
The Unexpected Love Story

Note: This is not a Girl's Love story but a Reverse Harem story (Please research about the term if you don't know the meaning of it) "You fall in love with the most UNEXPECTED PERSON at the most UNEXPECTED TIME." Sophia, Elaine, and Janna are best friends since they were young. For them, having supportive family and loyal friends are enough to obtain happiness. They don't need romantic love that can possibly take their attention away from what's important to them. But what will happen if there are some boys that will make their peaceful and happy life become turbulent all of a sudden and even attempt to change their hearts for the better? This story is about the friendship of three girls and the Unexpected Love Story that they didn't saw coming in their high school life. *This story includes the different POVs of characters

Rhaine076 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Is This Love?

Janna's POV:

Is this what they call "Love"?

"...na... Janna!"

I was startled when I saw Elaine standing in front of me and calling me.


"What's the matter with you, Janna? I've been calling out to you for a while now and yet I got no response? What's going on in your head? And what's with this 'Love' you are saying?"

Oh my gosh... I subconsciously said the word 'Love' out loud.

"Uh... No, it's nothing. It's just that... Yanna... Yes! Right! It's Yanna! Yanna said something to me last night about having her first love or something but I am not quite sure about it since I was kind of sleepy that time so I wasn't really listening attentively."

*Yanna is Janna's little sister

"Really?" Elaine questioned while looking at me doubtfully.

"Y-yeah! Of course! What else is it if it wasn't that, right? He he he he..." I answered awkwardly.

"Ok, if you say so... So are your things ready? Shall we go home now? Sophia is waiting for us."

"Yes, let's go."

Elaine's POV:

Ugh! So tired... It's been a while since we had a research activity. Thank goodness the class has ended already. I can finally lie down on my bed and rest comfortably once I get home. I better go to Janna so that we can go home already.

I was about to go to her when I saw the new student, Mr. Bill Burton, talking to her. I can't hear what they are talking about... Maybe I'll go to her when they finished talking.

I think they only bid each other goodbye since it didn't took too long for them to talk. I'll just go to her.

"Janna, are your things ready? Shall we go home now? Sophia is already waiting for us outside." I told her clearly but it seems that she's in her own world. She's ignoring me and doesn't hear anything I say.

"Hey, Jan-" My words were cut when I heard her say a word that usually doesn't come out of her mouth.


Love? What is she talking about?

I looked at what she's looking at and I saw that she is actually staring at the new student who is going out of the classroom at the moment.

"Janna? Janna!"


Thank goodness, she finally noticed me.

"What's the matter with you, Janna? I've been calling out to you for a while now and yet I got no response? What's going on in your head? And what's with this 'Love' you are saying?"

"Uh... No, it's nothing. It's just that... Yanna... Yes! Right! It's Yanna! Yanna said something to me last night about having her first love or something but I am not quite sure about it since I was kind of sleepy that time so I wasn't really listening attentively."

"Really?" I questioned her doubtfully.

"Y-yeah! Of course! What else is it if it wasn't that, right? He he he he..."

"Ok, if you say so... So are your things ready? Shall we go home now? Sophia is waiting for us."

"Yes, let's go."

Something weird is going on in Janna. I don't believe that her answer is the truth. My woman's instinct is saying that there is more to it than meets the eye. I think it's because of the new student, Mr. Bill Burton. Hmmm... Interesting...