
The Undying Greed

The story focuses on two characters: Oga and Nuu. Journey with them on their path to Power using any and all means necessary to reach the Apex. Extra Tags: Clan-building, and Worldbuilding I OWN THIS IMAGE Art by, Weymaker, you can find him on Fiverr for art commission. https://www.fiverr.com/s2/ba79bd2eb4 Shout-Out to ChatGPT, saving me hours of editing (Original story). Slow Updates + If It's not your taste, drop it! You owe me nothing, no need to leave a dramatic comment! (Graphic Sex) (Not for the Faint of Heart)

Drifting_Clouds · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

The Great Exodus II

"Foolish old thing, you're courting death. How much lifespan did you just give to keep them away…You never listen, uncle!" Alika's crimson saber continues to reap life as she escapes the catacomb.

She knew her current self was no match for Aldric and the Realm Protector…Her Uncle Modeus won't be able to leave here for another hour and a half, the realm protector must always be on watch whenever the sealing took place, that only leave Aldric.

If an all-out battle truly took place, none of them would come out unscathed.

Modeus was losing a great deal of blood…

"Men wake up, and kill this traitorous wench!" Shouted Aldric, awakening the guards from their stupor.

"Give chase, now!!!" shouted an old man with a cane

"There's no way, What am I to do now? The world is actually collapsing?" Modeus couldn't believe it, guarding the 3rd star has taken away his youth, and this brat could be the reason behind the chaos?

[Star here is referring to the giant crystallized tomb that keeps the prisoners in a constant state of slumber.]

"Snap out of it, Modeus! Don't fall for her deceit, quickly cauterize your bleeding, I'll check on the situation.

Aldric, You're permitted to seal the ungrateful bitch. If sealing isn't possible…" said Birger the Realm Protector

"Don't say it…" Modeus did his best to remain calm, after all that was his precious niece.

"Lord Protector Birger, please checks on the situation in the Great Hall, I'll give chase as well" Birger melted into the ground.

Aldric frantically chased after Alika, his instincts were never wrong, from the moment this wench came into existence, he felt something odd about the child.

The chase ensued, and everyone became aware of Alika's treacherous plot, but who dared to stop her.

Alika's phantom outpaced Aldric at every corner.

He still couldn't catch up to the vixen, for a long while, with each passing moment her strength grew, and the gap shorten.

The cat and mouse chase came to an end at the 20 minutes mark, Alika had already swallowed enough blood essence to have an all-out battle with Aldric.

A battle between Archdevils causes the land to transform into a sea of lava and sword streak a hundred miles long clearing everything in its path, the plane begins to break apart from their clashes.

'So the rumors were true, she's a monster, but what is this bullshit innate ability…this can't be real, and why is a lowly Night Wench bestowed such a powerful bloodline? Why couldn't it be me...' the last coherent thought of Aldric.

He was beaten into a bloody pulp, and lost consciousness

The great life-force harvest, plus the hordes, has pushed Alika's bloodline closer to perfection.

She just defeated a Peak Rank 1 existence.

Aldric is no pushover, being one of the strongest individuals in the Eternal Prism, his 80 percent elemental conversion rate is something truly remarkable, he could break through to the next realm if he desire.

He has already surpassed the prerequisite of 75% Elemental Conversion required to become a Rank 2 Archdevil.

A succubus that started as a lowly lesser demon, can now toy with such power, to add insult to injury, she recently entered the Archdevil Rank, and it only took her a thousand years to reach this feat.

This may not look impressive on paper, but one must realize this land is isolated from the surface, the mana here is sparse unless you're an existence of Law, it would be a hundred times more difficult to increase one's rank.

Due to this reason, those sealed here find it difficult to escape, added to the affinity differences, even a law existence would have some trouble, the entire place is shrouded in darkness.

The voices became less with every passing minute.

Alika's relentless cleansing spread throughout the plane.

Those who remain were given two options: Eternal Servitude or Death

"Hehe, you have gotten senile Birger, check all you want…Not a drop of blood remains. Aah, I can feel it, there's something beyond here and it's calling to me!" Alika sat on a mountain of corpses, as she casually drank from a skull chalice, not a care in the world.

'I who was born out of desire, shall not be shackled to this prism!'

Her indifference to life, as she watches the sky crumble, added to her otherworldly charms, a beauty that put all lifeforms to shame.

If you were to ask any demon who they would like to spend the rest of their life with? They would all say, Ula.

However, if you were to ask them, why not Alika? they wouldn't know how to respond. Not because they're blind, but this woman exudes an aura that screams forbidden fruit.

