

Samson_Bike · Fantasia
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2 Chs


I'm Jeffry Tafara Musonza or maybe you can prefer calling me 'J.T' which I know many prefer calling me .I'm 33 and surprisingly single_never been attracted to any woman in my life.The only two women I know I've grown to love would only be my mom_who's been there for me always_single-handedly brought me up after my 'so called' Dad_Edison Musonza_whom I've never even set my eyes on ,abandoned me before I even saw my first light of life.Aunt Diana who's has been our caretaker maid ever since I was 10 ,gave a hand and so she's got a a hand behind where I am now .


Being a sucker for adventure and an obsessively driven lad in-terms of exploring every inch of every magnificent wonder ,I found myself settled in the shores of one of the highly ranked man-made wonders in Africa-Lake Kariba ,bought a lease apartment in Light-side_and now I can say that ,I've temporarily relocated here.

As more like my second hand men ,my friends Collins and Jack followed me, afraid to separate from me and they,as well found somewhere to temporarily call theirs in the near neighborhood just a few houses from where I am.


As a bonded trio or so to say_as a Brother-coded trio we've been trying different types of local restaurants and today we are at a new one in town,Lake View Hut which is very very close to the shores of the Lake.It's insight perfectly displays a breathtaking view of the ascending and descending water waves_with the air quite breezy and nice; whilst the sun is just too good for a summer season like this.

I couldn't stop myself from admiring the scene and I was really trying very hard to suppress the obsessive admiration to myself, but I literary failed:

"This place is so cool guys...uuuh!...",I said letting in the moisty air leaning closer to the window view opening and a steady gush of few wetty air splashed on me

"Yeah right!...",The two agreed to my assertion at once

"It's really a very choiceworth place to be", Jack added

" No doubt,it's a nice place...but I think it would have been more than cool_if you were to have your perfect person by your side,isn't it Jack...",The despicable Collins had to add some sugar to the discussion and if my instincts were right,he was really pushing the issue somewhere

"You're definitely right there!,my guy_this is really! a perfect romantic place to be,imagine making love at such a scene humm...(mummers a lust filled exclamation)...it would definitely be a memorably tagged experience_ with the passionate kisses,the cuddling and not forgetting the hierarchy act of the matter...huuhmm!(cleared his throat)...you know..."

"Hahaha! ,I gat you there my guy...you know, I really pity those who are single coz there will never have the chance to experience such lovely moments and to think that we have one of them here_it really burns me to the core for sure ...", said Collins and it was now quite revealed to me that he was so trying to intimidate me

"Collins!!...",I snapped warningly "don't you dare!... try me"

"Hey!...you better stop screaming my name_I never mentioned anyone's name here,did I?....or are you saying every 'someone' mentioned here is you???"

"Even if it's you",Jack backed "Is that not supposed to be an eye opener to you?' " let's look at it this way_how old are you ....humm!!??...@33 no girlfriend no what_not to talk of even a goblin as a spiritual companion,do you think you will remain this young and fresh forever?..."

"Tell him! Jack...tell him!.He surely thinks,he's not aging...",Collins sneered, "He's throwing his youth into the gutter for nothing...as for me l'm just waiting for the day when the clock will start ticking_then,he will be regretting wasting this period of his life...you will see soon..."

"Stop battering baseless affirmations my guy,I don't want you to be gracefully embarrassed when fate proves you wrong",l replied defensively"To me_it's even better to spent the rest of my life in bachelorhood,other than being enveloped in affairs with the proud harlots,gold diggers and daughters of Lucifer of this country,I don't want to end up like any of you_who brag to be in relationships while you are in 'exchange-ship' relations where you will be spending to an extent of giving _almost all your fortune just for the sake of 'going behind the sheets', "To be practical_Cole!...do you think you can settle with someone like Melinda??...If it was what you thought,you better reconsinder your thoughts my guy!_you are surely deceiving yourself...what about the wild uncultured Linda of yours Jack...

"Hey!!...don't you dare call my girlfriend uncultured!!",he warned "She might be whatever you think she is_but still she's my girfriend_I won't allow you to insult her in my face...."

