


All hail me

Albazar's POV

/"Let's kill her./"

/"No./" I countered and glanced at Kayana. /"We use her as leverage. Ted is a very powerful person in this city. His fame can be of great use to us. So we use his daughter as leverage./"

She smeared the oil on my back and massaged it gently. I released a sigh of relieve as her hands slowly squeezed my shoulder.

The basement was one with darkness and I couldn't even see my hands. Chilly air brushed past me once in a while and I was enjoying the feeling. Water leaked from cracks in the ceiling and they dripped to the cold concrete floor.

/"They await you./"

I nodded my head and grew out my wings. They brushed against the ceiling, towering above everything in the room.

/"Open the hole./"