A beauty so deadly it should be a sin to lust after.

An existence that wasn't born from the love of a man and woman, but a strong desire to live.

All who see her can only bow in reverence, a truly odd situation considering she is a succubus known for their lustful tendencies, but no one dares…to the point, that she was adopted by Modeus' deceased brother.

A man is known for his cruel treatment of lesser demons actually took in a woman of unknown origin as his daughter, not once did he lay hands upon her.

This beauty has finally done the unthinkable, plunging the entire realm into chaos just to see what lies beyond the darkness.

"If only you had bent the knee sooner Yidegard, you wouldn't be in such a miserable state. Did you actually think these geezers stood a chance against me? You bet on fools, the lots of them. Always discussing rubbish, where are they now?" the schadenfreude from every word could be felt.


"Lady Alika, please spare my clan, I'm willing to bend the knee." The blood-soaked, crushed limbs giant could barely stand without the support of his comrade

"Humph, feast on him Numu!'' A black entity slithered its way, all within Numu's path were sent flying, and the vicious act commenced.

Numu attacks pierce Yidegard's flesh, " I'm going to strip you of that skin, I always wanted to taste an Eldritch Giant's flesh." the cackling grew louder as his jaw chomped down.


"Stop it…Stop it, I say! You damn fiend!" The hoarse voice of Ula was silenced.

Bard forcefully pins her to the ground. "Stop moving, Our Lady is pondering, lest your mouth is removed, I'll hate to see that!" Bard couldn't help cackling.

The intense pain became unbearable with each second.

" Arghhhhh, make it stop…" Yidegard's bone-chilling plead, cause the remaining clan leaders to rethink any rebellious action.

"Oh, you're no fun…suffer a little more. Your screams are soothing to my ears!" Alika couldn't help smiling as the crack in the sky grew.

The warmth seeped into the land bathing her body.

'Ooh, what's this warm feeling against my cheek?'

Those below were frightened by the sudden light, some hid their eyes away, while others stretch out their hands.

'Such strange warmth' they didn't know what it was, but this feeling wasn't bad, it hurt a little when they look directly, their eyes has become accustomed to the dark, and the dim light on the planet pales in comparison.

The sound of wailing continued, with each passing second Yidegard's marrows became exposed

"Numu stand down!" said Alika

"Understood, Milady!" Numu quickly retreated to the side, with pieces of flesh hanging from his lips.

"Yidegard, Yidegard… whatever shall I do with you… I know, let's see, the archive did mention an interesting secret concerning you… that innate ability of yours is quite useful, so hand it over before I change my mind!" said Alika

A sigh of relief escaped Ula when she saw her brother's suffering had stopped.

Without warning, Yidegard found his half-dead body before Alika, none of his companions could stop it.

A few minutes later, " It's done, your talents are now mine, and my death is now yours….Ji Ji Ji" A cruel laughter rang out.


Alika threw the lifeless body of Yidegard towards the bloody Archdevil Aldric.

"Ui, I have always thought highly of you and Ula, if you both bent the knees… I'll spare your life!"

"You won't get away with this, you're nothing but delusional if you think the Council wouldn't punish you.

My brother submitted as the law of our land, you're not permitted to take his life, so why did you kill him…WHY…WHY?" Ula couldn't contain her rage, as she fought to be free from Bard's grip

"Ji Ji Ji "

"Ji Ji Ji Ji"

"What's so funny?" shouted Ula


"Great Archdevil, Alika! I'm willing to submit to the Eternal Mother, may you show favor upon my lowly bloodline," said Ui the Tengu

"Good...good, I shall bestow upon you the honor of washing my feet, does that please you?" Her overbearing gaze landed on Ui, as he quickly bent the knee.

"Milady, favors are too much!" said Ui, he didn't know how to feel about it, but he dare not show any sign of unwillingness.

"Lucky dog, why him?" a few murmur here and there among those at the bottom.

"Did you say something?" said Alika


A quick-witted Satyr started a chant

"Long live the Eternal Mother!!!"

"Long live the Eternal Mother!!!"

"Long live the Eternal Mother!!!"

"Long live the Eternal Mother!!!"

The shout became louder

"Enough, I don't like the name. Do I look that old, you bastards? Anyone dares call me that again, I'll wipe your nine generations from the River of Time!"


"My sweet Ula, your beloved brother's last words, he asked me to take good care of you, so worry not. I shall keep my promise! Although you're rebellious, I'll forgive it! I'm not that petty.

After all, such rebellious behavior is only natural. However, punishment must be given, right?"

