane's house wasn't far from our street. There it stood before me. Should I knock on the door now, or wait for someone to get outside? Lost in thought, a noise startled me a bag falling. I turned around, and there was Jane, looking utterly surprised by my sudden appearance in front of her house. 

Jane started to run...


We ran until we found ourselves far from Jane's house, finally arriving at a park on a quiet street.

"Hey," I panted, "why did you run away from me?"

Jane stammered, "I-I need to get back. My mom asked me to buy ingredients for dinner. I have to give them to her."

As she turned to walk away, I reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Please," I said, "let's talk."

Jane blushed and nodded as we sat on the bench. The silence hung heavy between us, and I couldn't believe that the usually boisterous Jane was now so reserved.

Summoning my courage, I asked, "Why do you like me?" 

Jane's eyes widened, her fingers gripping her lap tightly as she slowly turned her head toward me, and turned her head back again...

"It was the first day of our class, and I was my usual boisterous self, even though I didn't know many people yet. After class, as I walked home, some thugs in my street started picking on me. I have the strength to protect myself, but the stun gun they had scared me. I was nervous and frightened. But then you appeared, riding your bicycle, and shouted, 'THERE'S A POLICE PATROL HERE!' You said it so loudly, and after that event I started to pay attention to you more and more and tried to hide this feelings by being your friend..."

Jane's words triggered a memory from a few months ago. My father had instructed me to shout a warning that would scare off a thug. Curious, I asked why. He explained that there had been cases of thugs assaulting younger women in the area. When I questioned why I had to do it, my father replied, "Remember when you were 5 years old and dreamed of becoming a superhero? Maybe this is your chance."

My retort was swift: 'What era are you living in, Dad?'

Despite my skepticism, something within me drove me to heed his request although my goal at that time was to break my two streak rejections from girls though. Little did I know that my quest for heroism would lead me to Jane. And now, as I sat with her in the fading light, I wondered if perhaps my father's whimsical notion had indeed transformed me into a hero one who might win not just battles, but hearts.

I started to speak to Jane...

"HAHAHA, I never thought out of everyone, you'd choose me..."

Jane blushed and stammered...

"W-Well, if you hadn't saved me, I wouldn't like someone as sad as you, Mr. Three-Streak Rejections Completer..."

"That's rude, you know!"


I shifted to a more serious tone...



"Honestly, I didn't see you as a romantic crush until recently. But if you—well, can you please wait? Let's be friends first, and maybe my feelings will catch up."

Jane responded gently...

"Yes, I'll wait, Mark..."

As the sun set, we walked home together, smiles on our faces. Months later, Christmas arrived—a joyous occasion. But this time, there was no sadness for me.

"I wonder where she is now..."

A familiar voice called out.


"Yep, she's here."

"Mark, I'm so sorry. My mom asked me to buy some stuff, so I came late. Did you wait long?"

"Almost an hour," I teased.

Jane's eyes welled up, but I quickly added, "Nah, just kidding. I got here recently too."


We laughed and set off together.

"Hmm, what was that smirk for?" Jane asked.

"I remembered last Christmas when I was down after three rejections, and you said mean things to me."

"Ahh, I wanted to invite you then, you know."

"We can make up for it now," I assured her.

"You better."

"And maybe I should make it up to Michael too. Been rejecting his invites lately."

"Same here with Anna."

"Well, tomorrow isn't the end of the world," we grinned.

"Yeah, sorry Anna."

"For now, let's enjoy our time together."


I held her hand as we walked into the Christmas Eve night.

Life had unexpected turns, especially when it came to love.

It's true that I've faced rejection more than once, attempting to make my teenage life interesting without a girlfriend. But destiny had other plans, a unexpected turn of my teenage life that I wasn't expecting...