
The Unconventional Love

This novel is named 'the unconventional love' for the reason because everything in this novel goes contrary to what happens in a normal love story. Through twist and turns, ups and downs the bad boy of the school makes an adventurous journey towards the love of his life. Adrian Rains, son of the muti-millionaire Mr. Rains is a cold and hostile person with no friends. Though multiple girls drool over him, he has never shown interest in any girl.... until the right one comes by. The girl, unlike every other feels nothing for him more than a friend. She already has a boyfriend, Winston and a best friend Abby. Jennifer also belongs to a very rich family and she is kind hearted, soft and polite to everyone. Through their high school years, they both go through a lot making their bond stronger every second and finally let's see what they achieve on this love road.

Aayushi_Sharma_2878 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

Chapter 79 - Conversation

"Jennifer, listen to me. Don't get scared. Don't disconnect the call. Let me hear what's happening. If he tried to threaten you or hurt you just say "101" I'll understand that you need our help. Just for prevention, I already ordered Joseph and two others to go. They'll be waiting outside your home." Adrian said with a thumping heart. He was so nervous like a student whose results were going to be out any moment now.

"Don't speak anymore. Dad's here." Jennifer said as she heard the door knob turning. She hurriedly shoved her phone in her pocket and stood up to reach for a glass of water on the bedside table. When Mr. Williams entered the room, Jennifer was chugging down water to drown her nervousness. He came inside her room and sat on her bed, with his legs crossed. He patted a place beside him, motioning Jennifer to sit beside him.

Till here everything seemed pretty calm and thoroughly planned. Jennifer followed the instructions of her father and sat near him. Mr. Williams turned to her and said, "Can I hug you?" Jennifer was on shock with the kind of conversation that had started between them. She expected something more aggressive or violent maybe.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you were gone but no matter what you do, your parents will always love you and miss you when you are gone." Mr. Williams said. Jennifer instantly wrapped her arms around her father. She was smiling widely. "Dad, you had no idea how much I missed you." She said. It felt just like old times when she as happy with her dad and mom.

"Where's mom? When can I see her?" Jennifer asked pulling away. Mr. Williams' face stiffened. "You can't see her." His voice was back to being firm and unfaltering. "Why?" Jennifer asked. Now this was the part where she messes up the conversation. "Because I can't let a selfish and immature child who puts her needs before her family's go anywhere near her. She's too critical to let you be near her." Mr. Williams was back to being the angry dad Jennifer had expected.

"Dad, what are you saying? I'm not selfish and immature." Jennifer said and instantly regretted. She knew better than to argue with her dad, today. "Jennifer, mind your tone. You're talking with me." Mr. Williams' said as he caught her arm a bit too strongly. Jennifer hissed. Adrian's heart sank at the sound of Jennifer hissing. He wanted to speak something but he didn't know what to do. He couldn't talk to her. If Mr. Williams discovered that the phone was on he would get more furious.

"Dad, leave me. It hurts." Jennifer whimpered. Mr. Williams left her arm instantly leaving Jennifer shocked. "Dad, what happened?" Jennifer asked as she noticed something was wrong in her father's eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Mr. Williams said. "Dad, something's troubling you. Isn't it?" Jennifer said as she held her father's hands. "Well, since you were gone and you're mom was in the hospital. I had some time to think about our relationship for the past few months. The anger, the hatred. It wasn't there previously. What changed? I thought a lot and came to a few conclusions. Before I tell you about them, you need to answer a few questions of mine." Mr. Williams said.

"Okay. Say it." Jennifer was ready for what was to come. What was the worst possibility? He might ask about Adrian. Jennifer knew that he was going to bring it up sooner or later. Better now than ever. Adrian was listening her. She could call for help. "Are you seriously in love with Adrian?" As expected! The first question was about Adrian.

"Yes dad. I'm in love with Adrian, more than all the nights and days. Deeper than the ocean and skies. I love him so badly that it feels like a void to be separated from him like – like a piece of me is left with him." Jennifer was sure her voice would start cracking if she spoke anymore so she became quiet. She wasn't planning on crying in front of her dad.

Adrian was so touched with this answer. He was listening to their conversation with the phone on speaker. Kaleb was sitting next to him and even Kaleb was so moved by the love Jennifer poured into her voice when she spoke of him. What's true love if not this? Kaleb looked by right at Adrian and told him that he had the best girlfriend ever and that he would be a fool to let her go so easily. Adrian totally agreed.

"So that means I would have hurt you very badly when I told him to break up with you." Mr. Williams next question was trickier than the one before. But Jennifer decided to answer every question honestly. Since, she was having this conversation with her father, why not have it heart to heart? It had to be done somewhere along the line.

"Yes dad. You hurt me so much. Almost broke me but even in this situation, Adrian gave a reason to stay strong. A reason to climb the bus and get home rather than jump in front of it." Jennifer replied. Kaleb was now jumping up and down his chair. He mouthed "I'm going to steal your girl soon!" to earn a death glare from Adrian. "Can you forgive me for that?" Mr. Williams' voice was suddenly apologetic. What was happening? His switch was really unstable today. His moods changed with every breath.

"Yes dad. Because you are my father and what ever you do, I'll always love you." Jennifer said. "So that means that the bitterness is behind her?" Mr. Williams asked. "Yeah dad." Jennifer replied as she hugged her father again. "Such an innocent soul! What did I do deserve her?" Adrian thought to himself. "Her father broke her so much and yet she loves him. She is kind and capable of forgiveness. She is strong and yet loving at the same time."