Those violet eyes of Alika were ever-changing, bordering madness, at the same time, you couldn't help be drawn knowing fully well, that once you mount this horse their no going back.


"Milady, how may this lowly one be of service?"

" I shall grant your wish, she is yours to do as you see fit, You shall become his wife, aren't you please? Go on, praise me, child…'' Alika reclines on her throne of corpses.

"You won't get away with this. I rather die than marry this gorilla.

As for you, Ui! I won't rest until I gut such a spineless scum. I can't believe it, I once thought highly of such a fool!"


No matter how much Ula struggled, she couldn't move. The overwhelming presence of Alika didn't permit disobedience.

She could only stay on all fours as Bard's imposing figure toyed with her rear.

The jealousy of those standing near became palatable, 'dammit if only I knew sooner then she would be mine' was the thought of most demons, all those who stood here were the cream of the crop.

A 108 Greater Demon, and 21 Demon Lord

After, Alika's cleansing not a single Lesser Demon remains, oddly enough there were 70 slaves trembling on the ground not daring to raise their heads, with such a lineup, they could establish their own Empire.

Ui's indifference to his ex-lover becoming a plaything said all Ula needed to know.

Such a scene isn't rare, the subterranean are even more vicious when it comes to might make right.

"Ooh, it seems the old fellows will arrive soon, those remaining you've chosen wisely, I shall spare your pathetic life, I do look forward to your amusing me from time to time. Aah, I almost forgot…Bard!" As she descends.

"Yes, Milady?" replied Bard, those large hands of his were just about to tear away Ula's pink kaftan.

" I change my mind…" said Alika


Before Bard could react, his heart lay bare in Alika's palm, "Ooh, such an interesting ability, Yidegard! Dimensional Door, I like it…hehe" Her grip tightens.

No matter how much Bard stretched his hand out, he could only take a few pitiful steps before keeling over.


"Why so shocked? Did you actually think I would forgive such indecent behavior and such blatant disregard for his Empress? Does he not deserve death?" said Alika


'It was you who permitted his action, what's an Empress, is that the title she wants us to call her?' The remaining clan didn't know what to say or how to feel…But they understood one thing.

'She's bat shit crazy!'

"Milady, forgive us for asking, what's an Empress? I have never heard such a word" said the imp, those in the surrounding still kneeling couldn't help looking up for an answer as well.

" Just remember it in your heart, the time hasn't come yet, so don't call me by such a name!"

"Oh, very well! Milady is right in killing such fool then!"

"This dog deserved to be flogged and hung!"

"Indeed, such a disgraceful act, deserved death by a thousand cuts"

" He had it coming!"


"Good..good, now all of you, scram!"

"Ula your body belongs to me, Only I can feast upon you, never forget as my appointed retainer!" said Alika.

Those around couldn't help feeling strange, 'Does she like women?'

With a wave of her hands, Ula was lifted off the ground.

The representative of each clan quickly ran out of her sight, fearing they might be caught in the upcoming battle.

Ula couldn't believe what she heard.

She had no time to think, her only wish, the Realm Protector to restore order.

Now she had to get as far from this madwoman as possible, but unknowingly to her, a mark was placed on her neck.

A heavy footstep draws near with each stomp caving in the ground.

"RUN, it's Lord Modeus!"

"Save us, Milord! I'm willing to fight by your side!"

The deathly wailing for help became louder, the land chard with bodies.

A large number of the horde still remain, but they were all under Alika's command. Now they were turned into chard meat by Birger

"Delicious, her lips are truly tasty. Damn baldy ruined my fun. Oh, he's here sooner than expected. Good…good, let's get this over with.

Wait, did I forget something? Aah, right! Aldric. Where did I put him, Eeh who cares, I can always find him afterward, can't have such a talented dog die…hehe" said Alika as she levitated towards the incoming palm.

Aldric has remained quiet, not by choice…His once venomous tongue was no more. As he hid behind debris, hoping that night wench would forget.

"Alika, you evil fiend, how could you do this…So many have lost their lives to transform our world, a paradise and you turned it into ruins, our prosperous land has become a river of blood. Why?" Said Modeus

"Enough, Modeus! I Won't forgive you if you don't take this seriously, I shall no longer use a cane, the hours of words have ended, come brat!" Birger could no longer hold in his anger, the once scrawny hunchback Realm Protector, grew at a rapid rate.

Transforming into an Ancient Giant, dwarfing Modeus and Alika with bulking muscle, the power that radiates absolute strength.

"Receive my palm of judgment!"

A sonic boomed that split the molecules, a hand large than life came into existence, all before its path turned to dust.