
The Unconventional Love

This novel is named 'the unconventional love' for the reason because everything in this novel goes contrary to what happens in a normal love story. Through twist and turns, ups and downs the bad boy of the school makes an adventurous journey towards the love of his life. Adrian Rains, son of the muti-millionaire Mr. Rains is a cold and hostile person with no friends. Though multiple girls drool over him, he has never shown interest in any girl.... until the right one comes by. The girl, unlike every other feels nothing for him more than a friend. She already has a boyfriend, Winston and a best friend Abby. Jennifer also belongs to a very rich family and she is kind hearted, soft and polite to everyone. Through their high school years, they both go through a lot making their bond stronger every second and finally let's see what they achieve on this love road.

Aayushi_Sharma_2878 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

Chapter 102 - Ready!

"I'm ready." Jennifer finally said after 15 minutes when Adrian refused to tell her anything at all. "Dress whatever you want but just know, that it's going to be special for you." This was all he said like how is she supposed to dress with this? So she just gave up and wore a loose fitting shirt with ripped jeans. If this was out of place, Adrian would pay for it.

Jennifer and Adrian called James in her room because of they went outside the servants would know that they are gone. So before leaving Jennifer just called a maid and said, "My head is hurting a lot. So I don't want anybody to enter my room until I leave my room myself." The maid bowed accepting it but then looked at Adrian and James as to thinking what they were doing inside her room.

Jennifer understood this and said, "Umm.. Adrian and James, will you please leave as well. I'm tired." Adrian and James understood the trick. "Yeah! Sure. We were about to leave anyways." James said as he pulled Adrian off the bed and dragged him all along the corridor to reach their room. Just as James closed the door behind them, Adrian's phone buzzed up. He checked it to see a text from Jennifer.

"Meet me at the fence James broke."

"Are you going to sneak out alone? Don't you need any help?"

"I'll tell you if I need any."

Adrian huffed as he looked at James. "You ready?" he asked and James nodded. Adrian and James opened their window and sneaked outside to reach the wooden fence. They waited for Jennifer but she didn't come. After a few minutes, Adrian got restless. He texted Jennifer, "Where are you?" Jennifer saw the message and replied with a video call. When Adrian picked up he saw Jennifer was still standing on her window.

"What are you doing? Get down before someone sees you." Adrian whispered in the phone. "I can't. I'm scared of heights. Adrian please pick me up!" Jennifer's little wobbly voice from the other end made Adrian and James burst out laughing. The girlfriend of the biggest mafia boss scared to jump out of the window. "And here you were, trying to add her into the den." James spoke but Adrian but the call immediately so that Jennifer couldn't hear anything.

He smacked the back of James' head. "You dumb? She almost heard it!" Adrian said. "Now let's go and bring her down or she will be stuck in that window forever." James laughed. Adrian gave him a death glare. "Don't you dare make fun of my girl. I'm going to beat you up." James just laughed all along the way until they reached the bottom of the window to see a scared Jennifer hugging the window sill.

"Adrian, please help me." She begged. "Close your eyes and jump. I'll catch you. I promise just trust me." Adrian said. "I trust you but I will not jump from here. Not at all. I will die of a heart attack " Jennifer wobbled. Adrian again motioned Jennifer to jump and opened his arms right under the window so that she would trust him enough to jump. Jennifer shook his head vigorously. "I'm not coming. Adrian you know what? Let's just cancel the gift. I don't need any gift." Jennifer took a step back from the window.

"Jennifer come down. I promise you won't get hurt." Adrian tried persuading Jennifer. After 15 minutes Jennifer finally decided to trust him. She hooked one leg over the window and then closed her eyes as she pushed from the other leg feeling the window sill go away from her grasp. She pursed her lips thin enough to make sure she wouldn't scream in horror. Almost instantly, Jennifer felt Adrian's arms wrapped around him.

She opened her eyes to see that Adrian had caught her bridal style. Their eyes connected and both of them melted instantly. "Let's go!" James said and he just dragged Adrian behind him ho was holding Jennifer in his arms. "Put me down!" Jennifer said after a few seconds but instead Adrian just carried her to the car and placed her in the back seat. He rode shotgun and James volunteered to drive.

"Where are we going?" Jennifer asked a few minutes later. This reminded Adrian. Oh! He forgot! He got a blindfold and put it on Jennifer's eyes. "At least let me see. I'll get hurt." Jennifer whined. A drive of 15 more minutes and Jennifer felt the car stop. "Are we there?" she asked in anticipation. "Yes!" Jennifer could feel the excitement in Adrian's voice. Slowly, the door opened. Adrian took her hand and led her to step out of the car.

Jennifer stepped out as the wind kissed her face. She smiled at the familiar scent of coffee that reached her nose. "Are we at a coffee shop?" she asked Adrian, very excited to see where she was. Adrian placed himself in front of Jennifer as he led her inside. He didn't want her to get hurt or trip. James took a lead and went forward to put in the password to reveal the secret door of the den. Carefully enough, Adrian entered the main hall with Jennifer.

Every single one member of the den was present there. When he opened the door, he told them all to go silent by putting his finger on his lips and then reveled Jennifer who was blindfolded. Everyone stood up and bowed silently and then took their seats again. As Jennifer felt Adrian slow down, she asked him, "Are we there yet?" Jennifer was making excited noises like a baby waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas. She was so excited to see Adrian's gift.

"What have you planned? Babe!" Jennifer said squeezing out different reactions from each member. Some were shocked. Some were happy that Adrian and Jennifer were back together. Some had their mouth open. Hannah and Anna even let out a quiet giggle. Sandra gasped and Joseph, well his reaction was out of the world. He straight up stood in the air and began dancing. Floss! My favorite dance move. Sandra joined with a twerk.