
The uncraked mystery: love between the forbidden being and human

His father is a creature of the night who is known for controlling shadow and also a master controller of the night. As for his mother, she was the sole savior of a race that chose their destruction. The main connection to the moon and the stars. A creature that is said to be a celestial body. The primal wolf. He is a forbidden said from the forbidden love of the celestial being and the devil. In other words, the devil and the fairy, are two distinguishable creatures that are day and night. He is an abomination. As for her, she was a normal human. A high-ranked military officer. Is she? Actually she is the successor of that organization. Which organization is that? Find out in the novel. The weak but tricky strings of love interweave their fate together. The string looks weak but it could not be broken. She was actually on a special mission but due to these weak strings, she had to forget the mission and nourish the string of love interwoven between them. Escaping from love is an impossible thing. In their journey of love, he was also investigating what led to his parent's death and found out that it was the organization his father came from which is also the organisation the lady from. He did not know that the lady was actually from the organization but the lady knew the story concerning his parent death and in a way, she was indirectly involved. The ordered string of love just got super messy right? Faced with options that do not favor her, will she choose to abandon him? Will she choose to complete the mission that will endanger him? Or will she choose to join him out of love and fight the organization that was her root? Will they choose to run away? Well running away was not an option because their decision would lead to the fate of an entire planet full of their loved ones. They say love can conquer all obstacles. Is it true or are the obstacles they are just talking about not actual obstacles but just challenges? This novel is on another dimension of love. An emotion-stirring masterpiece which different unique ideas and creations have been carefully interwoven along with the unending weak strings of love. This novel is made to revolutionize and bring out another dimension of a werewolf's love. A masterpiece that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats while making them crave more. Read now........... ****************************************

Onyeamah_Deborah_0662 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

chapter Five

As time went by, these werewolves continued to live with the curse the guardian placed on them. Years passed and their lives got worse. But there was one thing, the curse made them reunite again because of enemies. The guardian was the only one protecting them from enemies before but after it left them, enemies started to chase after them.

Years of fighting and running passed, and the elegant race was reduced to trash but a guardian was still a guardian. Mother Moon decided to forgive them and support them again so she decided to tell them through a vision that she would send a part of herself to save them. She will separate a part of her and give it consciousness, then send it to them. This part of her will be able to harness the power of the moon and stars and continue to get stronger because it will have no limit. It will absorb astral power to further its evolution until it becomes a celestial body itself.

The prophecy held on for years until the alpha died and another alpha took its place. The alpha that succeeded in its position was a very cruel and selfish one who could do anything for power. The alpha convinced them that no one was coming to save them again and if they didn't do something they would die. The wolf believed this because their faith was already waning before. They thought the guardian had already left them because the alleged savior did not come and war was knocking on their door. They could get destroyed by this war if it catches up to them. They decided to turn to the other side, The mother moon could not stop them again, but she already sent a savior that was yet to be born.

The agents of the dark saw this and they decided to take hold of the unborn savior. They went to the wolves and gave them power but the wolves signed a pact of being their slave. That was how the wolves started to harness the dark power and turned towards a part that would lead to their destruction. The guardian seeing this decided to save the unborn child by creating a more powerful race called......….


"Grandpa I'm back," Lucas said as he bowed slightly towards the old man.

"Great come and sit here," Tiger said as he pointed to a blank space beside him. Lucas walked and sat beside his grandpa. The other two also looked for a seat and sat down.

"How is New York" Tiger asked with an adoring gaze. If anyone was here apart from the family, they would be surprised because this was a fearsome man in both the underworld and the business world.

"It is good," He said.

"If you still can't adapt, you can come back to the mansion for sometimes,," Tiger said.

"Grandpa don't worry I can handle it, We have to create a fearsome image apart from you, the underworld knows that you're already reaching the end of your lifespan. They are waiting for the day you will die to subdue Lycan and the business to wane over the years because you are gone even though it is not much" Lucas said. The whole room turned gloomy.

"At least if you won't drink my blood, you have to die with peace of mind, I will bring Johnson to the light again," He said. Tiger sighed sadly and patted his back.

"Thank you, my grandson," Tiger told him while tears were already forming on his face.

"My first set of projects finished, I just need to take charge and we will rise again hardware company will be able to take a huge leap forward so I will just have time to finish my software. Grandpa, just sit down you will see it" He said

"I trust you, What about the software, How far has it gone" Tiger asked.

"Don't worry, the conference in a month will still hold on, I will soon complete it" He said.

"Thank you for deciding to take on this mantle even though it is not your responsibility, You could have probably chosen your dream," Tiger said with emotion.

"Don't worry Grandpa, it's just a twenty-year course and after that, I can pursue my dreams. I can live eternally remember" He said.

"The only wish I have is for you to live here with me forever Grandpa, If you still change your mind I can do it," He said as claws suddenly grew from his hand.

"You are stubborn," Tiger said as he sighed helplessly.

"We are both stubborn, I took the attitude from you and that's what keeps us going" He answered.

"I've made up my mind and I won't change it, Living eternally is not cool, you will have to live a boring life while the people you love will have to die," Tiger said. Lucas's face turned gloomy.

"Well, let's keep all depressing stuff behind us and talk about business, Peter How has the underworld been going" Tiger asked in an attempt to change the topic and it looked as if it worked. Peter's eyes brightened the moment he said that

"Nothing much, but the other faction has started to make a suspicious move and an internal argument has already started. Some have already started to give the idea that we should join another faction. Should we..." Peter said.

"No let it continue will stay by our sides, and the other faction will not make a move until I die and after I die if they dare to make a move, then my grandson here will decimate them," Tiger said with confidence.

"Grandpa I want to spar with him to see if he still has the power he has or if mingling with the world has reduced his ferocity," Peter said while looking at Lucifer mockingly as he said the last part.

"Me and you know that you can never beat him," Tiger said.

"But let's see if I have made any improvement from last time to see if I still have a chance to make him transform," Peter said.

 "And this time let me and Lucifer gang up against him," Peter said. Lucifer wanted to object but,


"Accepted" Tiger accepted as he gave a smile.

"Let's see how far Lucifer can also go," The old man said

"I've gotten stronger, I just achieved a breakthrough after I got to New York," Lucas said.

"Let's see"