"Wow!...so what they say is true_Love is truly blind...like 'grasshopper blinded', for sure..." I said in between giggling

"Let it be blind_is it you!"

"Thank God_I've never been in love hahaha!..."

"Oh!...so you want to remain like a an eagle egg_born single_you'll die single"

"I can take that", I firmly bosted with my bachelorhood

" Oh! stupid boy_do you know how single people are buried???_alongside their lovely companion.Do you know what that is??..."

"Not interested!"

"Even if you are not_that won't stop me from telling you that you will be buried alongside a 'stingy and 'dirty 'looking rat'....oooh! so disgusting bro"

"Better!...than you...", I said with a smick

"Look at him_he's not even ashamed of himself..."

"Why should I?..."

"You are asking us why_don't you know you are the only contemplate heir of the Musonzas_the one and only son_their only available hope for the next generation.There_you don't even have plans of settling down_do you want to just end your family lineage just like that_like for real!"

"I was never part of that family_so how I live_has no connection to them_single or not single_I will live my life the way I feel.They never cared about me and so; I don't care a damm about any of them too.In fact I'm thinking of changing that surname to mother's_Jeffry Jackson' is far better and stylish than 'Musonza and I think that can act as an perfect clarity that I don't have and I will never have a father other than,Maurene Jackson_who's both a father and a mother figure to me'"

"How long will you continue piling on the hurt on your father for what he did to your mother.Yes he may have wronged you both_but is it not wise to try to hear his other side of the story?_you know!,there might be exaggeration somewhere_stories can be transformed and changed_it's wise to look in all possible angles..."

"There's no justification for what that heartless man did and if in any way I come across his walking skul,I won't hesitate a bit_to kill him..."

Jack was really freshening my wounds.I had long buried every thought about that ruthless fellow after I learnt that he left me and my mom for one_ *she devil*_former friend to mom.According to Mom_rumours said that the extra marital affair between Eddy and 'the lady'_Yolanda Frank_began the five years into the marriage.

Mom had difficulties conceiving and her in-laws were now complaining saying that;she was barren.They gave Eddy so much pressure that he failes to defend his wife any longer so he thought of other possible plans outside.It would have been better if he had gone for some stranger_not someone as close and trustworthy to mom as Yolanda.Her childhood friend_her beloved bestie, betrayed her.Mom was hurt and devasted.She came to discover the truth about her husband's extra marital game in the seventh year.That same time she found out that she was now pregnant with me.That came as a miraculous relief to her and she hoped that her husband was now going to come back to her as she now carried his seed in her womb.*She was deceiving herself*.

The night she told him_marked a very deep scar in her heart as he labeled her 'immoral' that night.I remember her recounting the convictional verdict that came out from his mouth in tears and I could even imagine her all teary face when he said :

'Maurene! you're a *hoe*_a heartless one in that matter.You made me believe I had a problem for seven good years_deceiving me whilst you took contraceptives behind my back_look what is this',he fished a hidden package beneath the wardrobe and when he shook it ,few bundles of pills fell on the ground

"To be honest my love...I...I don't know anything about this_I've never used them in my life...I...I don't know....", Maurene said in between sobs

" Don't! you dare try to deceive me with your crocodile tears_These pills have been taken_look at this one",Showing her one bundle that was left with only three pills "Does that fit with to your denial"

"I'm telling you the truth my love_I never took any pills...", Reaching for his shoulder "Don't you dare!...touch me...and don't ever, in your life call me your love...I can never continue being with someone as filthy as you_you disgust me Maurene"

"E!....." "Don't!.... you dare!!!!",he hissed before she even finished what she wanted to say " You're a disgrace to womanhood and I don't intend to stay with you any longer_I'm leaving_go and deliver that animal to his father_because your plan of wanting me to father a bastard_has failed

"He's still your father Jeff,remember?..."

"He denied my paternity,which means he's not...I'm even wondering how and why, I'm still using his surname"

"There might be a way through this Jeff..."

"There's none_he's not my father and I've never wished to be his father anyway!,so we cool like that"

"But!..." "No but,! Jack... ,I think_this issue has to end here_or else, I will take you as a thorn in my flesh_you know_I hate irritation"

"Ummm!...", that's what Jack only managed to say...