
The Underground Palace

sedna has lived inside her cold palace for her whole life never knowing a world beyond those stone halls and carpeted floors.In.a world where the strong prey on the weak she has only been safe thanks to her mother being the qeen, but her life span is dwindling and fast, she can't protect herself from the demons surrounding her since they have never accepted her being only half demon. She heard about the surface where the humans live, where the other half of her being is from, can she rise up to the challenge of being strong enough and sitting at the top of the food chain or just take the outstrached hand and follow it to the light and abandon all she has ever known and lived for.

Mtende_Msukwa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

chapter 1

Sedna held her head high as she manuvered around the cold dreary halls she has called home for as long as she can remember, the halls were cold as always with obsidian pillars holding up the high celling, floors covered with a thick blood red carpet and fire crystals on both sides of a pillar to provide a little visibility but not enough light to see cleary, it didnt matter since all the inhabitant of the place prefered the dark and those crystals were for use alone since she was born with a weaker body than others of her kind as to why that was so, nobody dared say it to her face in fear of her mother but she heard the whispers nontheless, but she couldn't care less.

When she came out of her thoughts she had already reached her destination, the throne room and could already here the voices from inside, some aguing, some sounded excited while others where just mattering amongst eachother. The room fell silent all of a sudden and she could only guise that her mother had arrived, they were three entrances into the throne room, one from the back of the throne where she was at, the second led to outside the palace and the last to the courtyard.

She quickly opened the door and entered standing at the side of her mothers throne waiting for her, her mother liked it when everyone was already there and waiting for her not the other way round.

Sedna looked up as her mother entered the hall adorned in a gown of black and white silks, she was a very beautiful woman with hair as black as ink while her skin was as white as paper, it was an odd mixture but balanced it out were her saphire eyes which had gold specks scattered in them that Sedna inherited and an hourglass figure.

The entire hall went silent and she crossed the hall climbing up the small flight of stairs to get to her throne which resembled a flower that sedna did not know but was told that it was called a blood tiger lily. The throne was like an opened flower with a gold center for the sit and the petals as red as fresh blood with gold edges.

Her mother a.k.a the qeen looked at her, hummed in distate or approval?, she didn't know since 90% of the time she acted indifferent to everything so it was hard knowing whether she approved of something from just a glance or a sound she made.

"mother," Sedna gave a short bow in show of respect when her mother sat down.

" your Ladyship," followed the voices of the other demons in the hall.

"hmm," was the only response they got, but no one was complaining, it meant she was in a cool mood because when she got too wordy it spelled danger and you had to be careful of what you say.

"my lady, new batch has arrived," a goat like demon came forth and said.

The room broke out into excited mummers, the batch the goat demon spoke of was humans, most of them ended up here by being caught while others sacrificed as a piece offering, truly a pity. When they reach here they are left to the noble demons to choose the ones they like to be thier toys or whatever they wish for them to become, whether they live or die, no one cares. The remaining number is divided into the strong and the weak, the weak end up in the Kitchen and not to become cooks but to be cooked while the strong are a bit better off, the becomes servants in the palace until the next batch arrives to replace them then they join their friends in the kitchen to be eaten. This is done because though the qeen is a demon, she doesn't like having too many demons around her since she sees them as untrustworthy and a danger to her safety, not that she trusts humans, thats why she kills them off after they served for a year around the time the new batch arrives which is once every year.

"bring then in," it was sedna who gave the reply knowing her mom would stay silent. She was now seated on her own throne which was to the right from her mothers, her was completely different from her mothers throne, first , it was a bit smaller in size, it was the same flower but her's was a pure white with a saphire centre seat and electric blue edges and veins, why her mother made it that way she didn't know but she liked it very much, she was never a fan of depressing colours and styles like the others.

Clattering of chains and dragging feet, where the sounds that always followed the the shackled humans as they entered.