
Chapter 2~ Leather Bound

It was dark, cold and I felt an Unknown pain enter me. It burns itself deep into my lungs as I ran, the only thing at this point that was keeping me going was the feeling of Jax's pulling me along. The sound of Nevaeh and, Grayson's deep breaths and, the possibility of full freedom. The sound of husky men in steel toes boots haunted us from behind. "Jax I...I can't go anymore, my chest feels like it is going to burst!" Grey said, as he stopped panting Nevaeh holding on to him. Jax let out a growling sound as he looked around. I could see him trying to find a way to safety he whispered, "Follow me." We all went panting and, trying our best to be quiet as we all kept through the dark building our minds racing as fast as our hearts were. We all waiting in the dark when Grayson whispered, "I think I am okay now." then in a flash, bang, something warm all over me. Nevaeh screamed and, Jax grabbed me. We were off again. I could hear Nevaeh screaming pleading for Grayson to wake up, the sound of it was getting awful but, it got weaker and weaker as we ran. I could hardly hear her now. I was numb thinking, processing. My breath was slowing down and, all I could do was think about my friend. What happened? Was she dead? Was he dead? What was that wet feeling on me? Why'd Jax leave them behind? How could he! Why would he? "STOP!" I shouted struggling in his arms. "JAX STOP!!" He finally listened to me and stopped. "We have to go back! What if they are hurt?" He let out a sigh and said very bluntly "They are dead. We have to keep going." Death was not something I was ready for, It was not something I planned on. It was fearful and, honestly it made me rethink everything. "Jax I don't know if this is such a good-" I was cut off by his hand it covered my mouth. He backed me up to a wall not understanding at 1st but, then I heard it the footsteps. The heavy stepping of steel-toed boots. I froze, not even daring to breath my heart beat even felt loud as we stood in the corner. A beeping sound then,a voice "South gate is it clear?" a pause and the man responded, "Yes sir they must have escaped to the outer perimeter." The first man responded back. "Roger, start searching in the woods." "10-4" The sound of the boots started up again now moving away from us. I bit his hand, Jax's hissed. "Wynter!" He shouted as he looked at me, I panted and whipped my mouth. "We can't leave them!" He shook his head and grabbed my hand. "This is not up for discussion. We have to leave them. They have already been taken or, they are already dead. Either way we have to go." It was all becoming real for me. We could die! Not a slow peaceful one but, a painful one. I began to shake the thought terrified me more than anything Jax rubbed the spine of my back. "I am going to get you out of here but, you have to trust me." Trust? trust? How could I trust anyone after the life I've lived? Always being cheated, lied to. Always being taken for granted. Always being used as someone else saving grace but, here he was a person who wanted to save me. How could I know for sure? I just nodded and once again we were off. Jax was dragging me through every inch of this place until finally, we came across a shimmer of light walking slowly to the light. My heart was pounding this was it the outside? To our surprise, the light got closer to us as well. I clung to Jax in fear as I watched the light get closer. "D-doctor Green?" I whispered, as I got a glimpse of her silvery blonde hair her defined lines and aged skin. I had known this woman all my life. She was one of the main doctors who took care of us and, explained to us all how we were saving the world.

Jax's body tensed up as he stood infront of me. "Green." he hissed as he glared at her. The Doc also narrowed her eyes. "I am not your enamy." She whispered as she motioned for us to follow her. Jax was wary but, I knew we couldn't wonder around anymore. So, we followed in silance. She suddenly stopped and let out a sigh as she clinched a leather bound book "For what it is worth I truly am sorry for everything." She handed over the book and then opened some hidden compartment. Jax helped me out and, my mind froze as I was engulfed with a feeling of wetness. It was diffrent then bathing it fell from the sky. "Rain?" I whispered and I looked up and there it was, the Moon. It was just as bight and, beautiful as jax had always told me. The smell it was wonderful as well I looked down and up and all around there it was everything he had told me aboout! Grass, Trees, everything. "Jax." I whispered out turning to him. There he was. He was tall much taller than me with raven hair and, green eyes. My heart felt like it had stopped completly. I just stared at him and he stared right back at me for the longest time. Then, I was lifted without warning. He lifted me from the ground and, spun me. "Wynter you are a red head! look at it all!" he said as he pulled me too barrying his face deep inside my firey locks "God you are so beautiful"He whispered his grip tightened. I could feel him smile "We did it" he whispered I was still in shock I squirmed out of his grim and looked up at him he had olive skin and deep dimples when he smiled "Jax" it was a short lived victroy as my meekness was dround out by the sounds of dogs barking. I was gripping Dr greens book and while my heart was filled with utter joy my mind was racing why would she help up Jax Grabed a hold of my hand "We have to go" He looked so serious now. However, I knew he was right we had to go but where "Jax where are we going"

He turned to me and smiled "Anywhere we damn well please"