
The Undead City

The zombie apocalypse rises due to the evolution of a virus kept from the public. High school student Riviann encounters one of the infected on her way to school. She runs as fast as she can to take shelter. Her supply of food soon dwindles so she walks to the closest city in search of new shelter and food. However while in the city she bumps into a group of people that could help her survive till the end. (Every Monday)

Rachael_P · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter Two

I woke up this morning hungry, as usual, and in need of food. The only thing left in this house was that bag of chips, so I need to find something more. I lift my backpack onto my shoulder and walk in the street, staying far away from the infected, which is what I've started calling them. I walked for a long while until I found a gas station, the place was a mess and there wasn't much left. I looked around and found some sweet buns, the type with enough preservatives to last a century, and a pack of beef jerky. As I was about to leave, I kicked the leg of a chair on accident and one whole self started tiling.

"No no no no no!" I whisper yelled at myself.

The crash was loud because, of course, I kicked over the only shelf full of glass bottles. I heard the screaming start and I crept over to the wall to try to stay hidden. Hopefully their bad eyesight will aid me. I covered my mouth with my hands as about ten of them entered the store, it was dead quite, the only sound was of the things on the floor shuffling from them walking by and my own heartbeat thumping in my ears. One of them started walking closer to where I was hiding in the corner. I stood as still as possible, he was ten feet away now, and I shut my eyes tightly. Please not today I have so much more to do. I don't want to die, not yet, not now. I didn't know how close it was, but I didn't dare open my eyes. Then I heard the alarm going off again and I heard the infected that were in the store run out gurgling. I opened my eyes to an empty store, no sign that they were ever here. I wonder why the alarm went off again today, since I heard it yesterday when I was hiding out in the new building I was in. When I walked to find another shelter I had heard it.

I walk out the store and, as I'm about to head back, I hear a large crash like the sound of glass breaking. I walked towards it carefully but I didn't see anyone. Before I left my first hideout I found a broken wood plank to take with me. I held it tightly as I approached the building.

"Hey!" I hear a male voice yell angrily.

I run up there and I see an infected right in front of the man sitting on the ground, before I could go to help him, another man runs it holding a bat. The man with the bat swings so hard the creature got an indent in the side of its head. The man who was being attacked stands staring at me.

"What is it?" The man with the bat asks the other one before turning and seeing me, "who are you?"

"Foland, I don't think we have time for that. The alarm is about to set off. Miss, are you ok? You're not infected, are you?"

I shake my head. The one I think is named Foland whispers to the blond haired one. They both seem to be around my age. They jog out of the building and Foland grabs my hand and starts to run with the other man behind us.

"Where are we going?" I am startled by the quickness of their escapade.

"Back to the shelter before the alarm turns off," the man with blond hair says.

After a couple minutes of running we slow down to a walk and approach a brick building. The boy with blond haired runs into and brings back another one with copper colored hair. What is going on and why are there so many of them.

"So do you know-?"

"Shush." Foland says.

I don't know why he needed to cut me off like that, if he was only trying to stay quiet. I look back up at him and I can see him mouth word out to the others followed with hand movements.

"We have two minutes to get back" he mouths to the others showing a two on his fingers.

"That's not enough time to make it all the way." The blond one responds.

"What are we standing around here for then?" The copper haired one asks, "let's start running"

"Even if we do run, the sound of the gate will get their attention." Foland informs them.

"Well let them, as long as they don't get in we don't have a problem." Says copper hair.

"I don't know if that's-" Folands answer was interrupted by him again.

"I am not sleeping out here,"

"Fine lets go".

We walked and before we could get there, the siren deactivated. It took 5 minutes till we got to their "safe building". I could tell that the copper haired boy was confused by my presence. Soon we showed up in front of a huge school building. The blond haired boy as quietly as possible undid the lock on the gate.

"Get ready to run," the copper haired boy whispered to me.

Then the blond one pulled the gate open quickly and it makes a loud screech. Foland pulled me along running through the gate. The blond haired boy closed and locked it as fast as possible after the copper haired boy made it in. Then about 20 infected started running up to the gate. They screamed and scratched at the gate, some forcing their arms through the holes. The holes ripped the flesh off the arms of the ones that did.

"Hurry," Foland said, I turned my attention back to him and followed the group into the school building.